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Fact Sheet
Management of Insect Pests in Rangeland and Pasture

The various insecticides for proper management of insect and mite pests and the instructions for using them in relation to rangelands and pastures.

Commercial Agriculture Insects, Pests, & DiseasesInsects, Pests, and DiseasesPasturesPastures & Forage
Fact Sheet
Converting Introduced Grasses to Rangeland

The practices and information necessary for converting introduced grasses into rangeland.

ForageForage GrassesGardening & Lawn CarePasturesPastures & Forage
Fact Sheet
Fall Forage Production and First Hollow Stem Date for Wheat Varieties During the 2021-2022 Crop Year

An explanation of the genetic differences in wheat forage production potential and grazing duration among the most popular varieties grown in Oklahoma.

CropsForageGrains & OilseedsPastures & ForageWheat
Fact Sheet
Oklahoma Cropland Rental Rates: 2020-21

A 2020-2021 survey reporting the rental agreements, rates and influencing factors of leasing farmland in Oklahoma.

AlfalfaCottonCrop EconomicsCropsGrains & OilseedsHayPastures & ForageSoybeans
Fact Sheet
Producing Grazeable Cover Crops During Summer Fallow in Winter Wheat

Learn about the potential of grazing summer cover crops and their effects on the following winter wheat crop.

CropsGrains & OilseedsLivestockPastures & ForageWheat
Fact Sheet
Alfalfa Aphids in Oklahoma

Alfalfa Aphid identification, crop damage, and control.

AlfalfaInsects, Pests, and DiseasesPastures & Forage
Fact Sheet
Oklahoma Alfalfa Management Calendar for Insects and Diseases

Calendar designed to guide producers and agriculture professionals to manage alfalfa insect and disease problems.

AlfalfaHerbicidesInsects, Pests, and DiseasesPastures & ForagePesticides
Fact Sheet
Agronomic Calendar for Oklahoma Alfalfa Growers

Management strategies including variety selection, soil nutrients, weed management, hay cutting, curing, baling and marketing for alfalfa crops.

AlfalfaHayInsects, Pests, and DiseasesLivestockPastures & ForageWeed ControlWeeds & Invasive Plants