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Fact Sheet
Traceability in the United States Food Supply

By Claudina Padilla Quiñonez, Kevin Moore and R. Scott Frazier. Learn about how food product and process safety is regulated under the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). An important part of FSMA is food product traceability. This allows for the rapid determination of where contamination may have occurred and to enhance the general safety of the U.S. food supply. This fact sheet describes some the basics of food product traceability regulations that are now in place and others that are on the horizon.

Food ProductsFood Safety, Quality Management & SanitationRegulations, Customer Requirements & Compliance
Fact Sheet
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 Pandemic: What is it and how does it spread?

Coronaviruses are a large group of viruses known to cause mild to severe acute respiratory illnesses (SARs) in humans. The particular virus that is the cause of the 2019-2020 novel Coronavirus outbreak is the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which results in the COVID-19 illness and is the cause of the COVID-19 global pandemic. [SARS-CoV-2 is technically the virus, and COVID-19 is the illness; the terms are often used interchangeably].

Facilities & Equipment for Food ProcessingFood ProcessingFood ProductsFood Safety, Quality Management & Sanitation
Fact Sheet
FSMA Preventive Controls for Human Food: What Are the Costs to My Food Business?

Preventive Controls for Human Food rules and exemptions for food processors and the food industry’s estimated financial impacts associated with compliance.

Food ProductsFood Safety, Quality Management & SanitationRegulations, Customer Requirements & Compliance
Fact Sheet