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The COVID 19 Pandemic has disrupted lives and businesses. As Oklahoma communities begin to consider alternatives and options to return to a new normal sound approaches and strategies will be critical. Mainstreet businesses will have to balance debt structures and monthly expenses with new sometimes unknown levels of sales and customer expectations. While new and innovative approaches are required it is likely that sound business practices and well-known strategies for local development will be even more critical. This document provides resources that local businesses and local community leaders may access in the coming months. 


Several OSU Extension Fact Sheets are curated and presented below. These fact sheets are related to economic development in general or specific topics dealing with agriculture and retail trade. In addition, a series of fact sheets from the Cooperative Management Series are listed. Finally, several fact sheets related to broadband technology in rural areas are cited. View the complete set of OSU Extension Fact Sheets. This website presents resources related to county and local government; economic development; and leadership and volunteer development.


Agriculture and Economic Development


General Economic Development


Retail Trade


Cooperative Management Series


Broadband and Technology


Additional Resources