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Soybean Production Calendar

Calendar Description

Soybean production systems in Oklahoma exhibit a high degree of dynamism. Timely management and the proper application of production inputs play a critical role in optimizing productivity and economic returns. This calendar serves as a practical guide to assist growers in planning for upcoming practices. Given the wide range of production systems in Oklahoma, growers are advised to utilize this document as a reference to tailor their own personalized calendars.


The calendar covers various topics such as agronomy, fertility, insect control, disease prevention and weed management in soybean production systems. Although these topics are discussed individually, they are often interconnected. Throughout the calendar, specific practices are highlighted and linked to corresponding fact sheets that provide more detailed information on each topic. Growers should take note of these highlighted practices, as they serve as valuable resources to enhance their understanding and implementation of effective farming techniques.



  1. Arnall, B. (2021) Precision Ag and Soil Fertility | Oklahoma State University. Available at Precision Ag and Soil Fertility.
  2. Damicone, J. (2017a) Seedling and Root Diseases of Soybean | Oklahoma State University. Available at Seedling and Root Diseases of Soybean.
  3. Damicone, J. (2017b) Stem and Pod Diseases of Soybean | Oklahoma State University. Available at Stem and Pod Diseases of Soybean.
  4. Lofton, J. and Arnall, B. (2017) Understanding Soybean Nodulation and Inoculation | Oklahoma State University. Available at Understand Soybean Nodulation and Inoculation.
  5. Royer, T. A. (2022) Management of Insect and Mite Pests in Soybean | Oklahoma State University. Available at Management of Insect and Mite Pests in Soybean.
  6. Zhang, H. and Arnall, B. (2017) OSU Soil Test Interpretations | Oklahoma State University. Available at OSU Soil Test Interpretations.


A leaf of soybean being held in a hand with multiple fungus spots.

Figure 1. Target spot of soybean, caused by the fungus Corynespora cassiicola.


Table 1. Soybean Production Guide
  October-December March April May
Crop Management Evaluation available cultivars for suitable region Evaluation available cultivars for suitable region. Prepare Seedbed Early planting period Early planting period
Nutrient Management Apply Lime Soil Sample P,K, micronutrient application Soil Sample P,K, micronutrient application Preplant nutrition management Determine if inoculum is needed Preplant nutrition management Determine if inoculum is needed
Insect Management - - Ensure seed has quality insecticide seed treatment. Scout for early season insects, apply if above threshold (Various worm species, pillbug, slugs) Scout for early season insects, apply if above threshold (Various worm species, pillbug, slugs)
Disease Management - - Ensure seed has quality fungicide seed treatment. Scout for seedling diseases (damping off or root rot) Scout for seedling diseases (damping off or root rot)
Weed Management Get all necessary application trainings (Applicator or dicamba trainings) Understand rotational restrictions and previous herbicide used Winter Weed Management Get all necessary application trainings (Applicator or dicamba trainings) Understand rotational restrictions and previous herbicide used Burndown/preplant herbicide management system (Early and late planted systems) Understand rotational restrictions and previous herbicide used Burndown/preplant herbicide management system (Early and late planted systems) Understand rotational restrictions and previous herbicide used
Table 1. Soybean Production Guide (Cont.)
  June July August September October-November
Crop Management Late planting period Reproductive growth period. Critical irrigation period Reproductive growth period Critical irrigation period Reproductive growth period. Harvest Management (Desiccation, Timely Harvest, Combine setup) Reproductive growth period. Harvest Management (Desiccation, Timely Harvest, Combine setup)
Nutrient Management - - - - -
Insect Management Manage and scout vegetative feeding insects. (loopers, Japanese beetle, bean leaf beetle, blisterbugs, grasshoppers) Manage and scout vegetative feeding insects. (loopers, Japanese beetle, bean leaf beetle, blister-bugs, grasshoppers) Manage late-season pod feeding insects (Stinkbugs and various worm species) Manage late-season pod feeding insects. (Stinkbugs and various worm species) Manage late-season pod feeding insects. (Stinkbugs and various worm species) Manage late-season pod feeding insects. (Stinkbugs and various worm species)
Disease Management Scout for seedling diseases. (damping off or root rot) Evaluate late-season diseases (Cercospora, Alternaria, Diprthe, Charcoal Rot) These will primarily be pod and stem disease but also late-season foliar. Determine the presence of soybean cyst (SCN) or root knot nematode Evaluate late-season diseases (Cercospora, Alternaria, Diprthe, Charcoal Rot) These will primarily be pod and stem disease but also late-season foliar. Determine the presence of soybean cyst (SCN) or root knot nematode Evaluate late-season diseases (Cercospora, Alternaria, Diprthe, Charcoal Rot) These will primarily be pod and stem disease but also late-season foliar. Determine the presence of soybean cyst (SCN) or root knot nematode -
Weed Management Burndown/preplant herbicide management system (Early and late planted systems) Understand rotational restrictions and previous herbicide used. Apply any late-season herbicides to manage weeds. Note: Applications of several commonly used herbicides are considered off-label past or during reproductive growth. Early post emergence weed management (late planted systems) Apply any late-season herbicides to manage weeds. Note: Applications of several commonly used herbicides are considered off-label past or during reproductive growth Apply any late-season herbicides to manage weeds. Note: Applications of several commonly used herbicides are considered off-label past or during reproductive growth. Use desiccation applications to manage late-season weeds
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