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2019-2020 Small Grains Variety Performance Tests

Wheat Crop Overview

At the time of writing this report, 2020 Oklahoma wheat production is estimated to be approximately 113 million bushels, which is about 3% higher than 2019 production and 62% greater than 2018 production (Table 1). The 4.3 million acres planted in the 2020 crop year represented a 2% increase compared to the previous year and was 14% lower than the previous 10-year average. The number of harvested acres is estimated at 2.70 million, which is 2% lower than in 2019 (Table 1). The statewide average yield is projected at 42 bushels per acre, which could be a new state record. This is 2 bushels per acre higher than the 2019 state average and 11 bushels per acre greater than the previous 10-year average.


Table 1. Oklahoma wheat production for 2018, 2019, and 2020 as estimated by USDA NASS, July 2020.

  2018 2019 2020
Harvested area (million acres) 2.50 2.75 2.70
Yield (bushels/acre) 28 40 42
Total production (million bushels) 70 110 113

For some parts of the state, wheat was planted into good moisture. However, some other regions were extremely dry (central west) and wheat was either not planted in a timely fashion or had limited growth in the fall. On the other hand, wheat planted in northeastern Oklahoma faced emergence issues due to excessive moisture. November was cooler than normal which also limited wheat growth across the state. Most fields where wheat was planted earlier developed crown roots but top growth was less than normal. Many of these fields had thin stands and less forage than desired to feed cattle for dual-purpose producers. Fields planted late were at the 1- to 2-leaf stage with their initial (seminal) roots developing in November. Overall, wheat growth was slower than expected for a typical year. Moderate temperatures and good moisture in some regions led to good fall forage production but lower than expected production in other regions of the state (for more information see CR 2141, Fall Forage Production and First Hollow Stem Date for Small Grain Varieties during the 2019-2020 Crop Year). No diseases were observed in the fall, but fall armyworm infestations were observed in early-planted wheat in the central region.


Moderate winter temperatures and abundant soil moisture allowed the under-developed wheat to add tillers and develop a canopy. With winter being warmer than normal, first hollow stem arrived about two weeks earlier than the long-term aver-age (March 6th) and almost one month earlier than in 2019 (see CR 2141). As a result, dual-purpose producers worked with a shorter grazing period.


A combination of factors including leaf spot diseases, physiological leaf spotting, and nitrogen deficiency (mostly caused by the loss of nitrogen due to wetness) resulted in yellow wheat in many fields from jointing to the flag leaf stage. Foliar fungal diseases had a slow start in the spring. A low incidence of stripe rust was observed in early March, but leaf spot diseases (tan spot, Septoria) in no-till wheat were the most prevalent diseases in Oklahoma. In addition to these diseases, army cutworms were found in some wheat fields across the state.


Wheat started to head around the end of March and early April in southwest and south-central Oklahoma, which made it susceptible to late-spring freezes. Such a freeze occurred on April 15 when many wheat fields were at flowering, damaging floral tissue and producing sterile heads. In areas with freeze damage, most heads remained green but were “empty” with no grain being formed. Many producers cut wheat for hay. In other areas, lack of water limited grain development. Also, a severe flag leaf burn was observed for some varieties in central to north-central Oklahoma due to genetics and environmental stresses such as freeze and drought.


Cool and moist weather extended into the late spring that promoted widespread development of both rusts (leaf and stripe) and the leaf spot diseases (Septoria and tan spot). In some instances, severe leaf spotting by Septoria was found in the upper canopy including the flag leaf, which is atypical in Oklahoma. Stripe rust occurred at low pressure and leaf rust came in late in the season mainly in the Northern region. Fusarium head blight (scab) occurred at levels typical for northeastern Oklahoma and was not reported in other parts of the state. Barley yellow dwarf and wheat streak mosaic were sporadic and were confirmed at only a few locations scattered across western Oklahoma. Powdery mildew was observed at low incidence and severity as compared to most years. In summary, diseases were quite active in Oklahoma during 2020 with leaf spots being the most prominent. The mild weather improved yield prospects by the time produc-ers were making fungicide decisions, and many producers chose to protect yield potential with an application. Data from fungicide treated and nontreated variety trial comparisons at Lahoma provide an indication of the impact of foliar disease on grain yield and suggest that applying a foliar fungicide was a profitable decision for many wheat farmers planting varieties susceptible to rusts and Septoria diseases in 2020.


Harvest commenced immediately after Memorial Day weekend. The weather was favorable across the state, and harvest was completed in a month. Grain yields varied from extremely low yields (10 to 20 bushels per acre) in southwest and south-central OK, mostly due to freeze damage, to above-average yields in the central (mid-40s to mid-50s, bushels per acre) and north-central/northwest regions (40 to 60 bushels per acre). Yields on irrigated fields at the Panhandle region varied mostly from 50 to 75 bushels per acre. Test weight was good, and values ranged from 60 to 64 pounds per bushel. Wheat protein ranged from 8.0 to 15.5% across the state, with a state average of 11%.


Testing Methods and Data Interpretation


Testing Methods

Seed was packaged and planted in the same condition as it was delivered from the respective seed companies. Most seed was treated with an insecticide plus a fungicide, but the formulation and rate of seed treatment used was not confirmed or reported in this document.


Plots were seven rows wide with 7.5-inch row spacing and were sown with a Great Plains no-till drill modified for cone-seeded, small-plot research. Except for dryland locations in the Panhandle, plots were planted 25 feet long and trimmed to 19 feet at harvest with the plot combine. Panhandle dryland locations were 35 feet long at planting and trimmed to 29 feet at harvest. Wheel tracks were included in the plot area for yield calculation, for a total plot width of 60 inches. Experimental design for all sites other than Apache and Lahoma was a randomized complete block with four replications. Apache and Lahoma were a split-plot arrangement of a randomized complete block with four replications where whole plots were fungicide treated or non-treated, and sub-plots were wheat variety.


Plots received 5 gallons per acre of 10-34-0 at planting. The dual-purpose (DP) trials at El Reno and Walters, and for-age trials were sown at 120 pounds per acre. The Goodwell irrigated trial was sown at 90 pounds per acre and the other locations in the Panhandle (Balko, Hooker and Keys) were sown at 45 pounds per acre. All other locations were sown at 60 pounds per acre. Grazing intensity, nitrogen fertilization, and insect and weed control decisions were made on a location-by-location basis and reflect standard management practices for the area.


Plots were harvested with a Winterstieger Delta small plot combine. Grain weight, test weight, and moisture content were collected from each plot, and grain yields and protein concentration were corrected to 12% moisture content. Grain moisture at all sites was generally below 12%, and maximum and minimum grain moisture for all plots at a location typically ranged no more than 2%. The plots at Thomas were not har-vested due to waterlogging. Plots at Apache and Chickasha were lost due to the severe mid-April freeze.


Data Interpretation

Yield, test weight and protein data for each location and regional summary were analyzed using the appropriate sta-tistical methods. At the bottom of each table, the mean and least significant difference (LSD) values are reported. The LSD is a test statistic that aids in determining whether there is a true difference in yield, test weight, and protein. In this report, one can be 95% confident that the difference between two varieties is real if the difference is greater than the LSD value. Data that is not significant is indicted by “NS.” For example, if the LSD value is 4 bushels per acre in a trial which Variety A yielded 30 bushels per acre and Variety B yielded 25, then Variety A would be considered to have a statistically higher yield. However, if Variety C yielded 27 bushels per acre, then Variety A and Variety C would be considered to have a similar yield. In that same example trial, there is a 5% chance that the 4-bushels-per-acre difference between Variety A and Variety B does not truly exist, but random chance caused the 5-bushels-per-acre difference. These chance factors may include differences in fertility, moisture availability, and dis-eases for example. To aid in determining the varieties with the highest yields, test weights, and proteins, values highlighted in gray do not differ statistically from the highest value within a column. The performance of a variety may vary from year to year, even at the same location. Tests over two or more years and over multiple locations more accurately predict the variety performance.


Additional Information on the Web

A copy of this publication as well as additional information about wheat management can be found at:


Funding Provided By:

  • Oklahoma Wheat Commission
  • Oklahoma Wheat Research Foundation
  • OSU Cooperative Extension Service
  • OSU Agricultural Experiment Station
  • Entry fees from participating seed companies


Figure 1. Performance test locations.


Area Extension Staff

  • Brian Pugh, Area Agronomist, Northeast District
  • Josh Bushong, Area Agronomist, Northwest District


County Extension Educators

  • Thomas Puffinbarger, Alfalfa County
  • Loren Sizelove, Beaver County
  • David Nowlin, Caddo County
  • Kyle Worthington, Canadian County
  • Justin Wagner, Cimarron County
  • Kimbreley Davis, Cotton County
  • Ron Wright, Custer County
  • Rick Nelson, Garfield County
  • Shiann McCracken, Grady County
  • Sarah Donahue, Grant County
  • Darrell McBee, Harper County
  • Gary Strickland, Jackson and Greer counties
  • Shannon Mallory, Kay County
  • Bryan Kennedy, Kingfisher County
  • Troy Gosney, Major County
  • Kathy Enyart, Ottawa County
  • Dr. Britt Hicks, Texas County & Area Extension Livestock Specialist
  • Greg Highfill, Woods County


Station Superintendents

  • Erich Wehrenberg, Agronomy Research Station, Stillwater
  • David Victor, North Central Research Station, Lahoma Cameron Murley, Oklahoma Panhandle Research and Extension Center, Goodwell
  • Michael Pettijohn, South Central Research Station, Chickasha
  • Mike Schulz, Southwest Research and Extension Center, Altus


Assistant Extension Specialist

  • Sumit Sharma, Oklahoma Panhandle Research and Extension Center, Goodwell


Visiting Research Scholar

  • Luiz Otavio Pradella


We sincerely thank our variety trial cooperators for dona-tion of land, time and resources. Variety trial cooperators not otherwise listed in this document include:

  • Bryan Vail, Apache
  • Jerad Bradt & Wes Mallory, Alva
  • Brownie Brown, Thomas


Table 2. 2019-2020 Oklahoma wheat variety performance tests region summary.

