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Fact Sheet
Plants in the Classroom: Successfully Starting Seeds

By Shelley Mitchell. Learn about how growing plants in the classroom is a great way to explore life cycles. Many teachers introduce plants to students by planting seeds in small pots and watching them grow. However, many students and teachers get frustrated when their seeds don't sprout (germinate), or the seedlings grow long and spindly. To increase the chances of success, there are several things you can do: choose the right seeds, use potting mix, plant at the correct depth, provide the right amount of moisture, provide warmth, and provide light in close proximity.

CropsGreenhouse Crops
Fact Sheet
2021-2022 Small Grains Variety Performance Tests

Wheat variety performance test by various testing methods and data interpretation.

CropsGrains & OilseedsGreenhouse CropsHarvesting & Storage of GrainsWheat
Fact Sheet
Nitrification and Maintenance in Media Bed Aquaponics

By Che Deer, Bizhen Hu, Bruce Dunn and Joshua Dusci. Learn about nitrogen cycling with and without fish in aquaponic systems as well as algae management, fish acclimation, fish stocking, fish species and feeding rates.

CropsGreenhouse Crops
Fact Sheet
Building a Vertical Hydroponic Tower

A step-by-step guide to building a vertical hydroponic tower.

CropsGreenhouse Crops
Fact Sheet
LED Grow Lights for Plant Production

A summary of the benefits of using LED grow lights, their design and function, bulb types, light quality, coverage and the role that plays in plant growth.

CropsGardening & Lawn CareGreenhouse CropsGreenhouses & Indoor GardeningOrnamentals
Fact Sheet
Greenhouse Propagation of Ornamental Cannas Grown from Rhizomes or Seeds

Greenhouse growers will learn to employ slightly different management practices for producing young plant rhizomes and seeds.

CropsGardening & Lawn CareGreenhouse CropsGreenhouses & Indoor GardeningOrnamentals