OSU Beef Extension provides a variety of programs and resources for beef cattle producers.
Receiving & Feedlot
Stocker Cattle
A guide on using the Oklahoma State University Cowculator v2.0.
An overview and benefits of using the Livestock Risk Protection program in a feeder cattle operation.
Analyze a wheat crop overview in 2018-2019 by looking at factors like harvested acres, yield and total bushels.
An explanation of what is covered by the Pasture, Rangeland and Forage Insurance while also describing how the program works.
Management and production practices of Old World Bluestem in the forage and beef industry.
A general overview on where brands come from, why they are used, how to read them, what Oklahoma’s brand laws are and different branding techniques.
The transition to crabgrass after wheat, crabgrass production phase and the transition to fall forage production explained in terms of summer forage usage.
The effect of grazing on wheat grain yield can be minimized by removing cattle by the first hollow stem stage of growth.