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Fact Sheet
Selecting Forages for Nutrient Removal from Animal Manure

Learn about the use of forages for nutrient removal from areas subject to manure applications.

ForageForage GrassesForage LegumesLivestockManure & Litter ManagementPastures & Forage
Fact Sheet
Sampling Animal Manure

The accuracy of a chemical analysis is only as good as the sample sent to the lab, learn about the types of manure sampling methods to ensure accurate results.

LivestockManure & Litter Management
Fact Sheet
Managing Phosphorus from Animal Manure

The basic information for phosphorus amounts found in manure, the effects it has on soil and water quality and how to manage the phosphorus.

LivestockManure & Litter Management
Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet
Using Poultry Litter as Fertilizer

Poultry litter fertilizer requirements and management practices for the use in crop production.

Composting, Fertilizing, & MulchingGardening & Lawn CareLivestockManure & Litter Management
Fact Sheet
Anaerobic Digestion of Animal Manures: Understanding the Basic Processes

A general overview of anaerobic digestion that provides a basic understanding of the biology going on in the digester and how to correct upset conditions.

LivestockManure & Litter ManagementWaste Management
Fact Sheet