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Fact Sheet
Sclerotinia Stem Rot of Canola

Learn about the symptoms and signs of Sclerotinia stem rot on canola and understand general management strategies for the disease.

CanolaCommercial Agriculture Insects, Pests, & DiseasesCropsGrains & OilseedsInsects, Pests, and Diseases
Fact Sheet
Strip-Till Considerations in Oklahoma

Strip-till in Oklahoma can fit into many cropping systems throughout the state, learn how to utilize the conservation tillage practice and its many benefits.

CropsSoilSoil ErosionSoil Moisture
Fact Sheet
Improving Native Pecan Groves

How to optimize the production of pecan groves and the techniques to maintain their habitat for higher performance rates.

CropsFruits & Tree NutsOrganic & SustainablePecans & Walnuts
Fact Sheet
No-till Wheat Production in Oklahoma

The equipment, variety, rotation, soil, disease, insects, weeds and economics involved with and needed in the decision to operate a no-till wheat production.

CropsGrains & OilseedsSoilSoil Health & FertilityWheat
Fact Sheet
Commercial Production of Fresh Market Tomatoes

The details on effectively producing tomatoes for market production.

CropsFarm & Ranch FinancesTomatoesVegetables
Fact Sheet
Use of Legumes in Pecan Orchards

The use and characteristics of native pecans in Oklahoma, and the benefits of using legumes in a pecan orchard.

CropsForage LegumesFruits & Tree NutsOrganic & SustainablePastures & ForagePecans & Walnuts
Fact Sheet
Agribusiness Management Series: Oklahoma Wheat Stocker Spreadsheet Decision Aid

A downloadable Excel program that assists a producer’s economic profitability of their wheat stocker enterprise.

Beef CattleCropsFarm & Ranch FinancesGrains & OilseedsLivestockWheat
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