Licensee Variety Regional Trial Locations1 Central North Central Northwest Panhandle Southwest
    ---------------------------------- grain yield (bu/ac) ----------------------------------
AGSECO AG Icon 69 48 93 83 52 -
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright - - - - - -
AgriMAXX AM Eastwood - - 100 - 49 -
AgriPro Ap EverRock 63 - - - - -
OGI Baker's Ann 60 46 90 88 47 24
OGI Bentley 63 51 95 93 48 33
AgriPro Bob Dole 63 52 94 81 46 39
PlainsGold Canvas 81 - - 91 61 -
CROPLAN CP7010 76 - - - - -
CROPLAN CP7869 73 - - - - -
CROPLAN CP7909 77 - - - - -
PlainsGold Crescent AX 64 - - 86 53 -
OGI Doublestop 74 49 95 86 48 53
OGI Duster 57 43 - 50 37
OGI Gallagher 67 42 90 82 50 38
OGI Green Hammer - 47 91 83 - 32
PlainsGold Guardian 74 - - - - -
OGI Iba 68 - 92 85 55 39
KWA KS Dallas 65 - - - - -
KWA KS Silverado 68 - - - - -
KWA KS Western Star 69 - - - - -
PlainsGold Langin 59 - 93 48 -
LCS LCS Chrom 67 47 91 80 49 50
LCS LCS Photon AX 60 - - - - -


Table 2. 2019-2020 Oklahoma wheat variety performance tests region summary. (Cont'd)

Licensee Variety Regional Trial Locations1 Central North Central Northwest Panhandle Southwest
    ---------------------------------- grain yield (bu/ac) ----------------------------------
OGI Lonerider - - - - 51 -
OGI OK Corral 72 46 93 87 50 48
OGI Ruby Lee - 49 - - - 32
OGI Showdown 73 52 96 93 49 56
OGI Skydance - 46 - - - 28
OGI Smith's Gold 63 48 90 89 46 42
OGI Spirit Rider - - 85 - 45 -
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 63 - - - - -
AgriPro SY Benefit 64 - - - - -
AgriPro SY Rugged 70 51 94 86 56 41
AGSECO TAM 114 68 - - 88 45 -
WestBred WB4269 70 52 106 94 48 30
WestBred WB4401 - - - - - -
WestBred WB4515 72 - - - - -
WestBred WB4595 81 - - - - -
WestBred WB4699 79 - 101 89 54 -
WestBred WB4792 78 - 101 90 57 54
KWA Zenda 66 38 92 87 - 39
Dyna-Gro Long Branch - - - - 54 -
OGI Lonerider - - - - 51 -
AgriPro SY Wolverine - - - - 51 -

Table 2. 2019-2020 Oklahoma wheat variety performance tests region summary. (Cont'd)

Licensee Variety Regional Trial Locations1 Central North Central Northwest Panhandle Southwest
OSU Experimentals   ---------------------------------- grain yield (bu/ac) ----------------------------------
  OCW04S717T-6W - 55 86 - - 37
  OK12912C-138407-2 - 48 99 92 - 39
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-1 70 43 92 - 48 40
  OK16107117 - -   - - 45 -
  OK16729W 64 56 96 87 45 39
  OK168512 - - - 81 51 -
  OK16D101089 - 55 89 74 - 34
  OK188608 - 53 - - - 33
  Mean 69 48 94 87 50 39
  LSD (0.05) 7 5 5 7 4 8

1 Data for varieties reported from the Altus, Goodwell Irrigated, Lahoma and Lahoma Fungicide trials are included in this analysis. Data from Chickasha was not included due to severe freeze damage during heading.



Table 3. 2019-2020 Oklahoma wheat variety performance tests summary.

Licensee Variety Afton Altus Balko Buffalo Cherokee El Reno Goodwell Irrigated  Homestead
    ---------------------------------- grain yield (bu/ac) ----------------------------------
AGSECO AG Icon - 44 53 80 86 60 42 105
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright - - - - - - 37 -
AgriMAXX AM Eastwood 45 - 48 - 88 - 49 113
AgriPro Ap EverRock - 35 - - - - - -
OGI Baker's Ann 53 23 50 88 87 56 32 94
OGI Bentley 57 28 58 99 89 66 37 104
AgriPro Bob Dole 69 34 56 82 80 68 36 105
PlainsGold Canvas - 68 58 95 87 - 58 109
CROPLAN CP7010 - 66 - - - - 44 -
CROPLAN CP7869 33 68 - - - - 46 -
CROPLAN CP7909 - 54 - - - - 47 -
PlainsGold Crescent AX - 22 59 79 92 - 44 94
OGI Doublestop CL Plus 61 64 52 85 87 65 41 108
OGI Duster 47 33 58 - 77 58 38 93
OGI Gallagher 47 42 54 71 92 51 42 102
OGI Green Hammer 57 29 - 81 85 57 - 104
PlainsGold Guardian - 63 - - - - 58 102
OGI Iba - 39 58 85 86 - 51 105
KWA KS Dallas - 36 - - - - 42 -
KWA KS Silverado - 42 - - - - 27 -
KWA KS Western Star - 50 - - - - 53 -
PlainsGold Langin - 23 58 90 97 - 31 104
LCS LCS Chrome 47 59 55 85 76 68 34 109
LCS LCS Photon AX - 28 - - - - 26 -


Table 3. 2019-2020 Oklahoma wheat variety performance tests summary. (Cont'd)

Licensee Variety Afton Altus Balko Buffalo Cherokee El Reno Goodwell Irrigated  Homestead
OGI Lonerider - - 51 - - - 43 -
OGI OK Corral 69 61 49 85 89 59 40 113
OGI Ruby Lee 68 30 - - 76 61 - 104
OGI Showdown 53 63 54 88 100 71 48 118
OGI Skydance 61 23 - - - 53 - -
OGI Smith's Gold 69 46 55 89 88 59 33 112
OGI Spirit Rider - - 41 - 83 - 35 99
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 65 37 - - - - 38 -
AgriPro SY Benefit 59 30 - - - - 38 -
AgriPro SY Rugged - 39 55 85 86 65 56 111
AGSECO TAM 114 - 52 52 92 85 - 33 -
WestBred WB4269 61 18 52 92 95 68 37 119
WestBred WB4401 - 26 - - - - - -
WestBred WB4515 52 64 - - - - 34 -
WestBred WB4595 - 66 - - 90 - 43 113
WestBred WB4699 - 66 56 81 97 - 48 121
WestBred WB4792 55 63 58 90 90 - 40 116
KWA Zenda 43 45 - 90 84 48 34 106
Dyna-Gro Long Branch - - 55 - - - 44 -
OGI Lonerider - - 51 - - - 43 -
AgriPro SY Wolverine - - 47 - - - 45 -


Table 3. 2019-2020 Oklahoma wheat variety performance tests summary. (Cont'd)

Licensee Variety Afton Altus Balko Buffalo Cherokee El Reno Goodwell Irrigated  Homestead
OSU Experimentals  
  OCW04S717T-6W - 37 - - 72 74 - 118
  OK12912C-138407-2 - 42 - 98 89 63 - 111
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-1 35 49 52 - 86 50 33 97
  OK16107117 - - 55 - 84 - 31 -
  OK16729W 53 34 55 89 84 67 33 112
  OK168512 - - 52 76 86 - 40 -
  OK16D101089 - 28 - 66 81 68 - 107
  OK188608 - 31 - - - 63 - -
  Mean 54 43 54 86 86 62 41 107
  LSD (0.05) 9 6 5 10 7 6 9 10


Table 3. 2019-2020 Oklahoma wheat variety performance tests summary. (Cont'd)

Licensee Variety Hooker Keyes Kildare Kingfisher Lahoma Lahoma Fungicide  Lamont Walters
    -------------------------------- grain yield (bu/ac) ----------------------------------
AGSECO AG Icon 54 58 74 36 93 101 85 -
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright - - - - 102 102 - -
AgriMAXX AM Eastwood 53 48 78 40 98 110 81 -
AgriPro Ap EverRock - - - - 90 91 - -
OGI Baker's Ann 53 49 81 36 91 92 82 24
OGI Bentley 55 41 92 36 88 98 79 37
AgriPro Bob Dole 52 37 88 36 92 92 95 45
PlainsGold Canvas 58 68 - - 92 105 - -
CROPLAN CP7010 - - - - 89 106 - -
CROPLAN CP7869 - - - - 84 92 - -
CROPLAN CP7909 - - - - 98 109 - -
PlainsGold Crescent AX 51 57 - - 90 99 - -
OGI Doublestop CL Plus 55 44 80 34 95 98 91 42
OGI Duster 55 46 - 28 72 84 80 40
OGI Gallagher 58 46 75 32 87 98 91 35
OGI Green Hammer - - 82 36 88 90 84 36
PlainsGold Guardian - - - - 85 92 - -
OGI Iba 62 46 81 - 84 96 90 38
KWA KS Dallas - - - - 86 96 - -
KWA KS Silverado - - - - 98 108 - -
KWA KS Western Star - - - - 78 95 - -
PlainsGold Langin 54 47 - - 85 98 - -
LCS LCS Chrome 51 53 80 27 88 89 87 42
LCS LCS Photon AX - - - - 92 95 - -


Table 3. 2019-2020 Oklahoma wheat variety performance tests summary. (Cont'd)

Licensee Variety Hooker Keyes Kildare Kingfisher Lahoma Lahoma Fungicide  Lamont Walters
    -------------------------------------- grain yield (bu/ac) ------------------------------
OGI Lonerider 51 56 - - - - - -
OGI OK Corral 53 54 74 34 91 94 93 34
OGI Ruby Lee - - - 37 85 84 81 33
OGI Showdown 55 39 84 32 89 90 89 50
OGI Skydance - - - 39 - - - 34
OGI Smith's Gold 50 42 76 37 85 87 87 37
OGI Spirit Rider 51 51 71 - 80 90 73 -
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 - - 86 33 89 89 82 -
AgriPro SY Benefit - - - 28 85 103 81 -
AgriPro SY Rugged 52 61 82 36 92 95 87 42
AGSECO TAM 114 50 42 - - 88 100 - -
WestBred WB4269 53 49 83 36 111 113 93 42
WestBred WB4401 - - - - 98 98 - -
WestBred WB4515 - - - - 91 98 - -
WestBred WB4595 - - - 39 98 116 94 -
WestBred WB4699 57 54 82 - 97 106 90 -
WestBred WB4792 59 68 78 35 98 113 86 45
KWA Zenda - - 80 27 90 95 83 32
Dyna-Gro Long Branch 54 60 - - - - - -
OGI Lonerider 51 56 - - - - - -
AgriPro SY Wolverine 55 56 - - - - - -


Table 3. 2019-2020 Oklahoma wheat variety performance tests summary. (Cont'd)

Licensee Variety Hooker Keyes Kildare Kingfisher Lahoma Lahoma Fungicide  Lamont Walters
    -------------------------------------- grain yield (bu/ac) ------------------------------
OSU Experimentals                  
  OCW04S717T-6W - - 84 35 73 74 96 37
  OK12912C-138407-2 - - 77 34 102 111 95 36
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-1 55 47 72 35 92 104 86 30
  OK16107117 49 41 - - - - - -
  OK16729W 55 34 87 44 92 97 85 43
  OK168512 53 56 - - - - - -
  OK16D101089   - - 80 41 83 81 82 40
  OK188608 - - - 43 - - - 34
  Mean 54 50 80 35 90 97 87 38
  LSD (0.05) 8 4 6 5 7 7 6 5


Table 4. Summary of Regional Trial Locations.  

