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Fact Sheet
Forage Species: Range, Description, and Life History

Information on commonly utilized forage species, including those for the bluegill, redear sunfish, thread-fin shad, golden shiner and fathead minnow.

Forage GrassesForage LegumesPastures & Forage
Fact Sheet
Managing Bermudagrass Pasture to Reduce Winter Hay Feeding in Beef Cattle Operations

A study that examines managed stockpiled bermudagrass forage in cattle enterprises and its relation to the performance of growing cattle.

Beef CattleDroughtForage GrassesLivestockPastures & ForageWeather & Disaster PreparednessWinter Weather
Fact Sheet
Forage Quality Interpretations

Quality forages are crucial for the livestock industry; therefore, the following information will provide a description and explanation of analysis results.

Forage GrassesForage LegumesPastures & Forage
Fact Sheet
Bermudagrass Pasture Management

Management practices for a bermudagrass pasture.

Forage GrassesPastures & Forage
Fact Sheet
Forage for Horses

Learn to optimize forage nutritive value, production and improve pastures.

ForageForage GrassesPastures & Forage