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Vegetable Varieties for the Home Garden in Oklahoma

A successful garden begins with the selection of varieties that are adapted to the area. If you are unsatisfied with your present selections, this list can offer some alternatives. If you are looking for a new variety, try it next to the one you presently grow for comparison. Then you can make an informed decision about the new variety. You may find something that grows well in your area that is not included in this list. It’s all part of the joy of gardening.


The varieties listed below have proven to be successful either in variety trials conducted by Oklahoma State University or in garden plantings throughout the state. This is only a partial list of satisfactory varieties and seed sources. There are many excellent varieties available through these and other seed companies. Friends, your local county Extension educator, a knowledgeable gardener, or local garden center/nursery personnel are also excellent resources.



  • Jersey Knight
  • Mary Washington
  • U.C. 157



  • Broad/Fava
    • Loretta
  • Bush
    • Bush Blue Lake 47
    • Bush Blue Lake 274
    • Contender
    • Derby
    • Jade
    • Provider
    • Podsquad
    • Roma
    • Roma II
    • Strike
    • Topcrop
    • Verandon
  • Wax
    • Goldrush
    • Resistant Cherokee Wax
  • Pole
    • Kentucky Blue
    • Kentucky Wonder
    • Meralda
    • Pinto
  • Lima
    • Fordhook 242
    • Henderson Bush
  • Horticultural
    • Dwarf Horticultural



  • Early Wonder
  • Detroit Dark Red
  • Ruby Queen
  • Sangria



  • Brigadier
  • Di Cicco
  • Emperor
  • Green Comet
  • Mariner
  • Premium Crop
  • Packman


Brussels Sprouts

  • Jade
  • Prince Marvel
  • Valiant



  • Early
    • Charmant
    • Conquest
    • Dynamo
    • Golden Acre Y.R.
  • Main season
    • Blue Vantage
    • Red Acre
    • Red Head
  • Chinese
    • Mei Qing Choi Pak Choi
    • Michihli



  • French Charentais
    • Charmel
  • Muskmelon
    • Ambrosia
    • Burpee Hybrid
    • Classic
    • Gold Star
    • Hearts of Gold
    • Magnum .45
    • Saticoy
    • Solid Gold
    • TAM-Dew Improved (honey dew)


Chinese Winter Melon



  • Gigante


  • Chantenay strains
  • Danvers strains
  • Gold Pack
  • Scarlet Nantes
  • Thumbelina



  • Burpee Early White Hybrid
  • Snowball
  • Snow Crown
  • Snow Grace



  • Champion
  • Georgia
  • Vates


Corn, Sweet

  • Early
    • Aztec
    • Champ (ss)
    • Honey 'N Pearl (ss)
  • Main Season
    • Bodacious (ss)
    • Calico Belle (bicolor ss)
    • Early Sunglow
    • Indian Summer
    • How Sweet It Is (White) (ss)
    • Incredible (ss)
    • Kandy Korn
    • Merit
    • Snowbelle (white ss)
  • Late
    • Bicolor Silver Queen
    • Silver Queen (white)
  • ss—super sweet type



  • Slicing
    • Burpee Hybrid II
    • County Fair (powdery mildew resistant)
    • Dasher II
    • Fanfare
    • Lemon
    • Marketmore 80
    • Salad Bush
    • Slice Master
    • Sprint 440 II
    • Straight Eight
  • Pickling
    • Calypso
    • Fancipak
    • French Cornichon
    • Regal
    • Saladin



  • Bouquet
  • Fernleaf



  • Black Magic
  • Burpee Hybrid
  • Classic
  • Epic
  • Little Fingers
  • Rosa Bianca



  • German Red
  • Inchilium Red
  • Silverskin
  • Spanish Roja





  • Red
    • Red Russian
  • Green
    • Verdura
  • Blue
    • Vates



  • Purple
    • Kolibri
  • Green
    • Grand Duke
    • Waldemar



  • Leaf
    • Black Seeded Simpson
    • Grand Rapids T.B.R.
    • Prizehead (red)
    • Red Sails
    • Salad Bowl
    • Waldmann’s Green
  • Butterhead
    • Bibb
    • Buttercrunch
    • Juliet
    • Merveille Des Quatre Saisons
    • Ovation
  • Head, Romaine
    • Little Gem
    • Romance
  • Head, Batavian – (combo. of romaine & head)
    • Cardinale
    • Little Loma
    • Nevada


Assorted Greens

  • Stir-fry
    • Mizuna
    • Pak Choi
    • Red Mustard
    • Red Kale
  • Salad
    • Arugula
    • Mache
    • Mesclun – misc. salad mix
    • Mizuna
    • Radicchio
    • Upland Cress – various types
    • Various lettuces



  • Florida Broad Leaf
  • Southern Giant Curled
  • Tendergreen



  • Annie Oakley
  • Baby Bubba
  • Blondy
  • Burgundy
  • Cajun Delight
  • Clemson Spineless 80



  • Yellow
    • Granex (ST)
    • Grano 1015Y (ST) – a.k.a. Texas 1015
    • Yellow Sweet Spanish (SS,ST,GK)
    • Walla-Walla Sweet (FS,ST)
  • White
    • Crystal Wax (ST)
    • Granex (ST)
    • White Sweet Spanish (SS,ST,GK)
  • Red
    • Granex (ST)
  • Bunching
    • Evergreen White (ST)

FS—fall seeded
SS—spring seeded
ST—spring transplanted
GK—good keeper



  • Little Marvel
  • Knight
  • Edible pod
    • Snappy
    • Super Sugal Mel
    • Super Sugar Snap
  • Snow peas
    • Norli
    • Oregon Giant
    • Oregon Sugar Pod #2



  • Sweet
    • Corona – yellow bell
    • Earlired – red bell
    • Gator Belle
    • Gold Summer
    • Jupiter
    • Keystone Resistant Giant #3
    • Melody
    • Sweet Banana
  • Hot
    • Anaheim TMR 23
    • Big Jim Numex
    • Cayenne Large Red Thick
    • Hungarian Wax
    • Jalapeño M
    • Mexi Bell
    • Riot
    • Serrano Chili
    • Super Chili
    • TAM Vera Cruz
    • Thai Dragon


Potato (use certified seed tubers)

  • Red
    • Norland
    • Red LaSoda
    • Red Pontiac
  • White
    • Irish Cobbler
    • Kennebec
    • Superior
  • Yellow
    • Yellow Finn
  • Russet
    • Norgold Russet
    • Norkota



  • Field
    • Aspen
    • Big Max
    • Connecticut Field
    • Howden
    • Jackpot
    • Lumina (white)
    • Rouge Detampes Cinderella Pumpkin
  • Pie
    • Autumn gold
    • Baby Bear
    • Jack O’Lantern
    • Small Sugar
    • Spookie
  • Ornamental
    • Baby Boo (white)
    • Jack Be Little
    • Munchkin



  • Champion
  • Cherry Belle
  • Easter Egg
  • French Breakfast
  • Scarlet Globe
  • White Icicle



  • Canada Red (Chipman’s)
  • MacDonald



  • Purple-Top Yellow


Southern Pea

  • Cowpea
    • Coronet
    • Early Acre
    • Elite
    • Magnolia Blackeye
    • Mississippi Silver
    • Pinkeye Purplehull BVR
    • Yard Long or Asparagus Bean



  • Ambassador
  • America
  • Bloomsdale
  • Chesapeake
  • Coho
  • Fall Green
  • Grandstand
  • Melody
  • Ozarka II


Malabar (spinach substitute)

  • Red Stem



  • Summer, yellow straightneck
    • Lemon Drop L
    • Gold Bar
    • Multipik
  • Summer, yellow crookneck
    • Dixie
    • Goldie
    • Sun Drops
  • Summer, zucchini
    • Eight Ball
    • Onyx
    • Senator
    • Zucchini Elite
  • Summer, scallop
    • Peter Pan
    • Sunburst
    • White Bush Scallop
  • Winter, acorn
    • Cream of the Crop
    • Ebony
    • Table Ace
    • Table King
  •  Winter, buttercup
    • Buttercup
  • Winter, butternut
    • Early Butternut*
    • Ponca
    • Waltham Butternut
  • Winter, spaghetti
    • Tivoli
      • *Resistant to squash vine borers



  • Beauregard
  • Centennial
  • Jewel


Swiss Chard

  • Bright Lights
  • Lucullus
  • Ruby Red (Rhubarb Chard)



  • Large fruit
    • Better Boy VNF (I)
    • Big Beef VNF1,2 (I)
    • Brandywine
    • Carmello
    • Carnival VNF1,2
    • Celebrity VNF1,2
    • Flora-dade VF1,2
    • Heatwave VF1,2
    • Jet Star VF (I)
    • Mountain Pride VF1
    • Pik-Red VNF1,2
    • Summer Flavor 5000 VNF1,2
    • Sunny VF1,2
    • Sunray F (yellow)
    • Sunrise VF1,2
  • Paste
    • Milano
    • Roma VF (canning)
    • San Remo
  • Small fruit
    • Juliet
    • Mountain Bell VF1
    • Small Fry VNF
    • Sungold
    • Sweet 100 (I)
    • Sweet Million
    • Yellow Pear

V — denotes Verticillium resistance
N — denotes Southern root knot nematode resistance
F1,2 — Fusarium wilt resistance (race 1; race 2)
I — denotes indeterminate; all others are determinate in growth habit



  • Alltop (greens)
  • Just Right (white)
  • Purple Top White Globe
  • Tokyo Cross



  • Heirloom
    • Moon & Stars
  •  Round to blocky
    • Crimson Sweet
    • Desert King (yellow)
    • Fiesta
    • King of Hearts (3X)
    • MardiGras
    • Patriot
    • Royal Sweet
    • Tri-X 313 (3X)
  • Long
    • Allsweet
    • Charleston Gray
    • Jubilee II
    • Sangria
  • Icebox
    • Golden Crown
    • Mickylee
    • New Queen
    • Tiger Baby 

 3X — denotes tripoid seedless watermelon


Source List:


David Hillock
Consumer Horticulturist


Brian Kahn
Vegetable Research Specialist

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