 Locations: Altus, Goodwell and Lahoma
Licensee Variety Grain Yield
Test Weight
PlainsGold Canvas 81 55.7 12.9
WestBred WB4595 81 58.9 12.3
WestBred WB4699 79 58.2 12.1
WestBred WB4792 78 57.8 12.3
CROPLAN CP7909 77 59.2 13.7
CROPLAN CP7010 76 59.2 12.5
PlainsGold Guardian 74 59.6 13.1
OGI Doublestop CL Plus 74 60.5 13.8
CROPLAN CP7869 73 57.3 13.1
OGI Showdown 73 56.6 13.3 13.3
OGI OK Corral 72 55.8 13.5
WestBred WB4515 72 58.8 14.4
AgriPro SY Rugged 70 58.3 13.3
WestBred WB4269 70 60.3 13.5
AGSECO AG Icon 69 58.6 14.2
KWA KS Western Star 69 55.8 13.0
KWA KS Silverado 68 60.5 13.7
AGSECO TAM 114 68 59.7 13.7
OGI Iba 68 60.1 12.7
LCS LCS Chrome 67 54.7 14.5
OGI Gallagher 67 58.7 13.8
KWA Zenda 66 58.3 13.9
KWA KS Dallas 65 58.2 13.8
PlainsGold Crescent AX 64 59.8 13.6
AgriPro SY Benefit 64 59.6 13.7
AgriPro AP EverRock 63 58.1 14.3
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 63 59.4 14.9
AgriPro Bob Dole 63 59.3 14.1
OGI Bentley 63 57.5 13.7
OGI Smith's Gold 63 58.1 13.8
LCS LCS Photon AX 60 61.3 14.4
OGI Baker's Ann 60 59.5 14.6
PlainsGold Langin 59 59.4 13.6
OGI Duster 57 57.1 13.8
OSU Experimentals     
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-1 70 57.8 13.3
  OK16729W 64 60.5 12.6
  Mean 69 58.6 13.5
  LSD (0.05) 7 1.2 0.7

Notes: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the highest value within a column. Data for varieties reported from the Altus, Goodwell Irrigated, Lahoma and Lahoma Fungicide trials are included in this analysis. Data from Chickasha was not included due to severe freeze damage during heading.



Table 5. Afton Wheat Variety Trial.


Cooperator: Greg Leonard

Planting & harvest dates: 10/4/19 & 6/16/20

Management: Grain-only

Tillage: conventional


Extension Educator: Kathy Enyart

Previous crop: Corn

Soil Type: Taloka silt loam

Soil test: pH= 7.4, N= 52, P= 139, K= 277

 Locations: Altus, Goodwell and Lahoma
Licensee Variety Grain Yield
Test Weight
OGI Smith's Gold 69 58.0 11.1
OGI OK Corral 69 56.6 11.5
AgriPro Bob Dole 69 58.5 11.4
OGI Ruby Lee 68 59.0 11.3
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 65 58.3 11.2
OGI Doublestop CL Plus 61 60.1 11.9
OGI Skydance 61 59.7 12.5
WestBred WB4269 61 57.7 11.7
AgriPro SY Benefit 59 58.0 12.0
OGI Bentley 57 56.0 11.4
OGI Green Hammer 57 57.2 11.5
WestBred WB4792 55 58.0 10.7
OGI Baker's Ann 53 58.6 12.0
OGI Showdown 53 57.4 10.9
WestBred WB4515 52 57.4 12.0
OGI Duster 47 56.1 11.2
LCS LCS Chrome 47 55.7 11.6
OGI Gallagher 47 55.3 11.1
AgriMAXX AM Eastwood 45 53.1 11.3
KWA Everest 43 58.9 13.0
KWA Zenda 43 56.9 10.5
CROPLAN CP7869 33 55.3 11.4
  OK16729W 53 59.0 10.8
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-1 35 53.4 12.3
  Mean 54 57.3 11.5
  LSD (0.05) 9 1.4 0.9

Notes: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the highest value within a column. Severe pressure from Fu-sarium head blight (scab) disease.



Table 6.  Altus Wheat Variety Trial.


Cooperator: OSU Southwest Res. & Ext. Center

Planting & harvest dates: 9/30/19 & 6/1/20

Management: Grain-only

Tillage: Conventional


Extension Educator: Gary Strickland

Previous crop: Wheat

Soil type: Hollister silt clay loam

Soil test: pH=7.5, N= 64, P= 52, K= 913

  Grain Yield
  Test Weight
CROPLAN CP7869 68 68 - 57.1 11.6
PlainsGold Canvas 68 69 - 51.5 11.5
WestBred WB4595 66 63 - 60.4 10.7
CROPLAN CP7010 66 - - 60.5 11.4
WestBred WB4699 66 62 - 57.3 11.4
WestBred WB4515 64 57 46 57.7 11.9
OGI Doublestop CL Plus 64 58 44 59.8 11.2
PlainsGold Guardian 63 - - 57.6 11.7
WestBred WB4792 63 65 - 59.1 11.6
OGI Showdown 63 68 52 56.6 12.2
OGI OK Corral 61 - - 58.1 11.2
LCS LCS Chrome 59 56 44 51.6 13.3
CROPLAN CP7909 54 55 - 58.4 12.9
AGSECO TAM 114 52 59 41 58.6 12.8
KWA KS Western Star 50 - - 52.8 12.1
OGI Smith's Gold 46 53 42 59.9 12.8
KWA Zenda 45 51 37 58.7 14.3
AGSECO AG Icon 44 55 44 60.1 14.3
KWA KS Silverado 42 - - 60.4 13.2
OGI Gallagher 42 49 37 58.3 12.7
OGI Iba 39 51 39 59.3 12.3
AgriPro SY Rugged 39 47 36 58.9 13.6
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 37 41 30 60.1 14.3
KWA KS Dallas 36 - - 59.6 13.3
AgriPro AP EverRock 35 - - 58.2 13.5
AgriPro Bob Dole 34 41 30 58.8 14.8
OGI Duster 33 50 38 58.5 13.8



Table 6. Altus Wheat Variety Trial. (Cont'd)

  Grain Yield
  Test Weight
CROPLAN CP7869 68 68 - 57.1 11.6
PlainsGold Canvas 68 69 - 51.5 11.5
WestBred WB4595 66 63 - 60.4 10.7
CROPLAN CP7010 66 - - 60.5 11.4
WestBred WB4699 66 62 - 57.3 11.4
WestBred WB4515 64 57 46 57.7 11.9
OGI Doublestop CL Plus 64 58 44 59.8 11.2
PlainsGold Guardian 63 - - 57.6 11.7
WestBred WB4792 63 65 - 59.1 11.6
OGI Showdown 63 68 52 56.6 12.2
OGI OK Corral 61 - - 58.1 11.2
LCS LCS Chrome 59 56 44 51.6 13.3
CROPLAN CP7909 54 55 - 58.4 12.9
AGSECO TAM 114 52 59 41 58.6 12.8
KWA KS Western Star 50 - - 52.8 12.1
OGI Smith's Gold 46 53 42 59.9 12.8
KWA Zenda 45 51 37 58.7 14.3
AGSECO AG Icon 44 55 44 60.1 14.3
KWA KS Silverado 42 - - 60.4 13.2
OGI Gallagher 42 49 37 58.3 12.7
OGI Iba 39 51 39 59.3 12.3
AgriPro SY Rugged 39 47 36 58.9 13.6
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 37 41 30 60.1 14.3
KWA KS Dallas 36 - - 59.6 13.3
AgriPro AP EverRock 35 - - 58.2 13.5
AgriPro Bob Dole 34 41 30 58.8 14.8
OGI Duster 33 50 38 58.5 13.8

Notes: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the highest value within a column. Moderate pressure of stripe rust and septoria diseases. There was no lodging across the trial. Average rating for freeze damage was 49% and late maturing varieties seemed to be less affected by the mid-April freeze event.



Table 7. Balko Wheat Variety Trial.


Cooperator: Teryl Rorabaugh

Planting & harvest dates: 9/27/19 & 6/17/20

Management: Grain-only

Tillage: Conventional


Extension Educator: Loren Sizelove

Previous crop: Fallow
Soil type: Ulysses silt loam

Soil test: pH= 8.0, N= 41, P= 33, K= 724

  Grain Yield
  Test Weight
PlainsGold Crescent AX 59 - - 60.8 9.9
PlainsGold Canvas 58 - - 60.0 10.3
OGI Iba 58 75 58 61.6 10.2
OGI Duster 58 74 58 61.7 10.0
PlainsGold Langin 58 72  56 60.0 9.5
OGI Bentley 58 72 61 59.6 9.7
WestBred WB4792 58 - - 60.3 8.8
AgriPro Bob Dole 56 - - 60.8 10.3
WestBred WB4699 56 - - 60.3 9.7
LCS LCS Chrome 55 71 57 59.7 11.0
Dyna-Gro Long Branch 55 73 64 59.4 10.1
OGI Smith's Gold 55 73 59 61.1 9.8
AgriPro SY Rugged 55 73 61 61.3 9.7
OGI Showdown 54 75 65 60.1 9.8
OGI Gallagher 54 74 62 60.0 9.7
AGSECO AG Icon 53 70 - 59.9 11.2
AGSECO TAM 114 52 74 61 61.1 11.0



Table 7. Balko Wheat Variety Trial. (Cont'd)

  Grain Yield
  Test Weight
OGI Doublestop CL Plus 52 - 57 61.9 11.0
WestBred WB4269 52 69 - 60.2 10.9
OGI Baker's Ann 50 68 57 61.1 10.7
OGI Lonerider 51 72 60 60.2 10.6
OGI OK Corral 49 - - 57.3 9.5
AgriMAXX AM Eastwood 48 64 - 59.7 10.9
AgriPro SY Wolverine 47 - - 61.0 9.9
OGI Spirit Rider 41 - - 59.4 10.6
  OK16729W 55 - - 61.8 9.8
  OK16107117 55 - - 59.4 9.0
  OK168512 52 71 - 60.6 10.0
  OK15MASBx7 52 - - 60.1 9.7
  Mean 54 72 60 60.4 10.1
  LSD (0.05) 5 4 4 1.5 1.1

Notes: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the highest value within a column.



Table 8. Buffalo Wheat Variety Trial.


Cooperator: NRCS

Planting & harvest dates: 10/15/19 & 6/11/20

Management: Grain-only

Tillage: no-till


Extension Educator: Darrell McBee

Previous crop: Fallow

Soil Type: St. Paul silt loam

Soil test: pH= 7.4, N= 45, P= 50, K= 670

  Grain Yield
  Test Weight
OGI Bentley   99   91 73   59.5  11.2
 PlainsGold  Canvas 95  56.9  12.1
 WestBred  WB4269 92 85  61.5  11.1 
 AGSECO  TAM 114  92 86 66  60.2  12.5 
 WestBred  WB4792  90 -   56.1  11.2 
 KWA  Zenda  90 -   60.2   12.1 
 PlainsGold   Langin   90 85  68  59.7  11.7 
 OGI  Smith's Gold  89  85  68  57.0  12.5 
 OGI  Baker's Ann  88  -   59.9  12.7
 OGI  Showdown   88  86  68  59.1   11.8 
 OGI  Doublestop CL Plus  85  79  62  61.3  13.3 
 OGI  Iba   85   80  64   59.9  11.3 
 LCS  LCS Chrome   85  79  65   58.1   13.0 
 OGI  OK Corral  85  -   57.1   11.9 
 AgriPro  SY Rugged  85  83   66   56.5  11.2 
 AgriPro  Bob Dole  82  84  60.9  11.9 
 OGI  Green Hammer  81  - 60.4  13.4
 WestBred  WB4699   81  - 57.5   11.6
 AGSECO  AG Icon  80  73  56.7  12.3 
 PlainsGold  Crescent AX  79  - 56.1  12.0 
 OGI   Gallagher   71   75  59  59.0   12.3 
  OK12912C-138407-2  98  -   61.2  12.9 
  OK16729W  89 -   59.4  11.3 
  OK168512  76   72 59.5   12.1
  OK16D101089  66   - 59.6  12.4 
  Mean   86   82 66  58.9  12.1
  LSD (0.05)  10   7 1.3  0.5

Notes: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the high-est value within a column.




Table 9. Cherokee Wheat Variety Trial.


Cooperator: Kenneth Failes

Planting & harvest dates: 11/01/19 & 6/11/20

Management: Grain-only

Tillage: Conventional


Extension Educator: Tommy Puffinbarger

Previous crop: Wheat

Soil type: Dale silt loam

Soil test: pH= 6.9, N= 43, P= 47, K= 616 

  Grain Yield
  Test Weight
OGI Showdown 100 78 63 59.3 9.8
WestBred WB4699 97 - - 59.8 9.4
PlainsGold Langin 97 74 61 61.0 9.6
WestBred WB4269 95 73 - 62.7 9.9
PlainsGold Crescent AX 92 - - 62.0 10.1
OGI Gallagher 92 75 57 62.0 9.9
WestBred WB4595 90 - - 61.7 9.6
WestBred WB4792 90 - - 59.1 10.3
OGI OK Corral 89 - - 59.3 10.0
OGI Bentley 89 68 56 60.3 10.3
AgriMAXX AM Eastwood 88 64 - 62.5 9.7
OGI Smith's Gold 88 69 53 59.9 10.4
PlainsGold Canvas 87 - - 58.2 9.9
OGI Baker's Ann 87 74 59 62.7 10.3
OGI Doublestop CL Plus 87 75 61 63.4 11.1
AGSECO AG Icon 86 73 - 60.9 10.2
AgriPro SY Rugged 86 71 55 60.6 10.2
OGI Iba 86 69 56 62.5 10.3
AGSECO TAM 114 85 68 57 61.6 9.9
OGI Green Hammer 85 73 - 62.5 11.2
KWA Zenda 84 - - 61.8 10.7
OGI Spirit Rider 83 - - 62.0 10.2
AgriPro Bob Dole 80 74 59 61.1 10.4
OGI Duster 77 56 46 59.1 10.2
OGI Ruby Lee 76 65 52 62.6 10.4
LCS LCS Chrome 76 66 55 56.7 11.5
  OK12912C-138407-2 89 - - 62.2 10.3
  OK168512 86 68 - 61.1 10.1
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-1 86 - - 60.6 10.1
  OK16107117 84 - - 60.2 10.0
  OK16729W 84 - - 61.6 10.7
  OK16D101089 81 - - 61.9 10.6
  OCW04S717T-6W 72 - - 59.7 10.2
  Mean 86 70 56 61.0 10.2
  LSD (0.05) 7 7 6 1.1 1.2

Notes: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the high-est value within a column.




Table 10. El Reno Wheat Variety Trial.


Cooperator: Jerry Lingo

Planting & harvest dates: 10/02/19 & 6/8/20

Management: Dual-purpose

Tillage: Conventional


Extension Educator: Kyle Worthington

Previous crop: Wheat

Soil Type: Bethany silt loam

Soil test: pH=6.3, N= 85, P= 31, K= 391

Licensee Variety Grain Yield
Test Weight
    bu/ac lb/bu %
OGI Showdown 71 60.2  10.4
LCS LCS Chrome 68  60.3  10.9
WestBred WB4269 68  61.7   10.1 
AgriPro Bob Dole 68  62.1   10.3 
OGI Bentley 66   58.9 10.0 
AgriPro SY Rugged 65  59.8   10.7 
OGI Doublestop CL Plus 65  64.7   11.1 
OGI Ruby Lee 61   63.5   10.7 
AGSECO AG Icon 60   60.4   10.7 
OGI OK Corral 59   59.8   9.8 
OGI Smith's Gold 59   59.8   10.9 
OGI Duster 58   60.5 10.3 
OGI Green Hammer 57   62.7   12.0 
OGI Baker's Ann 56   62.8   10.9
OGI Skydance 53   64.1  10.7 
OGI Gallagher 51   61.0 10.4 
KWA Zenda 48    62.3 9.9 
OSU Experimentals     
  OCW04S717T-6W 74   60.3   11.1 
  OK16D101089 68   62.2   10.1 
  OK16729W 67   62.9   10.1 
  OK188608 63   62.2   10.4 
  OK12912C-138407-2 63   62.9  10.5 
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-1 50  58.9  9.5 
  Mean 62   61.5  10.5 
  LSD (0.05) 6   0.9  0.5 

 Notes: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the highest value within a column. Plots were grazed from Jan. 16, 2020 to Feb. 1, 2020 at a stocking rate of 280 pounds per acre, and from Feb. 2, 2020 to Feb. 24, 2020 at a stocking rate of 396 pounds per acre.



Table 11. Goodwell Irrigated Wheat Variety Trial.


Cooperator: OK Panhandle Res. & Ext. Center

Planting & harvest dates: 9/26/19 & 6/18/20

Management: Grain-only

Tillage: Conventional


Extension Educator: Dr. Britt Hicks

Previous crop: Fallow

Soil Type: Gruver clay loam

Soil test: pH= 7.6, N= 93, P= 21, K= 1164 

  Grain Yield
  Test Weight
PlainsGold Canvas 58 77   -   54.8   14.6 
PlainsGold Guardian 58 -   -   58.7   14.9 
AgriPro SY Rugged 56 73   75   55.7   14.4 
KWA KS Western Star 53 -   55.1   14.2 
OGI Iba 51 72   75   57.6   14.1 
AgriMAXX AM Eastwood 49 71  72   54.2  15.8 
WestBred WB4699 48   74  53.3   14.2 
OGI Showdown 48   69   72  52.8   15.1 
CROPLAN CP7909 47   68  55.8   15.8 
CROPLAN CP7869 46   69   - 56.0   14.8 
AgriPro SY Wolverine 45   -   56.8   14.9 
CROPLAN CP7010 44   -   55.5   14.4 
PlainsGold Crescent AX 44   71  57.7   15.4 
Dyna-Gro Long Branch 44   60  72   53.3   15.0 
WestBred WB4595 43   67  53.7   14.8 
OGI Lonerider 43   68   75   53.9   16.3 
AGSECO AG Icon 42   66  73   53.9   15.8 
OGI Gallagher 42   64  72  53.8   16.4 
KWA KS Dallas 42   -   52.9  15.3 
OGI Doublestop CL Plus 41   60  65  54.4   16.3 
WestBred WB4792 40   68  -   54.2   14.1 
OGI OK Corral 40   -   -   46.6  16.1 
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 38   58  62  55.7   17.4 
AgriPro SY Benefit 38  55  63  54.7 16.1 


Table 11. Goodwell Irrigated Wheat Variety Trial. (Cont'd)

  Grain Yield
  Test Weight
OGI Duster 38 63 72 52.4 15.6
AgriPro Ap Everock 38 - - 55.2 16.2
OGI Bentley 37 61 66 54.4 15.7
WestBred WB4269 37 64 70 57.1 15.3
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright 37 64 - 55.4 15.9
AgriPro Bob Dole 36 60 66 53.3 15.8
OGI Spirit Rider 35 64 69 52.5 16.6
OGI WB4515 34 58 61 53.3 17.2
LCS LCS Chrome 34 64 69 51.9 15.7
KWA Zenda 34 56 63 53.5 15.2
AGSECO TAM 114 33 58 69 56.5 15.8
OGI Smith's Gold 33 56 65 53.9 15.8
OGI Baker's Ann 32 66 70 54.7 15.9
PlainsGold Langin 31 60 67 56.5 15.0
KWA KS Silverado 27 - - 57.1 15.5
LCS LCS Photon AX 26 - - 56.5 15.9
  OK168512 40 60 - 54.7 15.3
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-1 33 - - 51.6 15.9
  OK16729W 33 65 - 54.4 14.7
  OK16107117 31 - - 52.2 15.3
  Mean 41 64 69 54.5 15.5
  LSD (0.05) 9 8 7 2.0 0.6

Notes: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the high-est value within a column. Moderate pressure of brown wheat mite.



Table 12. Homestead Wheat Variety Trial.


Cooperator: Brook Strader

Planting & harvest dates: 10/7/19 & 6/8/20

Management: Grain-only

Tillage: Conventional


Extension Educator: Troy Gosney

Previous crop: Fallow

Soil Type: Canadian fine sandy loam

Soil test: pH= 6.1, N= 46, P= 40, K= 400

  Grain Yield
  Test Weight
WestBred WB4699 121 - - 62.1 10.3
WestBred WB4269 119 94 - 62.7 11.4
OGI Showdown 118 89 64 61.7 10.4
WestBred WB4792 116 - - 62.1 10.5
OGI OK Corral 113 - - 61.9 10.5
AgriMAXX AM Eastwood 113 80 - 62.6 10.8
WestBred WB4595 113 - - 62.2 10.0
OGI Smith's Gold 112 88 64 62.1 11.8
AgriPro SY Rugged 111 85 - 60.4 10.9
LCS LCS Chrome 109 87 62 62.1 12.2
PlainsGold Canvas 109 - - 59.1 10.9
OGI Doublestop CL Plus 108 88 63 64.8 12.2
KWA Zenda 106 - - 62.3 11.5
OGI Iba 105 82 62 63.3 10.3
AGSECO AG Icon 105 85 - 62.0 11.5
AgriPro Bob Dole 105 91 65 62.8 11.0


Table 12. Homestead Wheat Variety Trial. (Cont'd)

  Grain Yield
  Test Weight
PlainsGold  Langin  104   60.9  10.9
OGI Green Hammer 104 86 61 62.9 13.0
OGI Bentley 104 84 60 60.6 10.7
OGI Ruby Lee 104 85 61 62.7 10.9
PlainsGold Guardian 102 - - 62.7 11.1
OGI Gallagher 102 83 61 63.3 10.7
OGI Spirit Rider 99 81 59 62.1 11.1
OGI Baker's Ann 94 - - 62.3 11.9
PlainsGold Crescent AX 94 - - 61.3 11.8
OGI Duster 93 72 53 60.0 11.4
   OCW04S717T-6W   118    92   64    62.0 12.3
  OK16729W 112 - - 62.7 11.0
  OK12912C-138407-2 111 - - 62.0 11.7
  OK16D101089 107 - - 62.7 11.5
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-1 97 - - 60.9 11.0
  Mean 107 85 61 62.0 11.2
  LSD (0.05) 10 8 6 0.8 1.3

Notes: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the high-est value within a column.




