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Fall Forage Production and First Hollow Stem Date for Wheat Varieties During the 2023-2024 Crop Year


Fall forage production potential is one of the major considerations in deciding which variety to plant. Dual-purpose wheat producers, for example, may find varietal characteristics such as grain yield after grazing and disease resistance to be more important selection criteria than an advantage in early forage production potential. Forage-only producers might place more importance on planting an awnless wheat variety or one that germinates readily in hot soil conditions. Ultimately though, fall forage production is a selection criterion that should be considered. For more information on variety characteristics, please refer to OSU Fact Sheet PSS-2142 Wheat Variety Comparison Chart.


Fall forage production potential is determined by genetics, management and environmental factors. The purpose of this publication is to quantify some of the genetic differences in wheat forage production potential and grazing duration among the most popular varieties grown in Oklahoma. Management factors such as planting date, seeding rate and soil fertility are very influential and are sometimes more important than variety selection in determining forage production. Environmental factors such as rainfall amount and distribution and temperature also play a heavy role in dictating how much fall forage is produced. All of these factors along with yield potential after grazing and the individual producer’s preferences will determine which variety is best suited for a particular field.


Site Descriptions and Methods

The objective of the fall forage variety trials is to give producers an indication of the fall forage production ability of wheat varieties commonly grown throughout the state of Oklahoma. The forage trials were conducted under the umbrella of the Oklahoma State University Small Grains Variety Performance Tests. During the 2023-2024 crop year, the forage trials were conducted at the Chickasha and Stillwater test sites. Additionally, first hollow stem measurements were collected at both sites in 2024. Weather data for each location are provided in Figures 1 and 2.


A randomized complete block design with four replications was used at each site. Plots at each location were established in a conventionally tilled seedbed. At planting, 5 gal/acre of 10-34-0 was applied in seed furrow at Stillwater and Chickasha. The seeding rate at both locations was 120 lbs/acre. Forage was measured by hand clipping two, 1-m by 1-row samples approximately ½ inch above the soil surface from the interior rows within each plot. There was only one forage sampling date at each location. All samples were placed in a forced-air dryer after collection for approximately seven days and weighed. Fertility, planting date and clipping date information is provided in Table 1.


First hollow stem sampling began in early February at the Stillwater and Chickasha locations. It continued every three to four days on a by-variety basis until all varieties reached first hollow stem. Plant samples were collected for each variety by digging an approximately eight-inch section of row and selecting ten plants randomly from this sample. The largest tiller on each plant was split longitudinally, and the hollow stem below the developing grain head was measured. Varieties were considered to be at first hollow stem when the average measurement of the ten plant samples was 1.5 cm (5/8 inch) or greater. For more information on first hollow stem, refer to OSU Fact Sheet PSS-2147 First Hollow Stem: A Critical Wheat Growth Stage for Dual-Purpose Producers.


A line graph that shows the average daily temperature from 0 degrees to 100 degrees from September 1, 2023 to March 29th, 2024, as well as a bar chart thar shows the rainfall from 0 inches to 2.5 inches from September 1, 2023 to March 29th, 2024 in Stillwater, Oklahoma.

Figure 1. Average daily temperature (line graph) and rainfall (bar chart) from September 1, 2023 to April 1, 2024, at Stillwater, OK. Weather data courtesy Oklahoma Mesonet.


A line graph that shows the average daily temperature from 0 degrees to 100 degrees from September 1, 2023 to April 1, 2024, as well as a bar chart thar shows the rainfall from 0 inches to 2.5 inches fromSeptember 1, 2023 to April 1, 2024 in Chickasha, Oklahoma.

Figure 2. Average daily temperature (line graph) and rainfall (bar chart) from September 1, 2023 to April 1, 2024, at Chickasha, OK. Weather data courtesy Oklahoma Mesonet.



As indicated in Figures 1 and 2, the 2023-2024 fall forage production season included moderate temperatures and low rainfall that was conducive to moderate fall forage production in our fields. Our results reflect these conditions in the sites evaluated. The average fall forage production at Stillwater was 2,915 lbs/acre, and values ranged from 1,452 to 4,433 lbs/acre (Table 2). Average forage production at Chickasha was 676 lbs/acre and values ranged from 377 to 1,220 lbs/acre (Table 3).


