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Fact Sheet
Agribusiness Management Series: Oklahoma Wheat Stocker Spreadsheet Decision Aid

A downloadable Excel program that assists a producer’s economic profitability of their wheat stocker enterprise.

Beef CattleCropsFarm & Ranch FinancesGrains & OilseedsLivestockWheat
Fact Sheet
Feeding Wheat to Hogs

How the role nutrient contents in wheat as part of a swine diet makes it an ideal ingredient in swine rations.

CropsGrains & OilseedsLivestockLivestock Health, Disease & NutritionLivestock NutritionPigs, Hogs, SwineWheat
Fact Sheet
Common Small Grain Caterpillars in Oklahoma

The description, history, damage and management practices of the most common caterpillars attacking winter wheat in Oklahoma.

Commercial Agriculture Insects, Pests, & DiseasesCropsGrains & OilseedsInsects, Pests, and DiseasesWheat
Fact Sheet
Agribusiness Management Series Oklahoma Wheat Stocker Purchase Planner

With user-supplied data, the program is aimed to help wheat stocker producer’s project economic profitability of their wheat stocker enterprises.

Beef CattleCropsFarm & Ranch FinancesGrains & OilseedsLivestockWheat
Fact Sheet
Agribusiness Management Series: Oklahoma Wheat Stocker Graze Out Decision Aid

Wheat stocker producers can learn to predict the best time to stop grazing winter wheat and understand how to interpret the results.

Beef CattleCropsFarm & Ranch FinancesGrains & OilseedsLivestockWheat
Fact Sheet
Application of Water-base Drilling Mud to Winter Wheat: Impact of Application Timing on Yield and Soil Properties

The impact of the application of water-based drilling mud on winter wheat yield and its soil properties.

CropsFertilizationGrains & OilseedsSoilWheat
Fact Sheet
Farmer-Saved Wheat Seed in Oklahoma: Questions and Answers

A brief summary of frequently asked questions regarding farmer-saved wheat seed.

CropsGrains & OilseedsWheat
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