Table 13. Hooker Wheat Variety Trial.


Cooperator: Dan Herald

Planting & harvest dates: 9/26/19 & 6/17/20

Management: Grain-only

Tillage: Conventional


Extension Educator: Dr. Britt Hicks

Previous crop: Fallow

Soil Type: Dalhart fine sandy loam

Soil test: pH= 6.8, N= 106, P= 61, K= 738

  Grain Yield
  Test Weight
OGI Iba 62 57 49 60.3 13.4
WestBred WB4792 59 - - 59.9 13.5
OGI WB4792 58 46 42 59.8 13.9
PlainsGold Canvas 58 - - 59.0 14.3
WestBred WB4699 57 - - 60.0 13.8
OGI Duster 55 51 46 58.8 14.5
OGI Bentley 55 57 51   59.6 14.9
OGI Doublestop CL Plus 55 52 46 59.9 15.4
OGI Showdown 55 56 50 59.7 15.2
AgriPro SY Wolverine 55 - - 59.5 13.8
PlainsGold Langin 54 60 55 60.3 13.9
Dyna-Gro Long Branch 54 54 50 58.6 14.2
AGSECO AG Icon 54 48 - 60.0 14.4
OGI OK Corral 53 - - 58.1 15.2
WestBred WB4269 53 51 - 59.5 14.5



Table 13. Hooker Wheat Variety Trial. (Cont'd)

  Grain Yield
  Test Weight
OGI Baker's Ann 53 54 48 58.3 15.4
AgriMAXX AM Eastwood 53 53 - 59.8 15.2
AgriPro Bob Dole 52 - - 60.1 14.7
AgriPro SY Rugged 52 52 45 58.9 14.8
PlainsGold Crescent AX 51 - - 59.3 14.5
OGI Lonerider 51 54 47 59.3 15.9
OGI Spirit Rider 51 - - 58.8 15.8
LCS LCS Chrome 51 53 46 59.7 14.8
OGI Smith's Gold 50 50 44 60.8 14.3
AGSECO TAM 114 50 48 43 60.3 15.0
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-1 55 - - 59.8 14.5
  OK16729W 55 - - 59.7 14.8
  OK168512 53 58 - 59.2 14.7
  OK16107117 49 - - 59.5 15.1
  Mean 54 53 47 59.5 14.6
  LSD (0.05) 8 6 5 1.4 0.8

Notes: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the high-est value within a column.




Table 14. Keyes Wheat Variety Trial.


Cooperator: J.B. Stewart

Planting & harvest dates: 9/26/19 & 6/17/20

Management: Grain-only

Tillage: Conventional


Extension Educator: Justin Wagner

Previous crop: Fallow

Soil Type: Sherm clay loam

Soil test: pH= 6.3, N= 190, P= 40, K= 865

SHAT    Grain Yield
  Test Weight
(1 to 10)
WestBred WB4792 1 68 - - 60.9 11.0
PlainsGold Canvas 4 68 - - 61.2 11.4
AgriPro SY Rugged 2 61 73 59 61.1 11.9
Dyna-Gro Long Branch 4 60 71 59 59.3 11.2
AGSECO AG Icon 4 58 73 - 59.9 12.2
PlainsGold Crescent AX 4 57 - - 61.7 12.1
AgriPro SY Wolverine 3 56 - - 61.1 11.9
OGI Lonerider 2 56 70 56 60.5 13.0
OGI OK Corral 1 54 - - 53.7 12.4
WestBred WB4699 3 54 - - 57.9 11.9
LCS LCS Chrome 6 53 69 54 59.1 12.7
OGI Spirit Rider 4 51 - - 60.4 13.1
OGI Baker's Ann 5 49 - - 61.0 13.4
WestBred WB4269 1 49 64 - 60.3 13.1
AgriMAXX AM Eastwood 3 48 65 - 59.2 13.5



Table 14. Keyes Wheat Variety Trial. (Cont'd)

SHAT    Grain Yield
  Test Weight
(1 to 10)
PlainsGold Langin 8 47 70 57 61.8 11.4
OGI Gallagher 5 46 64 51 58.4 13.2
OGI Iba 3 46 65 53 60.7 12.4
OGI Duster 4 46 68 55 58.8 12.6
OGI Doublestop CL Plus 4 44 60 50 59.7 13.9
OGI Smith's Gold 6 42 60 49 59.9 12.8
AGSECO TAM 114 6 42 56 47 60.4 13.1
OGI Bentley 7 41 66 56 58.3 12.2
OGI Showdown 7 39 62 51 58.9 11.8
AgriPro Bob Dole 6 37 - - 58.5 12.9
  OK168512 3 56 73 - 61.3 12.5
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-1 2 47 - - 58.0 13.0
  OK16107117 7 41 - - 58.0 12.8
  OK16729W 8 34 - - 60.4 11.9
  Mean 4 50 66 62 59.7 12.5
  LSD (0.05) - 4 6 6 0.8 0.7

Notes: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the high-est value within a column. Average shattering (SHAT) score was measured on a scale from 1 to 10 with 1 indicating no shattering.



Table 15. Kildare Wheat Variety Trial. 


Cooperator: Don Schieber

Planting & harvest dates: 10/16/19 & 6/9/20

Management: Grain-only

Tillage: No-till


Extension Educator: Shannon Mallory

Previous crop: Wheat

Soil Type: Tabler silt loam

Soil test: pH= 6.7, N= 29, P= 102, K= 380

  Grain Yield
  Test Weight
OGI Bentley 92 84 70 60.7 9.4
AgriPro Bob Dole 88 82 67 61.2 9.8
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 86 79 64 62.8 10.2
OGI Showdown 84 77 64 59.9 9.6
WestBred WB4269 83 73 62 62.6 10.0
WestBred WB4699 82 - - 60.7 9.0
AgriPro SY Rugged 82 73 - 60.7 9.7
OGI Green Hammer 82 73 - 62.7 11.5
OGI Iba 81 70 58 62.8 9.2
OGI Baker's Ann 81 73 - 61.8 10.1
OGI Doublestop CL Plus 80 74 64 63.8 11.3
LCS LCS Chrome 80 71 61 59.7 11.2
KWA Zenda 80 77 61 62.5 10.3
WestBred WB4792 78 - - 60.4 9.4
AgriMAXX AM Eastwood 78 76 - 61.6 9.9
OGI Smith's Gold 76 65 54 59.3 10.2
OGI Gallagher 75 68 54 61.4 9.6
OGI OK Corral 74 - - 59.4 10.0
AGSECO AG Icon 74 68 - 59.3 10.6
OGI Spirit Rider 71 64 54 61.9 10.0
  OK16729W 87 - - 62.0 9.7
  OCW04S717T-6W 84 - - 59.8 10.8
  OK16D101089 80 76 - 62.2 10.9
  OK12912C-138407-2 77 - - 61.8 10.5
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-1 72 - - 59.1 9.6
  Mean 80 73 61 61.2 10
  LSD (0.05) 6 5 4 0.8 0.9

Notes: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the high-est value within a column.



Table 16. Kingfisher Wheat Variety Trial.


Cooperator: Tary Helt

Planting & harvest dates: 11/04/19 & 6/6/20

Management: Grain-only

Tillage: Conventional


Extension Educator: Bryan Kennedy

Previous crop: Wheat

Soil Type: Tilman silt loam

Soil test: pH=6.2, N= 46, P= 62, K= 613

  Grain Yield
  Test Weight
AgriMAXX AM Eastwood 40 56 - 58.2 16.7
WestBred WB4595 39 - - 58.8 16.3
OGI Skydance 39 - - 61.4 16.4
OGI Ruby Lee 37 54 42 60.2 16.8
OGI Smith's Gold 37 50 37 59.1 16.5
OGI Green Hammer 36 52 38 59.8 17.3
OGI Bentley 36 54 42 58.6 16.6
AGSECO AG Icon 36 51 - 58.2 16.3
WestBred WB4269 36 59 - 58.7 15.5
AgriPro Bob Dole 36 52 - 58.0 16.4
OGI Baker's Ann 36 - - 59.3 17.0
AgriPro SY Rugged 36 55 40 57.6 16.3
WestBred WB4792 35 - - 58.8 16.5
OGI Doublestop CL Plus 34 47 34 60.9 16.9
OGI OK Corral 34 - - 57.8 17.2
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 33 55 40 58.5 17.2
OGI Gallagher 32 49 37 60.1 16.4
OGI Showdown 32 50 37 57.8 16.6
OGI Duster 28 48 36 57.5 16.0
AgriPro SY Benefit 28 46 34 58.3 16.3
KWA Zenda 27 - - 58.2 16.4
LCS LCS Chrome 27 50 38 59.1 16.6
  OK16729W 44 - - 60.8 15.6
  OK188608 43 - - 58.5 16.5
  OK16D101089 41 53 - 59.7 15.9
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-1 35 - - 59.5 16.3
  OK12912C-138407-2 34 - - 59.0 16.6
  OCW04S717T-6W 35 50 35 57.8 16.9
  Mean 35 52 38 58.9 16.5
  LSD (0.05) 5 5 4 0.9 0.7


Notes: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the high-est value within a column.



Table 17. Lahoma Regional Wheat Variety Trial.


