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Welcome to the OSUNPK site!

Producer friendly information about nutrient management, fertilizer use, and precision fertilizer application. 


An in-depth look into how Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium effect plant life and growth.

GreenSeeker Sensor

The Greenseeker Handheld sensor is manufactured by N-Tech Industries and sold by Trimble. The Pocket Sensor was developed to produce the same NDVI reading as a GreenSeeker just in a small more affordable package.

Publications, Media and Other Information

OSU precision ag and soil fertility provides producers with information about nutrient and fertilizer management through publications, fact sheets, newsletters, videos and more!


Information on how secondary nutrients and micronutrients play a role in the plant lifecycle and where these compounds come from.

Reference Strips

The N-Rich Strip is an area in the field that has received enough fertilizer N so that no matter what the environmental conditions may be, N will not be limiting during the growing season. The N-rich strip is used in conjunction with the GreenSeekerâ„¢ hand held sensor to determine mid-season N rates. 

Two Rivers Coop: Fertilizer Price Quote

These prices are subject to change any time and can be used as estimates.

Meet Our Team

Brian Arnall 

 Professor | Nutrients for Life Foundation Professorship of Soil & Food Crop NutritionPrecision Nutrient 744-1722

Josh Lofton

Associate Professor
Cropping Systems Extensions Specialist
(405) 744-3389

Hialin Zhang

Regents Professor | Arthur L. Reed Chair
Soil Fertility/Chemistry; Director of Soil, Water and Forage Analytical
(405) 744-9566

Honoring Our Longtime Colleague

Bill Raun

Regents Professor | Sitlington Chair in Agriculture 
Nutrient Management Research