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"The Oklahoma Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences educate its professionals to empower individuals and families to make informed decisions."
The history of the OEAFCS was organized in October of 1940, in May of 1968  a subcommittee of the OEAFCS called the Faithful Extension Workers was created.
Two women shaking hands at the NEAFCS conference.

OEAFCS Newsletters

Each year the Vice President for Public Affairs sends out newsletters via electronic mail to current members and through the US postal service to others interested in OEAFCS business and news.
The 2024-2025 officers posing for a group photo.

The Heart of OEAFCS

Donate & Sponsor

We appreciate the support of people across our state for FCS Extension Programming and for the youth interested in the field of Family and Consumer Sciences.



Become a National Sponsor through the National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences.



Donate to OEAFCS through the Oklahoma 4-H Foundation.


As an Extension educator my prime concern is people.


I believe it is my responsibility to give the best of my ability
and develop myself to be an effective educator.


I accept the opportunity to empower individuals, families, and communities
to meet their needs and goals through a learning partnership.


May I always be willing to accept the challenges of the changing times.


Membership benefits:

  • May apply and receive awards, fellowships, and grants
  • May chair or serve on committees, serve as voting delegates, or hold elected office
  • Will automatically be a member of the national organization, NEAFCS
  • May submit proposals to present at NEAFCS annual sessions
  • May submit articles for publication in the Journal of NEAFCS
  • May attend and submit proposals to present NEAFCS webinars

OEAFCS also welcome student memberships.


For more information, contact your area representative:


SE District Representative:  Kris

NE District Representative: April Hauenstein |

West District Representative: Carol Hart |

2024-25 OEAFCS Affiliate Officers

Brenda Miller


Susan Holliday

Vice President Awards and Recognition

Lindy Peterman

Vice President Professional Development

Dana Baldwin

Vice President Member Resources

Jenni Klufa

Vice President Public Affairs

Christi Evans


Dr. Gina Peek

State Staff/Advisor

Taylor Conner


Kris Bailey

SE District Representative

April Hauenstein

NE District Representative

Carol Hart

West District Representative

Stacey Dawson


LaDonna Hines

Past President

Oklahoma and National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences