Wheat Herbicide Rotation Restrictions to Soybean in Oklahoma
Herbicides can remain as a residual in the soil for extended periods affecting crop rotation options and the specific timing of those plantings. It is important to understand the rotational restrictions of the specific herbicide(s) that may be used and how it impacts crops the following season. While this document can be used as a guide to identify herbicides and their restrictions with soybean, growers should always check the labels regarding specific rotation intervals. This is specifically true where rotational restrictions are highly variability due to the influence of soil pH, soil texture, application rates or moisture received between application and planting.
Herbicides can be applied as single component or as pre-mixes (i.e. containing a combination of multiple herbicides). Herbicide pre-mixes can be a challenge, not only because there are potentially multiple modes of actions but rates of the individual herbicide might be different than when applying individual herbicide products.
Sulfonylurea-tolerant soybean help the soybean plant handle previously applied Sulfonylurea herbicides, often by shortening the rotation restriction following application.Often times this is critical for rotating wheat to soybean in a double-crop system where the time between application of wheat herbicides and soybean planting is limited. Additionally, the BOLT soybean trait provides improved tolerance to SU herbicides. However, while tolerance to the SU herbicides are provided with these traits rotational restrictions must be followed to minimize potential crop injury.
The tables below are a summary of common herbicides used in Oklahoma winter wheat and their rotation restrictions for soybean. Detailed information regarding use rate per acre and wheat application timing can be found in PSS-2786, Single Herbicides and Herbicide Premixes for Use in Winter Wheat. This information is meant to summarize this information, when questions or details regarding specific chemistries arise the individual label should be consulted.
Table 1. Common wheat herbicide pre-mixes, their chemical components, rotational restrictions to soybean, and any notes for application.
Premix Herbicide | Component Herbicides | MOA | Soybean Rotational Restriction | Notes |
Affinity BroadSpec (FMC) |
1-7 Days | Time depends on rate applied. |
Agility SG (FMC) |
4 Months | STS and BOLT soybean only. |
Ally Extra SG (FMC) |
4 Months | STS and BOLT soybean only. |
Anthem Flex (FMC) |
0-4 Months | 4 month restriction for higher application rates. |
Axiom DF (Bayer) |
0 Days | |
Finesse Cereal and Fallow (FMC) |
4 Months | STS and BOLT soybean only. |
Harmony Extra SG (FMC) |
7, 14 Days | 14 days on light textured on soil pH >7.9 |
Huskie (Bayer) |
4 Months | |
Kochiavore (WinField) |
4 Months | |
Orion (Syngenta) |
9 Months | |
Quelex (Corteva/Dow) |
3 Months | In the event of cereal crop failure, no-till soybean may be planted 45 days after Quelex application. |
Rave (Syngenta) | Triasulfuron Dicamba |
11-36 months | Time depends on genetics, moisture, and pH. Lower for STS/BOLT soybean with higher rain and lower pH. |
Sentrallas (FMC) | Fluroxypyr Thifensulfuron |
Starane (Corteva) | Florasulam Fluoxypyr |
Starane NXT has a 4 month restriction. Starane Flex has a 9 month restriction. |
Talinor (Syngenta) | Bicyclopyrone Bromoxynil |
10-12 Months | Starane NXT has a 4 month restriction. Starane Flex has a 9 month restriction. |
Table 2. Common wheat herbicides, their chemical names, rotational restrictions to soybean and any notes for application.
Herbicide | Common Name | MOA | Soybean Rotational Restriction | Notes |
Aggressor | Quizalofop | ACCase inhibitor | 4 Months | |
2,4-D Amine or Ester | 2, 4-D Amine or Ester | Growth regulator | 30 Days | |
Aim EC | Carfentrazone | PPO inhibitor | 0 Days | |
Ally XP | Metsulfuron | ALS inhibitor | 4-22 Months | 4 Months for STS and BOLT soybean |
Amber Custom-Pak | Trisulfuron | ALS inhibitor | 11-36 Months | Shorter time for STS/BOLT soybean; other restrictions are associated with soil conditions and location |
Axial XL | Pinoxaden | ACCase inhibitor | 90 Days | |
Beyond | Imazamox | ALS inhibitor | 0 Days | |
Broclean, Brox, 2EC, Moxy 2E | Bromoxynil | PS II inhibitor | 30 Days | |
Dicamba, Clarity | Dicamba | Growth regulator | 14-28 Days | Timeframe will depend on region and rainfall experienced between application and planting. |
Everest 3.0 | Flucarbazone | ALS inhibitor | 4-12 Months | 4-6 months for STS/BOLT soybean. 6-12 months for non-STS soybean dependent on soil pH |
Express | Tribenuron | ALS inhibitor | 7 Days | |
Glean XP | Chlorsulfuron | ALS inhibitor | 4-14 Months | 4 months for STS and BOLT soybean. |
Harmony SG/Harmony GT | Thifensulfuron | ALS inhibitor | 0 Days | See comments above for Harmony Extra |
Olympus | Propoxycarbazone | ALS inhibitor | 4-12 Months | 4 months for STS and BOLT soybean |
Outrider | Sulfosulfuron | ALS inhibitor | 3-12 Months | 3 months for STS/BOLT soybean systems. |
Osprey | Mesosulfuron | ALS inhibitor | 90 Days | |
Pre-Pare | Flucarbazone | ALS inhibitor | 4-12 Months | 4-6 months STS?Bolt Soubean, 6-12 months all other soybean; length of time dependent on soil pH |
Powerflex HL | Pyroxsulam | ALS inhibitor | 3 Months | Avoid planting of soybean prior to April 30th |
Metribuzin 75 DF | Metribuzin | PS II inhibitor | 4 Months | |
Zidua | Pyroxasulfone | Shoot inhibitor | 0-4 MOnths | 4 months for 4 ox.ac rate, otherwise no restrictions. |