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Corn Herbicide Rotation Restrictions to Wheat in Oklahoma

Weed management stands as a cornerstone of successful crop production and is crucial for sustaining agricultural productivity. Herbicides serve as key tools in this regard, aiding producers in controlling weed populations and safeguarding crop health. However, transitioning between crops within a rotation cycle requires careful consideration of herbicide residual effects to prevent potential crop injury and ensure the continued success of the rotation system. 


Corn and wheat hold significant importance in Oklahoma crop production as staple crops, each demanding specific herbicide management strategies. As producers transition from corn to wheat, they encounter the challenge of navigating rotational restrictions linked with herbicide applications. These restrictions play a pivotal role in mitigating the risk of herbicide carryover and upholding the life and productivity of subsequent wheat crops. 


This publication aims to dig into the importance of herbicide rotational restrictions when transitioning from corn to wheat in Oklahoma. By compiling common herbicides utilized in corn production and their residual impacts on wheat crops, producers can make informed decisions to protect their crops from potential herbicide injury and optimize yields. 


Rotational restrictions bear critical significance for various reasons. They not only shield cropping rotations, such as wheat, from the adverse effects of herbicide residues, but they also help in deterring the development of herbicide resistant weeds, preserving the efficacy of herbicides for future use. 


The tables below provide a concise overview of frequently used herbicides in Oklahoma corn production, along with their corresponding rotational restrictions for wheat. This allows for simplified access to critical information regarding herbicides for corn. For specific inquiries or detailed information regarding individual chemical compositions, it is advised to refer to the respective product label.


Table 1. Pre-Plant (Burndown).
Herbicide  Component Herbicide  Mode of Action Wheat Rotational Restrictions Notes
2, 4-D 2, 4-D Growth Regulator 1 Month  
Roundup Power Max Roundup Power Max Amino Acid Synthesis Inhibitor  0 Months  
Gramoxone Max Paraquat  PS Inhibitor 0 Months Rotational crops may be planted immediately after the last application
Table 2. Pre-Emergence. 
Herbicide  Component Herbicide  Mode of Action Wheat Rotational Restrictions Notes
Aatrex 4L Atrazine PS ll Inhibitor 10-18 Months If planted the following year, risk remains possible for crop injury
Axiom DF Flufenacet, Metribuzin Shoot Growth Inhibitor, Photosynthesis Inhibitor (Photosystem ll)  4 Months Not for use in popcorn or sweetcorn
Balance Flexx Insoxaflutole Pigment Synthesis Inhibitor  4 Months No minimum precipitation requirements 
Bicep ll Magnum Cinch ATZ Metolachlor, Atrazine Photosynthesis Inhibitor (Photosystem ll), Shoot Growth Inhibitor  24 Months  
Callisto  Mesotrione Pigment Synthesis Inhibitor  4 Months  
Dual ll Magnum, Cinch Metolachlor Shoot Growth Inhibitor 4.5 Months  
Field Master Acetochlor, Atrazine, Glyphosate Shoot Growth Inhibitor, Photosynthesis Inhibitor (Photosystem ll), Aromatic Amino Acid Synthesis Inhibitor    If planted the following year, risk remains possible for crop injury
Guardsman Max Dimethenamid-P, Atrazine Shoot Growth Inhibitor, Photosynthesis Inhibitor (Photosystem ll)   May be planted after two complete growing seasons
Harness/Surpass/TopNotch/ Warrant Acetochlor Shoot Growth Inhibitor 4 Months  
Harness Xtra/ Fulltime Acetochlor, Atrazine Shoot Growth Inhibitor (Photosystem ll) 15 Months Do not graze or harvest rotational cover crop for food or animals feed for 18 months following the last application of Harness Xtra
Hornet WDG Flumetsulam, Clopyralid ALS Inhibitor, Growth Regulator 4 Months  
Lumax Atrazine, S-Metolachlor, Mesotrione Photosynthesis Inhibitor (Photosystem ll), Shoot Growth Inhibitor 4.5 Months  
Outlook  Dimethenamid- P Shoot Growth Inhibitor 4-6 Months 4 Months at <16 fl oz/acre 
6 Months at 16-21 fl oz/acre
Princep Simazine Photosynthesis Inhibitor (Photosystem ll) 24 Months See label for specific crop rotation restrictions
Prowl H20 Pendimethalin Root Growth Inhibitor 12-14 Months Dependent on application rate, rainfall and application timing (spring vs. fall)
Pursuit Imazethapyr ALS Inhibitor 4 Months  
Python Flumetsulam ALS Inhibitor 4 Months  
Table 3. Post-Emergence. 
Herbicide Component Herbicide  Mode of Action Wheat Rotational Restrictions Notes
2, 4-D 2, 4-D Growth Regulator 1 Month  
Accent Nicosulfuron ALS Inhibitor 4 Months  
Alm Carfentrazone- Ethyl PPO Inhibitor 0 Months  
Banvel, Clarity, Distinct, Status Dicamba, diglycolamine, salt Growth Regulator   See label for specific crop rotation restrictions
Basagran Bentazon Photosynthesis Inhibitor (Photosystem ll)   See label for specific crop rotation restrictions
Basis Rimsulfuron, Thifensulfuron Methyl ALS Inhibitor  3-4 Months 3 Months  if applied at 0.33 
0.5 fl oz- 4 Months if applied at 0.5 - 1 + fl oz
Basis Blend Rimsulfuron, Thifensulfuron Methly ALS Inhibitor 3 Months  
Beacon Primisulfuron-Methyl ALS Inhibitor 3 Months  
Buctril  Bromoxynil Photosynthesis Inhibitor (Photosystem ll) 1 Month  
Cadet Fluthiacet-Methyl PPO Inhibitor 0 Months  
Callisto Nicosulfuron, Diflufenzopyr, Dicamba  ALS Inhibitor, Auxin Transport Inhibitor, Growth Regulator 4-8 Months 4 Months for Winter Wheat and 8 Months for Spring Wheat
Expert Atrazine, S-Metolachlor, Glyphosate Photosynthesis Inhibitor (Photosystem ll), Shoot Growth Inhibitor, Aromatic Amino Acid Synthesis Inhibitor 24 Months  
Guardsman Max Dimethenamid-P, Atrazine Shoot Growth Inhibitor, Photosynthesis Inhibitor (Photosystem ll) 24 Months May be planted after two complete growing seasons
Landmaster BW Glyphosate, 2, 4-D Aromatic Amino Acid Synthesis Inhibitor, Growth Regulator 0 Months  
Liberty Glufosinate Glutamine Synthesis Inhibitor 2.5 Months  
Lumax Atrazine, S-Metolachlor, Mesotrione Photosynthesis Inhibitor (Photosystem ll), Shoot Growth Inhibitor 4.5 Months  
Marksman Atrazine, Dicamba Photosynthesis Inhibitor (Photosystem ll), Growth Regulator 10 Months If planted the following year, there is a possibility for crop injury
Northstar Primisulfuronm Dicamba ALS Inhibitor, Growth Regulator 3 Months  
Permit Halosulfuron ALS Inhibitor 2 Months  
Resource Flumiclorac PPO Inhibitor 4 Months  
Roundup Power Max Glyphosate Aromatic Amino Acid Inhibitor 0 Months  
Spirit Prosulfuron, Primisulfuron ALS Inhibitor 3 Months Based on soil pH below 7.8
If soil pH is greater than 7.8 see label
Steadfast Nicosulfuron, Rimsulfuron ALS Inhibitor 4 Months  
Stinger Clopyralid Growth Regulator 0 Months  


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