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Fact Sheet
Industrial Hemp Production: Risk Management

Industrial hemp production information about the three different risk types categorized by business, financial and strategic.

Business Strategy & MarketingCropsRisk Management
Fact Sheet
Dealing with Difficult Customers

Advice to help employees understand the different types of customers and other techniques to help diffuse certain situations.

Business Strategy & MarketingRisk Management
Fact Sheet
Oklahoma Pasture Rental Rates: 2018-19

A 2018-2019 survey reporting the rental agreements, rates and influencing factors of leasing pasture land in Oklahoma.

Business Strategy & MarketingCrop EconomicsFarm & Ranch FinancesLeasing & Rental Rates
Fact Sheet
Oklahoma Cropland Rental Rates: 2018-19

A 2018-2019 survey reporting the rental agreements, rates and influencing factors of leasing farmland in Oklahoma.

Business Strategy & MarketingCrop EconomicsFarm & Ranch FinancesLeasing & Rental Rates
Fact Sheet
Customer Service Basics

The importance of customers and how to apply the six hospitality habits when working with customers.

Business Strategy & MarketingMarketing Strategy & Tactics
Fact Sheet
Wheat and Flour Quality for Varieties Tested in the 2016 OSU Wheat Variety Performance Tests

The types of performance tests on various wheat and flour varieties to determine physical attributes and baking quality of the bread.

Business Strategy & MarketingCrop EconomicsCropsGrains & OilseedsWheat
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