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Fact Sheet
Kosher and Halal Slaughter

By Courtney Bir, Nathan Dethloff, Rodney Holcomb, JJ Jones and Josh Campbell. Learn about Kosher and halal, two distinct types of ritual slaughter observed by people practicing Jewish and Muslim religions, respectively. In this fact sheet we discuss the requirements for both kosher and halal, as well as considerations for meat producers interested in ritual slaughter.

Cooking & Food SafetyFood ProcessingFood ProductsFood SafetyLivestockWaste Management
Fact Sheet
Regulatory Landscape for the Direct Marketing of Meat and Poultry in Oklahoma

By Scott Yates, Nathan Dethloff, Courtney Bir, Rodney Holcomb, JJ Jones. Learn about the regulatory landscape for the direct marketing of meat and poultry in Oklahoma.

Beef CattleFood ProcessingFood ProductsLivestockPackaging & LabelingPigs, Hogs, SwinePoultryRegulations, Customer Requirements & Compliance
Fact Sheet
Properties of High Oleic Seed Oils

Seed oils containing high amounts of oleic acid, also referred to as high oleic (HO) oils, are gaining attention because of their desirable fatty acid composition that provides higher oxidative and thermal stability and healthier nutritional profile.

CanolaCropsFood ProcessingFood ProductsGrains & OilseedsSoybeans
Fact Sheet
Hemp Seed Oil Properties

There are more than 40 hemp cultivars. Hemp can be grown for seed, fiber or oil. Hemp can be used in food or feed formulations provided the products are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for food and the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) for feed products. Hemp seed and hemp seed oil can be utilized in food products.

CropsFood ProcessingFood ProductsGrains & Oilseeds
Fact Sheet
From Seed to Sip - A Small Batch Hop Experiment

Prepare your own hop experiment by creating a short budget and learning harvest, preparation and brewing techniques used by professionals.

Budgets & RecordkeepingBusiness Planning & ManagementFarm & Ranch FinancesFood ProcessingFood Products
Fact Sheet
Automatic Pneumatic Cutter

A low-cost, automated, pneumatic cut-to-length device, or cutter, for food and agricultural products is described in this fact sheet. The design of the device is simple, rugged and rapid to implement. A complete list of parts is provided, along with a diagram and photos of a prototype. Tips for construction and use of the cutter are given.

Equipment & Structures for Farms & RanchesEquipment for Farms and RanchesFacilities & Equipment for Food ProcessingFood ProcessingFood Products
Fact Sheet
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 Pandemic: What is it and how does it spread?

Coronaviruses are a large group of viruses known to cause mild to severe acute respiratory illnesses (SARs) in humans. The particular virus that is the cause of the 2019-2020 novel Coronavirus outbreak is the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which results in the COVID-19 illness and is the cause of the COVID-19 global pandemic. [SARS-CoV-2 is technically the virus, and COVID-19 is the illness; the terms are often used interchangeably].

Facilities & Equipment for Food ProcessingFood ProcessingFood ProductsFood Safety, Quality Management & Sanitation
Fact Sheet
The Craft Beer Brewery Boom in Oklahoma

Review the basic market for craft beer, how laws are affecting the Oklahoma market and what it could mean for the state.

Farm & Ranch FinancesFood ProcessingFood ProductsMarket Outlooks