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Fact Sheet
Patch Burning: Integrating Fire and Grazing to Promote Heterogeneity

This publication outlines the importance of fire and grazing for native plant communities, wildlife, and livestock.

Prescribed FireRangeland ManagementWeather & Disaster PreparednessWildfire PreventionWildfires
Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet
Using Prescribed Fire in Oklahoma

This circular contains an overview of using prescribed fire in Oklahoma, types of prescribed fires, and a fire plan worksheet.

Prescribed FireRangeland ManagementWeather & Disaster PreparednessWildfire PreventionWildfires
Fact Sheet
Oklahoma Economic Pulse Survey Results

Survey results conducted to understand how Oklahomans feel about the economic status during the COVID-19 global pandemic.

Money Management (Personal)Natural Disaster RecoveryWeather & Disaster Preparedness
Fact Sheet
Mask-Wearing Beliefs in the State of Oklahoma and Surrounding Region

An analysis focusing on the beliefs and impacts of facial coverings in Oklahoma compared to other parts of the country in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Natural Disaster RecoveryWeather & Disaster Preparedness
Fact Sheet
Fire Effects: Fencing

The effects of fire on livestock fencing is a concern following wildfires, as well as before applying prescribed fire. There are many opinions and beliefs about...

Fire EcologyWeather & Disaster PreparednessWildfires
Fact Sheet
Eating and Keeping Food Safe During Summer and Winter Storms

A guide for cooking and eating during an emergency situation where the refrigerator, stove, or water supply may be limited.

CottonCropsTornadoesWeather & Disaster PreparednessWinter Weather