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Master Gardener’s Manual

This document is a high resolution PDF of the manual used for Master Gardener training with a total of 394 pages. The Oklahoma Master Gardener Volunteer Program is offered by OSU Extension, also known as the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service (OCES), which carries on a tradition of agricultural and family and consumer science education spanning over a century. With an office in every county, OSU Extension is the most pervasive outreach arm of OSU. It takes research-based university knowledge into homes, businesses and communities of all Oklahoma citizens. The Master Gardener Volunteer Program comes with a rich history and we would like to share it with you.


 What you will find in the Master Gardener's Manual by chapter:


  1. Who are the Master Gardeners?
  2. Plant Science
  3. Soils and Fertilzer
  4. Vegetable Gardening
  5. Fruits and Nuts in the Home Garden
  6. Ornamentals
  7. Turfgrass
  8. Entomology Basics
  9. Plant Diseases
  10. Understanding Pesticides and Their Alternatives
  11. Wildlife





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