Cooperator: OSU North Central Research Station

Planting & harvest dates: 10/14/19 & 6/10/20

Management: Grain-only

Tillage: Conventional


Extension Educator: Rick Nelson

Previous crop: Wheat

Soil Type: Pond Creek silt loam

Soil test: pH= 5.6, N= 175, P= 79 , K= 424

  Grain Yield
  Test Weight
WestBred WB4269 111 75 66 62.6 12.1
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright 102 73 - 61.0 12.4
WestBred WB4595 98 69 - 58.8 11.9
WestBred WB4792 98 75 - 57.7 11.7
AgriMAXX AM Eastwood 98 55 45 60.3 12.8
WestBred WB4401 98 - - 60.9 12.0
CROPLAN CP7909 98 68 - 60.5 12.9
KWA KS Silverado 98 - - 61.5 13.2
WestBred WB4699 97 72 - 60.5 11.9
OGI Doublestop CL Plus 95 69 58 63.8 13.7
AGSECO AG Icon 93 68 57 59.5 13.5
AgriPro SY Rugged 92 66 54 59.1 12.5
PlainsGold Canvas 92 56 - 57.2 12.6
LCS LCS Photon AX 92 - - 63.4 13.4
AgriPro Bob Dole 92 75 57 62.5 13.0
OGI OK Corral 91 - - 59.0 13.3
OGI Baker's Ann 91 71 57 61.0 13.5
WestBred WB4515 91 58 50 61.6 13.9
PlainsGold Crescent AX 90 64 - 59.8 12.4
KWA Zenda 90 69 55 60.1 13.1
AgriPro AP EverRock 90 - - 58.9 13.5
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 89 62 50 60.4 13.6
OGI Showdown 89 60 50 58.2 12.6
CROPLAN CP7010 89 - - 60.4 12.2

Table 17. Lahoma Regional Wheat Variety Trial. (Cont'd)

  Grain Yield
  Test Weight
 LCS  LCS Chrome   88  65  55   57.4  15.1
OGI Green Hammer 88 70 58 61.7 14.0
OGI Bentley 88 62 57 57.5 12.7
AGSECO TAM 114 88 63 52 60.4 13.0
OGI Gallagher 87 66 55 60.7 12.8
KWA KS Dallas 86 - - 59.7 13.3
PlainsGold Langin 85 60 53 59.6 12.6
OGI Ruby Lee 85 64 58 61.6 13.8
AgriPro SY Benefit 85 56 48 60.1 12.1
OGI Smith's Gold 85 62 53 58.4 13.4
PlainsGold Guardian 85 - - 60.3 12.8
CROPLAN CP7869 84 58 - 57.3 13.1
OGI Iba 84 59 49 61.2 12.2
OGI Spirit Rider 80 58 50 60.0 13.5
KWA KS Western Star 78 - - 56.6 12.8
OGI Duster 72 53 44 57.8 12.9
  OK12912C-138407-2 102 - - 61.6 13.7
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-1 92 66 - 59.9 12.3
  OK16729W 92 71 - 62.7 12.2
  OK16D101089 83 70 - 61.7 13.4
  OCW04S717T-6W 73 62 49 58.3 13.9
  Mean 90 65 53 60.1 13.0
  LSD (0.05) 7 8 7 1.5 0.8

Notes: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the high-est value within a column. Average lodging score at this location was 2 on a scale from 1 to 5 with 1 indicating no lodging.



Table 18. Lahoma Regional Fungicide Wheat Variety Trial.


Cooperator: OSU North Central Research Station

Planting & harvest dates: 10/14/19 & 6/10/20

Management: Grain-only, conventional tillage

Fungicide: 13 fl oz/ac Nexicor at Feekes 9 4/14/20


Extension Educator: Rick Nelson

Previous crop: Wheat

Soil Type: Pond Creek silt loam

Soil test: pH= 5.6, N= 175, P= 79 , K= 424

  Grain Yield
  Test Weight
WestBred WB4595 116 91 - 62.6 11.8
WestBred WB4269 113 87 76 63.1 12.0
WestBred WB4792 113 91 - 60.1 11.7
AgriMAXX AM Eastwood 110 77 60 62.7 13.0
CROPLAN CP7909 109 88 - 62.1 13.0
KWA KS Silverado 108 - - 63.2 12.9
WestBred WB4699 106 88 - 61.6 11.9
CROPLAN CP7010 106 - - 63.1 11.9
PlainsGold Canvas 105 77 - 59.4 12.7
AgriPro SY Benefit 103 77 62 62.7 12.5
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright 102 83 - 61.6 12.7
AGSECO AG Icon 101 81 64 60.8 13.2
AGSECO TAM 114 100 82 64 63.3 13.2
PlainsGold Crescent AX 99 81 - 61.5 12.4
PlainsGold Langin 98 81 68 61.8 12.7
WestBred WB4401 98 - - 60.8 12.4
OGI Gallagher 98 82 67 62.2 13.3
OGI Bentley 98 82 70 59.1 12.8
OGI Doublestop CL Plus 98 80 64 64.1 14.1
WestBred WB4515 98 76 61 62.5 14.5
OGI Iba 96 80 62 62.2 12.4
KWA KS Dallas 96 - - 60.6 13.4
LCS LCS Photon AX 95 - - 64.0 13.6
KWA Zenda 95 84 66 60.9 13.2


Table 18. Lahoma Regional Fungicide Wheat Variety Trial. (Cont'd)

  Grain Yield
  Test Weight
AgriPro SY Rugged 95 76 59 59.5 12.5
KWA KS Western Star 95 - - 58.6 12.9
OGI OK Corral 94 - - 59.7 13.5
OGI Baker's Ann 92 82 65 61.5 14.0
PlainsGold Guardian 92 - - 61.9 13.0
AgriPro Bob Dole 92 82 61 62.7 12.8
CROPLAN CP7869 92 76 - 58.6 13.1
AgriPro AP EverRock 91 - - 60.3 13.8
OGI Showdown 90 74 59 59.0 13.3
OGI Spirit Rider 90 77 63 61.4 13.7
OGI Green Hammer 90 78 63 62.3 14.6
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 89 76 59 61.4 14.2
LCS LCS Chrome 89 75 60 57.9 14.0
OGI Smith's Gold 87 76 62 60.1 13.3
OGI Ruby Lee 84 75 66 61.1 14.3
OGI Duster 84 69 54 59.9 13.0
  OK12912C-138407-2 111 - - 62.0 13.9
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-1 104 85 - 61.9 12.6
  OK16729W 97 84 - 63.0 9.6
  OK16D101089 81 77 - 61.6 13.4
  OCW04S717T-6W 74 68 53 58.4 13.7
  Mean 97 80 63 61.3 13.0
  LSD (0.05) 7 7 6 1.1 1.3

Notes: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the highest value within a column. Average lodging score at this location was 2 on a scale from 1 to 5 with 1 indicating no lodging.



Table 19. Lahoma Regional Wheat Variety Trial. Fungicide vs. No Fungicide Comparison.


Cooperator: OSU North Central Research Station

Planting & harvest dates: 10/14/19 & 6/10/20

Management: Grain-only, conventional tillage

Fungicide: 13 fl oz/ac Nexicor at Feekes 9 4/14/20


Extension Educator: Rick Nelson

Previous crop: Wheat

Soil Type: Pond Creek silt loam

Soil test: pH= 5.6, N= 175, P= 79 , K= 424

Licensee Variety   2019-20
Grain Yield

Test Weight
    No Fungicide
No Fungicide
WestBred  WB4269  111  113   2   62.6   63.1   0.5 
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright 102 102  0 61.0   61.6   0.7 
WestBred WB4595 98 116   18   58.8  62.6   3.9 
WestBred WB4792 98 113   15   57.7   60.1   2.3 
AgriMAXX AM Eastwood 98 110   13   60.3   62.7   2.4 
WestBred WB4401 98 98   1  60.9   60.8   -0.1 
CROPLAN CP7909 98 109   12  60.5   62.1   1.6 
KWA KS Silverado 98 108   11 61.5   63.2  1.7
WestBred WB4699 97 106  9   60.5   61.6   1.1 
OGI Doublestop CL Plus 95 98   3   63.8  64.1   0.3 
AGSECO AG Icon 93 101   8   59.5   60.8   1.2 
AgriPro SY Rugged 92 95   3   59.1   59.5   0.4 
PlainsGold Canvas 92 105   13   57.2   59.4   2.2 
LCS LCS Photon AX 92 95   3   63.4   64.0  0.6 
AgriPro Bob Dole 92 92   0   62.5   62.7   0.2 
OGI OK Corral 91 94   3   59.0  59.7   0.8
OGI Baker's Ann 91 92   1   61.0   61.5   0.5 
WestBred WB4515 91 98   7   61.6   62.5   0.9 
PlainsGold Crescent AX 90 99   9   59.8  61.5   1.7 
KWA Zenda 90 95   5   60.1   60.9   0.8 
AgriPro AP EverRock 90 91   1   58.9   60.3   1.4 
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 89 89   0   60.4   61.4   1.0 
OGI Showdown 89 90   2   58.2   59.0   0.7 


Table 19. Lahoma Regional Wheat Variety Trial. Fungicide vs. No Fungicide Comparison. (Cont'd)

Licensee Variety   2019-20
Grain Yield

Test Weight
    No Fungicide
No Fungicide
CROPLAN CP7010 89 106 17 60.4 63.1 2.6
LCS LCS Chrome 88 89 1 57.4 57.9 0.5
OGI Green Hammer 88 90 2 61.7 62.3 0.6
OGI Bentley 88 98 10 57.5 59.1 1.6
AGSECO TAM 114 88 100 12 60.4 63.3 2.9
OGI Gallagher 87 98 11 60.7 62.2 1.5
KWA KS Dallas 86 96 10 59.7 60.6 0.9
PlainsGold Langin 85 98 13 59.6 61.8 2.2
OGI Ruby Lee 85 84 -1 61.6 61.1 -0.5
AgriPro SY Benefit 85 103 18 60.1 62.7 2.6
OGI Smith's Gold 85 87 3 58.4 60.1 1.8
PlainsGold Guardian 85 92 7 60.3 61.9 1.6
CROPLAN CP7869 84 92 8 57.3 58.6 1.3
OGI Iba 84 96 12 61.2 62.2 1.0
OGI Spirit Rider 80 90 10 60.0 61.4 1.4
KWA KS Western Star 78 95 16 56.6 58.6 2.0
OGI Duster 72 84 12 57.8 59.9 2.1
  OK12912C-138407-2 102 111 9 61.6 62.0 0.4
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-1 92 104 12 59.9 61.9 2.0
  OK16729W 92 97 5 62.7 63.0 0.3
  OK16D101089 83 81 -2 61.7 61.6 0.0
  OCW04S717T-6W 73 74 1 58.3 58.4 0.1
  Mean 90 97 7 60.1 61.3 1.2
  LSD (0.05) 7 7 7 1.5 1.1 1.0

Notes: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the highest value within a column. Average lodging score was 2 on a scale from 1 to 5 with 1 indicating no lodging. Moderate to severe pressure from Septoria and other leaf spotting conditions, including spring freeze damage of leaf tissue. Low pressure of leaf and stripe rust diseases during grain-fill. Possible shattering loss where lodging was not severe.



Table 20. Lamont Wheat Variety Trial.


