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Fact Sheet
Lagoons for Livestock Waste Treatment

An explanation on how livestock waste lagoons work, the different types of lagoons and how to manage each type of lagoon.

LivestockManure & Litter ManagementSolid WasteWaste Management
Fact Sheet
Mortality Management Options During an Avian Influenza Outbreak

The importance of disposal by burial, incineration, landfilling and composting when a flock is inflected with avian influenza.

Fact Sheet
Calculating Placing Scores

Explanations on how to calculate placing scores for livestock shows and where those numbers come from.

Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet
Effects of Preconditioning on Health, Performance and Prices of Weaned Calves

The effects from preconditioning calves related to sickness, performance and carcass traits in the beef.

Beef CattleLivestockLivestock Health, Disease & Nutrition
Fact Sheet
Training Horses Safely

Learn how to understand a horse’s behavioral traits and use positive reinforcement and other cues to modify horse behavior.

Fact Sheet
Calculating Across-Breed EPDs

A summary of the how to compare EPDs across breeds to determine the values of animals as parents.

Beef CattleCow-CalfLivestockLivestock GeneticsLivestock Genetics & Reproduction
Fact Sheet
Using Genomics Part I: What are DNA Markers?

An explanation of how DNA markers apply to beef cattle genetics.

Beef CattleLivestock
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