First hollow stem data are reported in ‘day of year’ (day) format for the winter wheat varieties in Table 4. To provide a reference, keep in mind that March 1 is day 60.The fall and winter months were characterized by moist conditions in Sillwater with temperatures somewhat normal. Adequate moisture resulted in timely wheat emergence, good plant development and slightly accelerated onset of first hollow stem for our region when considering the long-term average.The average winter wheat first hollow stem date at Stillwater was day 48 (February 17). This was 21 days earlier than 2023 (March 10), similar to 2022 (February 18), and 17 days earlier than the 20-year average (March 6). There was a 21-day difference between the earliest and latest varieties at Stillwater compared to a 14-day difference in 2023 and 32-day difference in 2022. The average winter wheat first hollow stem date for the Chickasha location was 58 (February 27). This was 13 days earlier than 2023 (March 12), 8 days later than 2022, and 7 days earlier than the 20-year average (March 6). There was a 13-day difference between the earliest and latest varieties at this location, compared to a 11-day difference in 2023 and 36-day difference in 2022.



The authors want to thank the Oklahoma Wheat Commission and the Oklahoma Wheat Research Foundation for providing partial funding for this research, as well as undergraduate. students Lettie Crabtree and Camila Bayer for their assistance with forage sampling collection and first hollow stem measurements. 


Seed Sources and Abbreviations

  • AgriPro = AgriPro|Syngenta Seeds
  • KWA = Kansas Wheat Alliance
  • LCS = Limagrain Cereal Seeds
  • OGI = Oklahoma Genetics Inc.
  • OSU = Oklahoma State University
  • PlainsGold = PlainsGold Seeds
  • WestBred = WestBred Wheat


Table 1. The locations, planting, and forage sampling dates, and pre-plant soil test information of the trials.
   Planting date Sampling date  pH N STP STK
Chickasha 9/21/23 12/11/23 8.0 109 45 284
Stillwater 9/18/23 12/6/23 6.4 20 66 208

   STP: soil test P index;
   STK: soil test K index

Table 2. Fall forage production for the winter wheat varieties at Stillwater, OK during the 202302924 production year and 2-, 3- and 4-year averages.
Licensee Variety 2023-2024 2-Year 3-Year 4-Year
      -----lbs dry forage/acre----    
OGI Firebox 4433 - - -
PlainsGold Kivari AX 4322 - - -
OGI Breadbox 4246 - - -
OGI Iba 4153 2243 2494 2641
AGSECO AG Golden 3788 - - -
OGI OK Corral 3780 2046 2457 2445
OGI Gallagher 3778 2162 2442 2532
OGI Paradox 3766 - - -
Westbred WB4632 3758 - - -
OGI Green Hammer 3626 1984 2377 2460
LCS LCS Photon AX 3573 2004 2330 2597
LCS LCS Atomic AX 3404 1914 2155 2504
AgriPro AP Sunbird 3399 - - -
LCS LCS Helix AX 3263 1789 2051 2136
KWA KS Providence 3262 - - -
OGI High Cotton 3248 - - -
LCS LCS Warbird AX 3240 - - -
OGI Showdown 3148 1771 2129 2360
Westbred WB4792 3117 1754 2275 2417
AgriPro AP Roadrunner 3043 - - -
LCS LCS Runner 2930 - - -
KWA KS Mako 2916 - - -
OGI Strad CL+ 2909 1559 2102 2369
OGI Big Country 2883 1666 2195 2345
LCS LCS Julep 2882 1588 1946 1973
AgriPro Bob Dole 2738 - - -
PlainsGold Canvas 2620 1456 2078 2162
Westbred WB4422 2478 - - -
LCS LCS Radar 2457 - - -
OGI Doublestop CL+ 2438 1382 1933 2272
OGI Smith's Gold 2369 1353 2032 2382
AgriPro AP Prolific 2257 - - -
OGI Bently 2215 1209 1898 2511
LCS LCS Steel AX 2152 - - -
PlainsGold Whistler 2081 - - -
AGSECO AG Radical 2076 1291 1854 2278
LCS LCS Galloway AX 2032 - - -
OGI Uncharted 2018 1270 1838 2103
PlainsGold Crescent AX 2007 1190 1738 2110
Westbred WB4401 1811 1088 1926 2328
AgriPro AP24AX 1703 - - -
OSU OK16103083 3181 - - -
OSU OK16107133-19-3 2588 - - -
OSU OK16107133-19-4 2541 - - -
OSU OK198417C 2006 - - -
OSU OK20708 1452 - - -
LSD (0.05)
  2915 1636 2113 2346
LSD (0.05)
  1094 668 461 380

