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Fact Sheet
Mobile Slaughter Units: Regulatory Overview for Oklahoma (Non-Poultry)

Oklahoma law permits the on-farm slaughter of cattle using mobile slaughter However, expenses frequently make running a mobile unit operation unprofitable.

Dairy CattleLivestockPoultry
Fact Sheet
Recommended Vaccination Schedules for a Comprehensive Dairy Herd Health Program

How to distinguish killed and modified-live vaccines and the role they play in a schedule of when each should be given to cattle for maximum herd performance.

Dairy CattleLivestockLivestock Health & DiseaseLivestock Health, Disease & Nutrition
Fact Sheet
The Use of Early Weaning in Practical Cattle Management

Learn about the use of early weaning practices as a solution for emergency forage and economic problems in beef cattle management.

Beef CattleCow-CalfDairy CattleDroughtGrazing ManagementLivestockRangeland ManagementWeather & Disaster Preparedness
Fact Sheet
The Economics of Gene Testing Cattle

Learn about what little is currently known about the basic economics of gene testing.

Beef CattleDairy CattleLivestockLivestock GeneticsLivestock Genetics & Reproduction