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2025 OHCE State Leader Lessons

  • Yes, OHCE is STEM! Gina Peek
  • Nutrition and Physical Activity for Brain Health, Janice Hermann


2025 OHCE District Leader Lessons

  • How Walkable is Your Community? Megan Monteith and Kelsey Ratcliff
  • Working with Food Pantries for Community Health, Tammy Perry

Archived Leader Lessons


2024 OHCE State Leader Lessons

Nature and You: How Nature Impacts your Well-Being, Candance Gabel.

Research provides evidence that time spent in nature is good for your overall health and well-being. Here are a few benefits of spending time in nature: Improve your cognitive ability, specifically by boosting your ability to concentrate and increasing your attention span; improve your mood significantly in only 5 minutes; reduce feelings  of and physiological responses to stress. In this session you will learn ways to increase nature exposure and ultimately boost your physical health and well-being.

Bone Broth: Is it the Newest Elixir? Christi Evans.

We will review the current trends and evidence (or lack thereof) associated with broth (particularly homemade broth), bone broth, and collagen.


2024 OHCE District Leader Lessons

Alpha-gal Syndrome, Janice Hermann.

Alpha-gal syndrome (also called alpha-gal allergy, red meat allergy, or tick bite meat allergy) is a serious, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. Alpha-gal syndrome symptoms occur in some people, who have been bitten by a tick (mostly the Lone Star tick in U.S.), after they have eaten mammaliam meat or other products containing alpha-gal. Lone Star ticks are found through the southeastern and eastern United States, but have moved westward and are now found in Oklahoma.

Effective Communication and Facilitation Skills, Suzette Barta

Participants in this workshop at a District meeting will complete Module 2 of the Master FCS Volunteer Training. As a leader lesson, the presentation will cover basics such as understanding your AUDIENCE, public speaking tips, active listening, facilitator responsibilities, and characteristics of an effective facilitator.

The Power is Out, Christi Evans

Learn what we can do before, during, and after a power outage that can help keep our food safe to eat.

2023 OHCE State Leader Lessons

Who are the Character Critters?  Janna Kelley.

Families and Mental Health, Matt Brosi.


2023 OHCE District Leader Lessons

Eating Healthy with Rising Food Prices, Janice Hermann.

Say Yes to FCS, Extension, and the Land Grant System, Suzette Barta.

2022 OHCE State Leader Lessons

Developing OHCE Member Enthusiasm, Suzette Barta and Gina Peek
How to Make Your Home Secure, Gina Peek


2022 OHCE District Leader Lessons

Diet and Inflammation, Janice Hermann
Dealing with Stress, Kelsey Ratcliff and Megan Monteith