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Fact Sheet
Nutrient Loss and Water Quality

The relation between nutrient loss and water quality, leaching in rural areas compared to urban and its effects on ground and surface water.

Crop Production Water IssuesFertilizationGroundwaterHome & Garden Water IssuesSoilSoil ConservationSoil MoistureWaterWater Quality
Fact Sheet
Evaluation of Phosphorus Fertilizer Recommendations in No-Till Winter Wheat

A brief summary of the results from an experiment meant to determine the efficacy of the current recommendations in no-till grain-only what production.

CropsFertilizationGrains & OilseedsSoilSoil ConservationSoil Health & FertilitySoil TestingWheat
Fact Sheet
Land Application of Biosolids in Oklahoma Soils

The guidelines for acceptable chemical contents of biosolids and their effects on soil.

SoilSoil ConservationSoil Testing
Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet
Benefits of Using Cover Crops in Oklahoma No-Till

The benefits of Oklahoma cover crops and their uses in a no-till operation.

SoilSoil ConservationSoil Health & Fertility