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Fact Sheet
Fall forage production and first hollow stem date in small grain varieties during the 2018-2019 crop year

How to determine genetic differences in forage production potential and grazing duration among small grain varieties grown in Oklahoma.

Beef CattleCropsForageForage GrassesGrains & OilseedsLivestockPastures & ForageRyeStocker CattleWheat
Fact Sheet
Squash and Pumpkin Production

Everything you need to know about producing squash and pumpkins including their nutritional benefits, production requirements, soil, fertilizer and more.

CropsOrganic & SustainableSquash, Melons, Pumpkins, CucumbersVegetables
Fact Sheet
Improving Garden Soil Fertility

Different soils have different needs; therefore, begin to understand how fertilizers affect your garden and their individual desires.

Composting, Fertilizing, & MulchingCropsGardening & Lawn CareOrganic & SustainableSoilSoil Health & FertilitySoil Testing
Fact Sheet
Starting Pecan Trees

The four basic ways of establishing a pecan tree its advantages and disadvantages of each method.

CropsFruits & Tree NutsPecans & Walnuts
Fact Sheet
Agronomic Considerations for Industrial Hemp Production

An overview of industrial hemp production from field preparation, rules and regulations and harvesting the different products of the plant.

CropsFertilizationGrains & OilseedsSoilSoil Health & Fertility
Fact Sheet
Pre-Plant Nitrogen Response in Irrigated Corn

The affects of increasing the amount of irrigated water on corn yield.

CornCropsFertilizationGrains & OilseedsIrrigationSoilWater
Fact Sheet
Fall Forage Production and First Hollow Stem Date for Wheat Varieties During the 2018-2019 Crop Year

An explanation of the genetic differences in wheat forage production potential and grazing duration among the most popular varieties grown in Oklahoma.

CropsForageGrains & OilseedsPastures & ForageWheat
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