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Fact Sheet
2018-2019 Small Grains Variety Performance Tests

Analyze a wheat crop overview in 2018-2019 by looking at factors like harvested acres, yield and total bushels.

Beef CattleCropsForageGrains & OilseedsLivestockPastures & ForageStocker CattleWheat
Fact Sheet
Minimizing Impacts to Wildlife from Livestock Infrastructure

A guide to the best management practices to protect livestock from outside wildlife in relation to their fencing and water quality.

BirdsHabitat ManagementLivestockLivestock Health & DiseaseLivestock Health, Disease & NutritionLivestock ManagementRaptorsWildlife
Fact Sheet
Production and Management of Old World Bluestems

Management and production practices of Old World Bluestem in the forage and beef industry.

Beef CattleForage GrassesLivestockPastures & Forage
Fact Sheet
Fall forage production and first hollow stem date in small grain varieties during the 2018-2019 crop year

How to determine genetic differences in forage production potential and grazing duration among small grain varieties grown in Oklahoma.

Beef CattleCropsForageForage GrassesGrains & OilseedsLivestockPastures & ForageRyeStocker CattleWheat
Fact Sheet
Reproductive Management of the Mare

How to understand the physiology, estrous period and recordkeeping practices for proper management of a mare’s reproductive cycle.

HorsesLivestockLivestock Genetics & Reproduction
Fact Sheet
Livestock Branding in Oklahoma

A general overview on where brands come from, why they are used, how to read them, what Oklahoma’s brand laws are and different branding techniques.

Beef CattleLivestock
Fact Sheet
Managing Crabgrass in a Continuous Grazeout Wheat System

The transition to crabgrass after wheat, crabgrass production phase and the transition to fall forage production explained in terms of summer forage usage.

Beef CattleForage GrassesLivestockPastures & Forage
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