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Fact Sheet
LED Grow Lights for Plant Production

A summary of the benefits of using LED grow lights, their design and function, bulb types, light quality, coverage and the role that plays in plant growth.

CropsGardening & Lawn CareGreenhouse CropsGreenhouses & Indoor GardeningOrnamentals
Fact Sheet
Greenhouse Propagation of Ornamental Cannas Grown from Rhizomes or Seeds

Greenhouse growers will learn to employ slightly different management practices for producing young plant rhizomes and seeds.

CropsGardening & Lawn CareGreenhouse CropsGreenhouses & Indoor GardeningOrnamentals
Fact Sheet
Layering Propagation for the Home Gardener

A guide on layer propagation for home and garden plants, ways to improve layering success and suggestions for layering methods.

CropsFlowersGardening & Lawn CareGreenhouses & Indoor GardeningOrnamentals
Fact Sheet
Cedar-Apple Rust

The symptoms, disease cycle, variety tolerance, similar diseases and control measures for cedar-apple rust explained.

CropsFungicidesGardening & Lawn CareInsects, Pests, and DiseasesLandscapingOrnamentalsPesticidesTrees
Fact Sheet
Pruning Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, and Vines

The tools, materials and benefits of pruning ornamental trees, shrubs and vines in home landscaping.

CropsGardening & Lawn CareLandscapingOrnamentalsShrubsTrees
Fact Sheet
Planting Trees and Shrubs

Management practices and techniques for planting trees and shrubs.

CropsGardening & Lawn CareLandscapingOrnamentalsShrubsTrees