A description of the set-up procedures for the MCi-Kicker® 3-screen and 4-screen machines for use in grading wheat, grain sorghum, soybeans and corn.
The equipment, variety, rotation, soil, disease, insects, weeds and economics involved with and needed in the decision to operate a no-till wheat production.
A downloadable Excel program that assists a producer’s economic profitability of their wheat stocker enterprise.
How the role nutrient contents in wheat as part of a swine diet makes it an ideal ingredient in swine rations.
Descriptions of diseases transmitted from the wheat curl mite and management options.
The description, history, damage and management practices of the most common caterpillars attacking winter wheat in Oklahoma.
With user-supplied data, the program is aimed to help wheat stocker producer’s project economic profitability of their wheat stocker enterprises.
Wheat stocker producers can learn to predict the best time to stop grazing winter wheat and understand how to interpret the results.