Notes: Bolded values are not statistically different from the highest-yielding variety within a column.

Table 3. Fall forage production for the winter wheat varieties at Chickasha, OK during the 2021-2022 production year.
Licensee Variety 2023-2024 2-Year 3-Year 4-Year
      ------lbs dry forage/acre-----    
Westbred WB4632 1220 - - -
OGI OK Corral  1167 819 1236 1670
OGI Gallagher 900 694 1197 1679
PlainsGold Kivari AX 888 - - -
LCS LCS Galloway AX 882 - - -
AGSECO AG Radical 761 - - -
OGI Green Hammer 754 571 1145 1702
LCS LCS Photon AX 679 515 975 1467
OGI Showdown 670 552 1093 1566
OGI High Cotton 659 - - -
OGI Doublestop CL+ 657 460 876 1491
KWA KS Providence 636 - - -
OGI Strad CL+ 580 418 805 1339
PlainsGold Crescent AX 514 - - -
LCS LCS Atomic AX 489 - - -
Westbred WB4401 462 402 978 1412
LCS LCS Steel AX 436 - - -
AgriPro AP Roadrunner 424 - - -
OGI Uncharted 421 484 865 1326
OGI Smith's Gold 377 374 950 1521
OSU OK16107133-19-3 621 - - -
LSD (0.05)
  676 529 1012 1517
LSD (0.05)
  522 298 NS 296

Notes: Bolded values are not statistically different from the highest-yielding variety within a column.

NS: no statistical differences were detected among varieties within a column.

Table 4. Occurrence of first hollow stem (day of year) for the winter wheat varieties sown in 2023 and measured in 2024 at Stillwater and Chickasha, OK.
Licensee Variety Stillwater Chickasha
    ---- day of year ----
OGI High Cotton 39 53
OGI Gallagher 44 50
OGI OK Corral 44 57
OGI Green Hammer 44 50
OGI Uncharted 44 53
OGI Paradox 44 -
Westbred WB4401 44 53
AgriPro Bob Dole  44 -
AgriPro AP Roadrunner 44 53
KWA KS Providence 44 60
LCS LCS Galloway AX 44 57
AGSECO AG Radical 44 60
PlainsGold Kivari AX 44 57
OGI Smith's Gold 46 53
OGI Iba 46 -
OGI Big Country 46 -
OGI Showdown 46 60
OGI Bentley 46 -
OGI Breadbox 46 -
Westbred WB4422 46 -
Westbred WB4792 46 -
AgriPro AP24 AX 46 -
LCS LCS Atomix AX 46 64
AGSECO AG Golden 46 -
PlainsGold Crescent AX 46 60
PlainsGold Canvas 46 -
OGI Firebox 50 -
AgriPro AP Profilic 50 -
AgriPro AP Sunbird 50 -
LCS LCS Helix AX 50 -
LCS LCS Steel AX 50 64
LCS LCS Radar 50 -
LCS LCS Runner 50 -
LCS LCS Photon AX 50 60
PlainsGold Whistler 50 -
OGI Strad CL+ 53 60
Westbred WB4632 53 64
KWA KS Mako 57 -
LCS LCS Warbird AX 57 -
LCS LCS Julep 57 -
OGI Doublestop CL+ 60 64
OSU OK16103083 44 -
OSU OK198417C 50 -
OSU OK20708 50 -
OSU OK16107133-19-4 60 0
OSU OK16107133-19-3 60 64
  Average 48 58


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