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Fact Sheet
Wheat Graze Out versus Harvest for Grain

Planning and understanding the principles of partial budgeting for a farm or ranch specifically for the use of wheat.

Budgets & RecordkeepingBusiness Planning & ManagementCrop EconomicsCropsFarm & Ranch FinancesGrains & OilseedsWheat
Fact Sheet
Oklahoma Cropland Rental Rates: 2020-21

A 2020-2021 survey reporting the rental agreements, rates and influencing factors of leasing farmland in Oklahoma.

AlfalfaCottonCrop EconomicsCropsGrains & OilseedsHayPastures & ForageSoybeans
Fact Sheet
Oklahoma Pasture Rental Rates: 2018-19

A 2018-2019 survey reporting the rental agreements, rates and influencing factors of leasing pasture land in Oklahoma.

Business Strategy & MarketingCrop EconomicsFarm & Ranch FinancesLeasing & Rental Rates
Fact Sheet
Oklahoma Cropland Rental Rates: 2018-19

A 2018-2019 survey reporting the rental agreements, rates and influencing factors of leasing farmland in Oklahoma.

Business Strategy & MarketingCrop EconomicsFarm & Ranch FinancesLeasing & Rental Rates
Fact Sheet
Wheat and Flour Quality for Varieties Tested in the 2016 OSU Wheat Variety Performance Tests

The types of performance tests on various wheat and flour varieties to determine physical attributes and baking quality of the bread.

Business Strategy & MarketingCrop EconomicsCropsGrains & OilseedsWheat
Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet
Agribusiness Management Series Oklahoma Canola Systems vs. Continuous Wheat Budget Comparison

A downloadable series designed to assist producer’s project returns from canola systems in comparison to continuous wheat.

Crop EconomicsFarm & Ranch Finances