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Fact Sheet
Eastern Redcedar and Climate Change in Oklahoma’s Cross Timbers Forests

By Ryan D. DeSantis, Sydny R. Hager, John R. Weir and R. James Ansley. Learn about how the Cross Timbers ecoregion includes much of Oklahoma's oak forests. These forests have changed considerably over the last century. Among other changes, more eastern redcedar means changes to forest composition, and changes to fire behavior. Managing eastern redcedar is important for land owners and land managers, but efficiency substantially increases when eastern redcedar is removed when small. Drought and eastern redcedar tree size have implications for fire behavior. Active management of multiple-use forested properties with eastern redcedar is important.

Forest Ecology, Management & CareForestryRegeneration
Fact Sheet
Regenerative Agriculture: An Introduction and Overview

By David Lalman, Amanda De Oliveira Silva, Brian Arnall, Dana Zook, Jason Warren, Julia Laughlin, Kevin Wagner, Laura Goodman, Paul Beck and Lyndall Stout. Learn the definitions for the regenerative agriculture concept, describe foundational practices specific to Oklahoma agriculture, and discuss published and ongoing research related to these practices.

Backyard PoultryBeef CattleCropsForest Ecology, Management & CareForestryGrazing ManagementLivestockPoultryRangeland ManagementRegenerationSoilSoil Health & Fertility
Fact Sheet
Firewood: Recommendations for using Firewood as an Indoor Heating Source in Oklahoma

By Ryan DeSantis. Learn the best methods to use firewood as an indoor heating source in Oklahoma.

Forest Ecology, Management & CareForestryProcessing Wood
Fact Sheet
2024 Oklahoma Timber Price Report

By Ryan DeSantis. Learn about factors that affect stumpage prices, 2023-2024 price trends and the 2024 marketing outlook.

Business Planning & ManagementFarm & Ranch FinancesFinancial StatementsForestry
Fact Sheet
Forest Stand Improvement Practices for Oklahoma

By Dwayne Elmore, Ryan DeSantis and Laura Goodman. Learn about FSI and how it may be used to improve habitat for wildlife species, increase forage resources for livestock, reduce volatile fire risk and various herbicide and mechanical methods that may be used.

Fact Sheet
The Exotic, Invasive Chinese Tallow

By Amy Buthod, Jeri Irby, Karen Hickman and Laura Goodman. Learn about the invasive Chinese Tallow trees and how to control them

Forest Ecology, Management & CareForest HealthForestry
Fact Sheet
Some Properties of Scrim Lumber Manufactured from Eastern Redcedar

Scrim lumber processes and properties for manufacturing long small diameter logs into disintegrated long fiber bundles.

Brush Control (Invasive Woody Plants)Eastern Red CedarFood ProductsForestryProcessing WoodRangeland Management