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Fact Sheet
Factors Influencing Cotton Producers’ Choice of Marketing Outlet

A summary of a survey that examined the influence on marketing outlet choices in response to price changes, weather events and changes in supply and demand.

Business Strategy & MarketingCottonCropsMarketing Strategy & Tactics
Fact Sheet
Using Broadband to Advertise: Panama Tours from Oklahoma!

A success story of using rural broadband as the sole source of advertising for a tourism business.

Business Strategy & MarketingMarketing Strategy & Tactics
Fact Sheet
Web 2.0: What Is It and What Can It Do For My Business?

Definitions, tools and recommendations on how to properly use Web 2.0 as an interactive environment for small-business owners.

Business Strategy & MarketingMarketing Strategy & TacticsWebsites & eCommerce
Fact Sheet
The Marketing Puzzle

Learn how to view the marketing alternatives a pieces of a puzzle that fit together to form the market picture.

Business Strategy & MarketingMarketing Strategy & TacticsWebsites & eCommerce
Fact Sheet
The Internet as a Marketing Tool

The benefits for a business looking to utilize the internet as a potential marketing source.

Business Strategy & MarketingMarketing Strategy & TacticsWebsites & eCommerce
Fact Sheet
Upgraded Packer-Feeder Marker Simulator

Understanding the newest version of the packer-feeder simulator and Extension applications with it.

Business Strategy & MarketingMarketing Strategy & TacticsWebsites & eCommerce
Fact Sheet
Marketing Opportunities Available to Oklahoma Beef Cattle Producers

How to identify marketing and management programs and the characteristics intended to increase value of calves produced in Oklahoma and the surrounding region.

Beef CattleBusiness Strategy & MarketingLivestockMarketing Strategy & Tactics
Fact Sheet
Website Basics for Small Businesses

The first steps to understanding if a website is beneficial for your small business and the components recommended to build your online presence.

Business Strategy & MarketingMarketing Strategy & TacticsWebsites & eCommerce
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