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Fact Sheet
Protein Concentration of Winter Wheat Varieties in Oklahoma 2021–2022

By Amanda de Oliveira Silva, Tyler Lynch, Brett Carver, Israel Molina Cyrineu, Samson Abiola Olaniyi, Yuri De Lacerda Barbosa, Cassidy Stowers, Teresa Swantek, Danille Connors and Melanie Carrol. Learn about new research about protein concentration of winter wheat varieties.

CropsGrains & OilseedsWheat
Fact Sheet
Wheat Graze Out versus Harvest for Grain

Planning and understanding the principles of partial budgeting for a farm or ranch specifically for the use of wheat.

Budgets & RecordkeepingBusiness Planning & ManagementCrop EconomicsCropsFarm & Ranch FinancesGrains & OilseedsWheat
Fact Sheet
Management of Insect and Mite Pests in Soybean

The various insecticides for proper management of insect and mite pests and the instructions for using them in relation to soybean crops.

Commercial Agriculture Insects, Pests, & DiseasesCropsGrains & OilseedsInsects, Pests, and DiseasesSoybeans
Fact Sheet
Management of Insect and Mite Pests in Sunflowers

The various insecticides for proper management of insect and mite pests and the instructions for using them in relation to a sunflower crop.

Commercial Agriculture Insects, Pests, & DiseasesCropsGrains & OilseedsInsects, Pests, and Diseases
Fact Sheet
Management of Insect and Mite Pests in Small Grains

The various insecticides for proper management of insect and mite pests and the instructions for using them in relation to small grains.

Commercial Agriculture Insects, Pests, & DiseasesCropsGrains & OilseedsInsects, Pests, and Diseases
Fact Sheet
Management of Insect and Mite Pests in Canola

The various insecticides for proper management of insect and mite pests and the instructions for using them in relation to a canola crop.

CanolaCommercial Agriculture Insects, Pests, & DiseasesCropsGrains & OilseedsInsects, Pests, and Diseases
Fact Sheet
Defoliating Drought-Stressed Cotton

By Seth Byrd. Learn about defoliating drought-stressed cotton.

Fact Sheet
Management of Insect and Mite Pests in Sorghum

The various insecticides for proper management of insect and mite pests and the instructions for using them in relation to sorghum crops.

Commercial Agriculture Insects, Pests, & DiseasesCropsGrain Sorghum - MiloGrains & OilseedsInsects, Pests, and Diseases