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Fact Sheet
Okra Production

A beginner’s guide to okra production.

Fact Sheet
Canola Oil Properties

The history, properties and applications of canola oil used worldwide.

CanolaCropsFood ProductsGrains & Oilseeds
Fact Sheet
Construction of Table Gardens

The measurements, materials, tools and tips on how to build table gardens.

CropsFlowersGardening & Lawn CareGreenhouses & Indoor GardeningOrnamentalsVegetables
Fact Sheet
Identifying and Correcting Iron Deficiencies in Ornamentals

Allow your decorative plants to look their very best by learning to recognize iron deficiencies and suggestions for fixing it.

Commercial Agriculture Insects, Pests, & DiseasesCropsInsects, Pests, and DiseasesOrnamentals
Fact Sheet
2017-2018 Small Grains Variety Performance Tests

Range of data points in 2017-2018 for Oklahoma wheat production and its effects on producers.

CropsGrains & OilseedsWheat
Fact Sheet
Rainfastness for Fallow and In-Season Winter Wheat Herbicides with Postemergence Activity

A list with manufacturer, trade name, common name, rainfastness time and hours until rainfast for fallow and in-season winter wheat herbicides.

CropsGrains & OilseedsHerbicidesInsects, Pests, and DiseasesPesticidesWheat
Fact Sheet
Defining Cutout in Cotton

The importance of cutout in cotton.

Fact Sheet
Protein Content of Winter Wheat Varieties in Oklahoma — 2017–2018

An overview of management and environmental impacts on the 2017-2018 wheat protein content varieties in Oklahoma.

CropsGrains & OilseedsWheat
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