Cooperator: Don and Roger Kirby

Planting & harvest dates: 10/16/19 & 6/9/20

Management: Grain-only

Tillage: Conventional



Extension Educator: Sarah Donahue

Previous crop: Wheat

Soil Type: Pond Creek silt loam

Soil test: pH= 6.4, N= 72, P= 40, K= 325

  Grain Yield
  Test Weight
AgriPro Bob Dole 95 75 61 60.5 12.4
WestBred WB4595 94 - - 60.8 11.4
WestBred WB4269 93 63 54 61.2 11.6
OGI OK Corral 93 - - 58.8 12.5
OGI Doublestop CL Plus 91 67 56 62.6 13.6
OGI Gallagher 91 59 45 59.5 12.0
WestBred WB4699 90 - - 58.4 11.1
OGI Iba 90 56 47 61.5 11.0
OGI Showdown 89 58 47 59.0 11.4
OGI Smith's Gold 87 60 48 58.8 12.4
LCS LCS Chrome 87 59 50 58.1 12.7
AgriPro SY Rugged 87 63 - 59.5 11.6
WestBred WB4792 86 - - 58.0 11.3
AGSECO AG Icon 85 61 - 59.9 12.6
OGI Green Hammer 84 61 52 61.3 13.9
KWA Zenda 83 63 52 60.9 12.2


Table 20. Lamont Wheat Variety Trial. (Cont'd)

  Grain Yield
  Test Weight
OGI Baker's Ann 82 60 48 60.8 12.7
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 82 58 48 61.3 12.6
AgriMAXX AM Eastwood 81 50 - 58.7 12.5
AgriPro SY Benefit 81 55 45 58.9 11.5
OGI Ruby Lee 81 59 49 60.4 12.9
OGI Duster 80 46 38 58.2 12.3
OGI Bentley 79 58 50 59.4 12.0
OGI Spirit Rider 73 54 45 59.7 12.8
  OCW04S717T-6W 96 - - 58.9 13.1
  OK12912C-138407-2 95 - - 60.8 13.1
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-1 86 - - 58.6 12.0
  OK16729W 85 - - 61.3 12.2
  OK16D101089 82 - - 60.2 12.7
  Mean 87 59 49 59.9 12.3
  LSD (0.05) 6 6 5 1.4 0.6

Notes: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the high-est value within a column.



Table 21. Walters Wheat Variety Trial.


Cooperator: Jimmy Kinder

Planting & harvest dates: 10/2/19 & 5/30/20

Management: Dual-purpose

Tillage: No-till


Extension Educator: Kimbreley Davis

Previous crop: Wheat

Soil Type: Foard silt loam

Soil test: pH=7.9 , N= 43, P= 24, K= 396

  Grain Yield
  Test Weight
OGI Showdown 50 44 52 57.9 9.1
WestBred WB4792 45 - - 59.9 8.8
AgriPro Bob Dole 45 - - 58.0 9.5
OGI Doublestop CL Plus 42 38 48 60.6 10.0
LCS LCS Chrome 42 36 47 58.6 9.4
WestBred WB4269 42 30 - 58.4 9.1
AgriPro SY Rugged 42 28 40 59.4 9.7
OGI Duster 40 33 43 58.5 9.3
OGI Iba 38 29 42 59.3 9.5
OGI Bentley 37 29 40 58.0 9.8
OGI Smith's Gold 37 30 40 57.8 9.5
OGI Green Hammer 36 30 40 58.9 10.3
OGI Gallagher 35 27 37 57.8 9.8
OGI OK Corral 34 - - 57.2 10.3
OGI Skydance 34 25 - 60.4 10.6
OGI Ruby Lee 33 29 37 59.8 10.4
KWA Zenda 32 - - 58.9 10.2
OGI Baker's Ann 24 - - 59.5 11.4
  OK16729W 43 - - 58.0 9.3
  OK16D101089 40 28 - 59.0 9.8
  OCW04S717T-6W 37 - - 55.7 10.1
  OK188608 34 - - 59.0 10.3
  OK12912C-138407-2 36 - - 58.4 9.6
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-1 30 - - 56.5 10.2
  Mean 38 31 42 58.6 9.8
  LSD (0.05) 5 4 5 0.95 0.7

Notes: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the highest value within a column. Average visual rating for freeze damage was 38%. There was no lodging across the trial. Low disease pressure observed during grain-fill. Plots were grazed from 12/28/19 to 03/04/20 at a stocking rate of 145 pounds per acre.



Table 22. Central Region Summary.

Locations: Kingfisher and El Reno

Grain Yield
Test Weight
WestBred WB4269 52 60.2 12.8
AgriPro Bob Dole 52 60.1 13.3
OGI Showdown 52 59.0 13.5
OGI Bentley 51 58.7 13.3
AgriPro SY Rugged 51 58.7 13.5
OGI Doublestop CL Plus 49 62.8 14.0
OGI Ruby Lee 49 61.8 13.7
AGSECO AG Icon 48 59.3 13.5
OGI Smith's Gold 48 59.4 13.7
LCS LCS Chrome 47 59.7 13.8
OGI Green Hammer 47 61.2 14.7
OGI OK Corral 46 58.8 13.5
OGI Skydance 46 62.7 13.6
OGI Baker's Ann 46 61.0 13.9
OGI Duster 43 59.0 13.2
OGI Gallagher 42 60.6 13.4
KWA Zenda 38 60.3 13.2
  OK16729W 56 61.8 12.8
  OK16D101089 55 60.9 13.0
  OCW04S717T-6W 55 59.1 14.0
  OK188608 53 60.4 13.4
  OK12912C-138407-2 48 61.0 13.6
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-1 43 59.2 12.9
  Mean 48 60.2 13.5
  LSD (0.05) 5 0.9 0.5

Notes: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the highest value within a column. Data for varieties reported from the El Reno and Kingfisher trials are included in this analysis.



Table 23. North Central Region Summary.

Locations: Homestead, Kildare, Lahoma and Lamont

Grain Yield
Test Weight
WestBred WB4269 106 62.7 11.4
WestBred WB4792 101 60.1 10.8
WestBred WB4699 101 61.2 10.8
AgriMAXX AM Eastwood 100 61.8 11.6
OGI Showdown 96 59.7 11.5
OGI Bentley 95 59.5 11.4
OGI Doublestop CL Plus 95 64.1 12.8
AgriPro SY Rugged 94 59.9 11.4
AgriPro Bob Dole 94 62.3 11.7
OGI OK Corral 93 60.0 11.8
AGSECO AG Icon 93 60.4 12.2
KWA Zenda 92 61.4 12.0
OGI Iba 92 62.3 11.0
LCS LCS Chrome 91 59.3 13.1
OGI Green Hammer 91 62.4 13.3
OGI Gallagher 90 61.9 11.6
OGI Smith's Gold 90 60.0 12.2
OGI Baker's Ann 90 61.6 12.4
OGI Spirit Rider 85 61.3 12.1
  OK12912C-138407-2 99 61.9 12.4
  OK16729W 96 62.6 10.6
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-1 92 60.4 11.4
  OK16D101089 89 62.1 12.3
  OCW04S717T-6W 86 59.6 12.7
  Mean 94 61.2 11.8
  LSD (0.05) 5 0.7 0.6

Notes: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the highest value within a column. Data for varieties reported from the Homestead, Kildare, Lahoma, Lahoma Fungicide and Lamont trials are included in this analysis.



Table 24. Northwest Region Summary.

Locations: Buffalo and Cherokee

Grain Yield
Test Weight
WestBred WB4269 94 62.1 10.5
PlainsGold Langin 93 60.3 10.6
OGI Showdown 93 59.2 10.8
OGI Bentley 93 59.9 10.8
PlainsGold Canvas 91 57.5 11.0
WestBred WB4792 90 57.6 10.7
OGI Smith's Gold 89 58.5 11.4
WestBred WB4699 89 58.6 10.5
AGSECO TAM 114 88 60.9 11.2
OGI Baker's Ann 88 61.3 11.5
KWA Zenda 87 61.0 11.4
OGI OK Corral 87 58.2 10.9
PlainsGold Crescent AX 86 59.1 11.0
OGI Doublestop CL Plus 86 62.3 12.2
AgriPro SY Rugged 86 58.5 10.7
OGI Iba 85 61.2 10.8
AGSECO AG Icon 83 58.8 11.3
OGI Green Hammer 83 61.5 12.3
OGI Gallagher 82 60.5 11.1
AgriPro Bob Dole 81 61.0 11.1
LCS LCS Chrome 80 57.4 12.2
  OK12912C-138407-2 92 61.7 11.6
  OK16729W 87 60.5 11.0
  OK168512 81 60.3 11.1
  OK16D101089 74 60.7 11.5
  Mean 87 59.9 11.2
  LSD (0.05) 7 1.1 0.7

Notes: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the highest value within a column. Data for varieties reported from the Buffalo and Cherokee trials are included in this analysis.



Table 25. Panhandle Region Summary.

Locations: Balko, Goodwell, Hooker and Keyes

Grain Yield
Test Weight
PlainsGold Canvas 61 58.9 12.6
WestBred WB4792 57 59.1 11.7
AgriPro SY Rugged 56 59.4 12.6
OGI Iba 55 60.2 12.4
WestBred WB4699 54 58.1 12.3
Dyna-Gro Long Branch 54 57.9 12.5
PlainsGold Crescent AX 53 60.0 12.8
AGSECO AG Icon 52 58.7 13.3
AgriPro SY Wolverine 51 59.8 12.5
OGI Lonerider 51 58.8 13.8
OGI Gallagher 50 58.2 13.1
OGI Duster 50 58.2 13.1
OGI OK Corral 50 54.3 13.2
AgriMAXX AM Eastwood 49 58.5 13.7
LCS LCS Chrome 49 57.9 13.4


Table 25. Panhandle Region Summary. (Cont'd)

Grain Yield
Test Weight
OGI Showdown 49 58.1 12.9
OGI Bentley 48 58.2 13.0
PlainsGold Langin 48 59.8 12.3
OGI Doublestop CL Plus 48 59.2 14.1
WestBred WB4269 48 59.4 13.4
OGI Baker's Ann 47 59.0 13.7
OGI Smith's Gold 46 59.2 13.0
AgriPro Bob Dole 46 58.4 13.3
OGI Spirit Rider 45 58.0 13.9
AGSECO TAM 114 45 59.7 13.6
  OK168512 51 59.2 13.0
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-1 48 57.7 13.1
  OK16729W 45 59.3 12.7
  OK16107117 45 57.5 12.9
  Mean 50 58.6 13.0
  LSD (0.05) 4 0.9 0.5

Notes: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the highest value within a column. Data for varieties reported from the Balko, Goodwell, Hooker and Keyes trials are included in this analysis.



Table 26.  Southwest Region Summary

Locations: Altus and Walters

Grain Yield
Test Weight
OGI Showdown 56 57.2 10.6
WestBred WB4792 54 59.5 10.2
OGI Doublestop CL Plus 53 60.2 10.6
LCS LCS Chrome 50 55.1 11.3
OGI OK Corral 48 57.6 10.7
OGI Smith's Gold 42 58.9 11.2
AgriPro SY Rugged 41 59.2 11.7
AgriPro Bob Dole 39 58.4 12.1
OGI Iba 39 59.3 10.9
KWA Zenda 39 58.8 12.3
OGI Gallagher 38 58.1 11.2
OGI Duster 37 58.5 11.5
OGI Bentley 33 58.4 11.8
OGI Green Hammer 32 59.5 12.7
OGI Ruby Lee 32 60.6 12.5
WestBred WB4269 30 58.4 11.9
OGI Skydance 28 60.4 12.4
OGI Baker's Ann 24 60.2 13.1
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-1 40 57.2 11.3
  OK12912C-138407-2 39 59.1 11.5
  OK16729W 39 59.9 11.5
  OCW04S717T-6W 37 56.6 12.1
  OK16D101089 34 59.7 11.7
  OK188608 33 60.2 11.5
  Mean 39 58.8 11.6
  LSD (0.05) 8 1.3 0.9

Notes:  Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the highest value within a column. Data for varieties reported from the Altus and Walters trials are included in this analysis.



