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Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet
Supplementing Vitamin A to Beef Cattle

Learn about the importance of vitamin A for the growth and production of beef cattle and understand when supplementation is needed.

Beef CattleLivestockLivestock Health, Disease & NutritionLivestock Nutrition
Fact Sheet
Calving Time Management for Beef Cows and Heifers

Descriptions on the types of calving, the different types of abnormal calving conditions and how to handle those situations for a successful calf delivery.

Beef CattleCow-CalfLivestockLivestock Genetics & ReproductionLivestock Health & DiseaseLivestock Health, Disease & NutritionLivestock Reproduction
Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet
Caring for the Older Horse

How to care for and maintain the health of an aging horse through nutrition, mobility and PPID control.

HorsesLivestockLivestock Health, Disease & Nutrition
Fact Sheet
Economic Effect of Bovine Respiratory Disease on Feedlot Cattle During Backgrounding and Finishing Phases

This research report discusses the economic impact of Bovine Respiratory Disease in feedlot cattle, and the effectiveness of serum Hp.

Beef CattleLivestockLivestock Health & DiseaseLivestock Health, Disease & NutritionReceiving & Feedlot
Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet