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Fact Sheet
Commercial Peach-Nectarine Insect and Disease Control

Data compares the amount of spray volume materials needed for peaches and nectarines based on the timing and pests involved.

CropsFruits & Tree NutsInsects, Pests, and DiseasesPeaches & NectarinesPesticides
Fact Sheet
Vegetable Trial Reports 2010 - 2019

The Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, cooperating departments and experimental farms conducted a series of experiments on field vegetable p...

Fact Sheet
How to Purchase Olive Oil

Characteristics, nutritional properties and tips for purchasing different types of olive oils.

CropsFood ProductsGrains & Oilseeds
Fact Sheet
Stored Grain Insect Pests that Feed Inside Kernels and Seeds

Stored grain insects may cause a serious threat to grain and seed stored for several months. The purpose of this fact sheet is to recognize the types of insect pests that may potentially infest the grain and seed.

CropsGrains & OilseedsInsects, Pests, and Diseases
Fact Sheet
To Be or Not to Be: That is the Gluten-Free Marketing Question

Market trends of gluten-free products and basic information about how labeling a product “gluten-free” can affect its marketability.

BarleyBusiness Strategy & MarketingCropsFood ProductsGrains & OilseedsMarketing Strategy & TacticsRyeWheat
Fact Sheet
Wheat Research at OSU 2016

The 2016 status update on wheat research at OSU.

CropsGrains & OilseedsWheat
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