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Fact Sheet
Aphids in Winter Canola and Their Management

A look into how aphids can directly and indirectly affect winter canola production in Oklahoma and how to identify and manage them.

CanolaCommercial Agriculture Insects, Pests, & DiseasesCropsGrains & OilseedsInsecticidesInsects, Pests, and DiseasesPesticides
Fact Sheet
Centerfield Herbicide-Tolerant Hard Red Winter Wheat

The yield potential, unique traits, disease control and management of centerfield tolerant wheat.

CropsGrains & OilseedsHerbicidesInsects, Pests, and DiseasesPesticidesWheat
Fact Sheet
Herbicide Guide

A photo guide of parts for the boomless roadside herbicide sprayer including a troubleshooting guide for potential problems and suggested corrections.

Equipment & Structures for Farms & RanchesEquipment for Farms and RanchesInsects, Pests, and DiseasesPesticidesWeed ControlWeeds & Invasive Plants
Fact Sheet
Components and Ratios of Pre-mix Herbicides for Use in Corn and Grain Sorghum

A list of pre-mix herbicide ratios in field corn and grain sorghum using rate per acre, component herbicides and equivalent rates per acre.

CornCropsGrain Sorghum - MiloGrains & OilseedsHerbicidesInsects, Pests, and DiseasesPesticides
Fact Sheet
El Uso y la Seguridad de Pesticida en el Vivero y en el Invernadero

An explanation of toxicity, labels, application, storage, elimination, safety measures and employee training methods for the use of pesticides in greenhouses.

Insects, Pests, and DiseasesPesticidesWeather & Disaster PreparednessWinter Weather