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Fact Sheet
Improving Garden Soil Fertility

Different soils have different needs; therefore, begin to understand how fertilizers affect your garden and their individual desires.

Composting, Fertilizing, & MulchingCropsGardening & Lawn CareOrganic & SustainableSoilSoil Health & FertilitySoil Testing
Fact Sheet
Agronomic Considerations for Industrial Hemp Production

An overview of industrial hemp production from field preparation, rules and regulations and harvesting the different products of the plant.

CropsFertilizationGrains & OilseedsSoilSoil Health & Fertility
Fact Sheet
Pre-Plant Nitrogen Response in Irrigated Corn

The affects of increasing the amount of irrigated water on corn yield.

CornCropsFertilizationGrains & OilseedsIrrigationSoilWater
Fact Sheet
Organic Matter in No-Till Production Systems

Management practices for organic soil matter and no-till production systems to influence soil quality.

SoilSoil Health & Fertility
Fact Sheet
The Importance of Sampling Depth for Soil Health Assessment

Understand how sample collections might impact the parameters of soil health assessments and how the parameters change as a function of management practices.

SoilSoil Health & FertilitySoil Testing
Fact Sheet
Understanding Soil Water Content and Thresholds for Irrigation Management

The basic concepts and benefits of soil water content and soil water thresholds for efficient irrigating practices.

IrrigationSoilSoil Health & FertilitySoil MoistureWater
Fact Sheet
How Does Soil pH Impact Herbicides?

It’s important to know and understand the pH of soils; not only for the crops grown, but also for the herbicides you plan to use and how they will react.

HerbicidesInsects, Pests, and DiseasesPesticidesSoilSoil Health & Fertility