Table 27. Heading Date and Plant Height

Licensee Variety Altus Chickasha Goodwell
Lahoma Stillwater Altus Goodwell
Lahoma Stillwater
    --------------- 50% heading -----------------      ----- plant height at harvest (in) ----
AGSECO AG Icon 4-Apr 9-Apr 28-Apr 24-Apr 16-Apr 97 59 97 84
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright - 8-Apr 2-May 23-Apr 19-Apr - 62 92 81
AgriMAXX AM Eastwood - 2-Apr 29-Apr 22-Apr 16-Apr - 50 89 76
AgriPro AP EverRock 3-Apr 2-Apr 3-May 21-Apr 11-Apr 99 55 91 81
OGI Baker's Ann 1-Apr 2-Apr 2-May 20-Apr 10-Apr 100 55 106 82
OGI Bentley 2-Apr 6-Apr 29-Apr 23-Apr 16-Apr 105 65 103 89
AgriPro Bob Dole 2-Apr 8-Apr 1-May 23-Apr 16-Apr 111 67 107 98
PlainsGold Canvas 8-Apr 10-Apr 29-Apr 26-Apr 22-Apr 99 60 90 78
CROPLAN CP7010 8-Apr 10-Apr 2-May 25-Apr 18-Apr 97 65 92 79
CROPLAN CP7869 14-Apr 23-Apr 30-Apr 30-Apr 26-Apr 96 60 86 79
CROPLAN CP7909 4-Apr 8-Apr 2-May 22-Apr 14-Apr 108 65 92 83
PlainsGold Crescent AX 1-Apr 2-Apr 2-May 19-Apr 11-Apr 100 66 91 87
OGI Doublestop CL Plus 8-Apr 10-Apr 1-May 26-Apr 21-Apr 105 48 100 91
OGI Duster 7-Apr 8-Apr 2-May 23-Apr 16-Apr 99 61 94 87
OGI Gallagher 6-Apr 6-Apr 2-May 23-Apr 16-Apr 97 63 98 88
OGI Green Hammer 2-Apr 6-Apr - 23-Apr 16-Apr 105 - 105 90
PlainsGold Guardian 7-Apr 13-Apr 2-May 28-Apr 21-Apr 99 54 90 88
OGI Iba 6-Apr - 30-Apr 23-Apr 16-Apr 100 68 93 82
KWA KS Dallas 4-Apr 6-Apr 30-Apr 23-Apr 17-Apr 97 62 91 88
KWA KS Silverado 2-Apr 10-Apr 2-May 21-Apr 14-Apr 86 51 91 82


Table 27. Heading Date and Plant Height (Cont'd)

Licensee Variety Altus Chickasha Goodwell
Lahoma Stillwater Altus Goodwell
Lahoma Stillwater
    --------------- 50% heading -----------------      ----- plant height at harvest (in) ----
KWA KS Western Star 10-Apr 20-Apr 28-Apr 27-Apr 25-Apr 105 62 102 88
PlainsGold Langin 29-Mar 2-Apr 2-May 19-Apr 11-Apr 89 60 88 77
LCS LCS Chrome 11-Apr 20-Apr 1-May 29-Apr 27-Apr 98 52 99 85
LCS LCS Photon AX 2-Apr 10-Apr 3-May 22-Apr 16-Apr 99 62 100 98
OGI Lonerider - - 29-Apr - 20-Apr - 53 - 79
Dyna-Gro Long Branch - - 29-Apr - 25-Apr - 60 - 86
OGI OK Corral 7-Apr 10-Apr 2-May 26-Apr 18-Apr 94 55 91 82
OGI Ruby Lee 4-Apr 3-Apr - 21-Apr 13-Apr 98 - 100 90
OGI Showdown 6-Apr 9-Apr 30-Apr 23-Apr 19-Apr 104 68 104 96
OGI Skydance 2-Apr 2-Apr - - 12-Apr 98 - - 91
OGI Smith's Gold 6-Apr 10-Apr 2-May 23-Apr 19-Apr 97 50 82 84
OGI Spirit Rider - - 2-May 27-Apr 22-Apr - 48 90 76
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 30-Mar 2-Apr 28-Apr 20-Apr 11-Apr 99 60 108 83
AgriPro SY Benefit 31-Mar 6-Apr 30-Apr 21-Apr 15-Apr 99 58 98 80
AgriPro SY Rugged 31-Mar 3-Apr 28-Apr 22-Apr 16-Apr 91 63 89 78
AgriPro SY Wolverine - - 30-Apr - 13-Apr - 58 - 81
AGSECO TAM 114 6-Apr 10-Apr 30-Apr 23-Apr 20-Apr 99 63 102 91
WestBred WB4269 30-Mar 6-Apr 28-Apr 21-Apr 13-Apr 90 60 89 73
WestBred WB4401 29-Mar 1-Apr - 21-Apr 10-Apr 92 - 100 79
WestBred WB4515 7-Apr 14-Apr 3-May 25-Apr 21-Apr 94 58 96 79
WestBred WB4595 7-Apr 11-Apr 27-Apr 25-Apr 17-Apr 100 60 92 84
WestBred WB4699 7-Apr 10-Apr 2-May 25-Apr 20-Apr 85 40 85 79
WestBred WB4792 7-Apr 11-Apr 3-May 25-Apr 19-Apr 103 52 92 88
KWA Zenda 3-Apr 8-Apr 3-May 23-Apr 16-Apr 97 62 99 85
OSU Experimentals            
  OCW04S717T-6W 9-Apr 11-Apr - 26-Apr 20-Apr 100 - 94 92
  OK12912C-138407-2 4-Apr 9-Apr - 22-Apr 16-Apr 105 - 106 95
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-1 5-Apr 8-Apr 2-May 23-Apr 16-Apr 94 55 93 82
  OK16107117 - - 3-May - - - 60 - -
  OK16729W 2-Apr 8-Apr 30-Apr 22-Apr 18-Apr 108 69 101 92
  OK168512 - - 2-May - - - 55 - -
  OK16D101089 2-Apr 6-Apr - 21-Apr 16-Apr 95 - 96 85
  OK188608 3-Apr 3-Apr - - - 109 - - -
  Mean 4-Apr 8-Apr 30-Apr 23-Apr 17-Apr 99 59 95 85



Table 28.  Freeze Damage

Licensee Variety Altusa Apachb Chickashab
    ------------ % Freeze damage ---------
AGSECO AG Icon 95 - 82
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright - - 80
AgriMAXX AM Eastwood - - 80
AgriPro AP EverRock 55 - 93
OGI Baker's Ann 85 90 92
OGI Bentley 60 83 82
AgriPro Bob Dole 80 85 87
PlainsGold Canvas 10 - 77
CROPLAN CP7010 20 - 80
CROPLAN CP7869 5 - 20
CROPLAN CP7909 60 - 80
PlainsGold Crescent AX 100 - 95
OGI Doublestop CL Plus 10 28 67
OGI Duster 10 80 85
OGI Gallagher 30 77 88
OGI Green Hammer 55 87 88
PlainsGold Guardian 20 - 80
OGI Iba 25 77 -
KWA KS Dallas 70 - 82
KWA KS Silverado 65 - 85
KWA KS Western Star 0 - 30
PlainsGold Langin 95 - 95
LCS LCS Chrome 0 43 25
LCS LCS Photon AX 95 - 87
OGI OK Corral 10 65 70
OGI Ruby Lee 75 90 90
OGI Showdown 10 83 87
OGI Skydance 90 90 88
OGI Smith's Gold 65 78 85


Table 28.  Freeze Damage (Cont'd)

Licensee Variety Altusa Apachb Chickashab
    ------------ % Freeze damage ---------
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 25 - 90
AgriPro SY Benefit 80 90 83
AgriPro SY Rugged 95 87 87
AGSECO TAM 114 50 - 85
WestBred WB4269 60 93 85
WestBred WB4401 85 - 92
WestBred WB4515 5 - 77
WestBred WB4595 10 - 82
WestBred WB4699 5 - 75
WestBred WB4792 0 57 82
KWA Zenda 75 85 87
OSU Experimentals        
  OCW04S717T-6W 40 70 85
  OK12912C-138407-2 30 82 78
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-1 55 88 90
  OK16729W 65 85 85
  OK16D101089 95 92 92
  OK188608 85 - 92
  Mean 49 78 81
  1. Freeze damage ratings at Altus are based on percent of damaged heads from one replication within the trial. 
  2. Freeze damage ratings at Apache and Chickasha are based on average percent of damaged heads of three replications for each trial. 


Participating Seed Companies


AgriMAXX Wheat Company

Matt Wehmeyer
7167 Highbanks Road
Mascoutah, IL 62258
Phone: (855) 629-9432
Varieties: AM Cartwright, AM Eastwood



Greg McCormack
8750 NW 66th St.
Silver Lake, KS 66539
Phone: (620) 532-6283
Varieties: AP EverRock, Bob Dole, SY Achieve CL2, SY Benefit,
SY Rugged, SY Wolverine



Steve Ahring
P.O. Box 7
Girard, KS 66743
Phone: (620) 724-6223
Varieties: AG Icon, TAM 114


CROPLAN by Winfield United

Cameron Aker
500 North 1st street
Vincent, IA 50594
Garrison, ND 58540
Phone: (515) 356-4524
Email:  (
Varieties: CP7010, CP7869, CP7909


Dyna-Gro Seed

Shawn Carter
3492 Long Prairie Road Suite 200
Flower Mound, TX 75022
Phone: (318) 282-9804
Variety: Long Branch


Kansas Wheat Alliance (KWA)

Daryl Strouts
1990 Kimball Ave. Suite 200
Manhattan, KS 66502
Phone: (785) 320-4080
Varieties: KS Dallas, KS Silverado, KS Western Star, Zenda


Limagrain Cereal Seeds (LCS)

Nathan Miller
6414 N Sheridan street
Wichita, KS 67204
Phone: (316) 755-2042
Varieties: LCS Chrome, LCS Photon AX, T173


Oklahoma Genetics, Inc. (OGI)

Mark Hodges
201 South Range Road
Stillwater, OK 74074
Phone: (405) 744-4347
Varieties: Baker's Ann, Bentley, Doublestop CL Plus, Duster, Gallagher, Green Hammer, Iba, Lonerider, OK Corral, Ruby Lee, Showdown, Skydance, Smith's Gold, Spirit Rider



(Colorado Wheat Research Foundation)
Brad Erker/Tyler Benninghoven
4026 S. Timberline Road Suite 100
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Phone: (970) 449-6994
Varieties: Canvas, Crescent AX, Guardian, Langin



John Fenderson
1616 E. Glencoe Road
Stillwater, OK 74075
Phone: (620) 243-4263
Varieties: WB4269, WB4401, WB4515, WB4595, WB4699, WB4792


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