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Fact Sheet
Limiting Feed Intake with Salt

A guide to formulating salt-limited supplements and how to go about feeding them.

Beef CattleLivestockLivestock Health, Disease & NutritionLivestock Nutrition
Fact Sheet
Cow-Calf Production Practices in Oklahoma – Part 2

A summary of producer responses to questions related to quality assurance and animal health, marketing, risk management and reproduction and genetics.

Beef CattleLivestockLivestock Genetics & ReproductionLivestock Health & DiseaseLivestock Health, Disease & NutritionLivestock ManagementLivestock Marketing
Fact Sheet
A Breeding Program for a Fall Lambing Program

Benefits of utilizing a fall lambing program and the steps that must be taken to run an efficient and profitable system.

LivestockLivestock Genetics & ReproductionLivestock ReproductionSheep
Fact Sheet
Managing Shrink and Weighing Conditions in Beef Cattle

How to manage weight loss in cattle due to gathering, sorting, weaning, hauling and unusual conditions.

Beef CattleLivestockLivestock Health, Disease & NutritionLivestock Nutrition
Fact Sheet
Oklahoma GOLD Q&A Late-season Supplementation Program for Stocker Cattle

A question and answer session regarding the supplementation program for stocker cattle.

Beef CattleLivestockStocker Cattle
Fact Sheet
Stocker Cattle Production and Management Practices in Oklahoma

A summarization of the results from two surveys distributed to beef producers with a cow-calf herd and those with only stocker cattle.

Beef CattleGrazing ManagementLivestockRangeland ManagementStocker Cattle
Fact Sheet
A Planning Calendar for Beef Cattle Herd Health

A detailed calendar for developing a sound and practical commercial beef cow-calf herd health program that is customizable for individual producers.

Beef CattleCow-CalfLivestockLivestock Genetics & ReproductionLivestock Health, Disease & NutritionLivestock ManagementLivestock Reproduction
Fact Sheet
Beef Cow Herd Calendar

A monthly schedule that servers to aid in production practices and management for Oklahoma cattle producers.

Beef CattleLivestockLivestock Genetics & ReproductionLivestock Management