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Failed Cotton Herbicide Rotation Restrictions to Soybean in Oklahoma

Efficient weed management is vital for successful crop production and sustaining agricultural productivity. Herbicides play a crucial role in this regard, assisting farmers in controlling weed populations and preserving crop health. In Oklahoma, challenges arise for producers when transitioning from failed cotton to soybeans due to herbicide rotation restrictions. Residual herbicides remain active in the soil for an extended period after application, providing ongoing weed control by inhibiting weed seed germination or growth. Non-residual herbicides are fast-acting and degrade quickly, affecting not only the weeds present at the time of application without providing long-term control. Non-residual herbicides are typically used for immediate control of actively growing weeds.


This publication implores the importance of adhering to herbicide rotational restrictions during the transition between individual crops- in this case a fail/early terminated cotton crop to soybean. By consolidating information on commonly used herbicides in cotton production and their residual effects on soybean crops, farmers can make informed decisions to protect their crops from potential herbicide damage and optimize yields. Rotational restrictions are crucial for preserving crop rotations like soybeans, mitigating the negative impacts of herbicide residues.


Table 1. List of common pre-plant herbicides used on grain sorghum and their rotation restrictions with soybean.
Herbicide Component Herbicides MOA Soybean Rotational Restrictions Notes
2,4-D LV6 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy-acetic Acid (Amine or Ester) 4 14 Days This does include Enlist soybean in accordance to label.
AIM EC Carfentrazone 14 0 Days  
Assure II Quizalofop 1 0 Months  
Caparol Prometryn 5 12 Months Follows the all other crops on the label.
Clarity Dicamba 4 14 Days Time interval is based on 8 oz/A application rate and does not begin until 1 inch of rainfall is received.
Dual Magnum S-Metolachlor 15 0 Months  
Fusilade DX Fluazifop 1 0 Months  
Fusion Fluazifop Fenoxaprop 1 0 Months  
Roundup Power Max Glyphosate 9 0 Months  
Gramoxone SL
Paraquat 22 0 Months  
Liberty 280 SL Glufosinate-Ammo-nium 10 0 Months  
Direx 4L Diuron 7 Next season  
Engenia Dicamba BAPMA Salt 4 0 Months  
Enlist Duo with Colex-D Technology 2,4-D Choline Salt Plus Glyphosate DMA Salt 4 & 9 30 Days Enlist corn, cotton, and soybeans can be planted immediately.
Enlist One with Colex-D Technology 2,4-D Choline Salt 4 15-30 Days Rotation intervals increase with higher application rates. Enlist corn, cotton, and soybeans can be planted immediately.
MSMA 6.6 MSMA 17 0 Months  
Outlook Dimethenamid-P 15 0 Months  
Poast Plus Sethoxydim 1 0 Months  
Prowl 3.3 EC Pendimethalin 3 0 Months  
Select 2 EC Clethodim 1 0 Months  
Sequence Metolachlor & Glypho-sate 15 & 19 0 Months When applied at 1 oz/A rotation interval for soybean is 0 months.
Sharpen Saflufenacil 14 0-6 Months Rotation intervals increase with higher application rates.
Staple LX Pyrithiobac 2 10 Months  
Tavium Plus VaporGrip Dicamba & S-Meto-lachlor 4 & 15 28 Days Xtend soybean and cotton can be planted immediately.
Treflan HFP Trifluralin 3 0 Months  
Valor SX Flumioxazin 14 0 Months  
Warrant Acetochlor 15 0 Months  
XtendiMax with Vapor Grip Technology Dicamba DGA Salt 4 14-28 Days Rotation intervals increase with higher application rates.
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