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2021-2022 Small Grains Variety Performance Tests

Wheat Crop Overview

At the time of writing this report, 2022 Oklahoma wheat production is estimated to be approximately 65 million bushels, which is about 44% lower than 2021 production and 38% lower than 2020 production (Table 1). Approximately 4.4 million acres were planted for the 2022 crop year, similar to the 2021 crop but 14% lower than the previous 10-year average. Number of harvested acres is estimated at 2.4 million, which is 19% lower than in 2021 (Table 1). The statewide average yield is projected at 27 bu/ac. This is 12 bu/ac lower than the 2021 state average and 5 bu/ac lower than the previous 10-year average.


Table 1. Oklahoma wheat production for 2020, 2021 and 2022 as estimated by USDA NASS, June 2022.

  2020 2021 2022
Planted area
(million acres)
4.3 4.4 4.4
Harvested area (million acres) 2.60 2.95 2.40
Yield (bushels/acre) 40 39 27
Total production (million bushels)  104 115 65


Dual-purpose wheat producers could not plant at the optimum time (mid-September) due to drought conditions in much of the state. Most of the wheat intended for dual purpose was “dusted in” and the emergence was delayed, but plants established well. Oklahoma received good rainfall in October, which helped the dual-purpose wheat to emerge and grow as well as enabled grain-only producers to plant under good soil moisture. Although dual-purpose wheat was planted later than desired, the October moisture enabled moderate fall forage production. By December 15, Oklahoma had not received 0.25” of rainfall for almost two months (since October) in some parts of the state and the wheat was showing signs of drought stress. Some fields were also showing symptoms of nitrogen (N) deficiency. There were multiple reports of fall armyworm infestations during the summer, but the later planting date of wheat limit the impact this pest had on the crop. 


December was warmer than usual with large fluctuations in temperature. By the end of year, the wheat crop was showing signs of drought stress and could benefit from additional moisture going into the winter. However, this moisture did not come until March.


Due to a lack of moisture late in the fall, wheat fields planted late, especially in southwest OK, did not emerge until February. This resulted in a lack of cold accumulation “vernalization requirement,” reduced growth, and tillering. The continual lack of rainfall during the winter made conditions unsuitable for wheat, and growers could not take the crop to yield. In other parts of the state where the crop was established in October and received some rainfall in March and April, yield potential was acceptable. However, with the exception of eastern OK, much of the wheat in the state was grown under drought stress. No diseases of any significance were observed in the fall.


Overall, average temperatures and low rainfall resulted in low to moderate fall forage production (for more information see CR 2141 - Fall Forage Production and First Hollow Stem Date for Small Grain Varieties during the 2020-2021 Crop Year). In the forage trials, the very early genotypes reached first hollow stem during the second week of February. By the end of March drought conditions became severe in many areas, and the crop was behind in growth in much of the state. Some parts of the state received decent rain on March 21, the most significant rain since planting. This rain saved many producers from not having a crop this year. However, some places, such as the panhandle and southwest regions, did not receive significant amount of rain. The lack of moisture during this critical plant developmental stage (from jointing to flag leaf stage) resulted in short wheat in many fields. Flag leaves turned blue and curled due to lack of moisture. The weather continued to be very hot and dry and prevented the emergence of many diseases. However, heavy infestations of brown wheat mites occurred throughout the state, except for the Panhandle and Eastern OK, and many producers decided to spray for it.


Wheat started to head by mid-April in southwest OK and late April in southcentral OK. Freeze occurred but the damage was minimal this year. Some fields showed heads with discoloration (i.e., bleached) or a dark chocolate color due to different types of stresses (e.g., freeze, drought and crown/root rots). By May, the crop looked good in some areas it needed rainfall to help with grain filling and test weight.


Viral diseases were the most common wheat diseases through April and May in Oklahoma. Wheat streak mosaic virus transmitted by wheat curl mite was widespread and severe in multiple fields. In previous years, wheat streak mosaic virus was reported mainly in northwestern OK; however, this season, it reached severe levels in several areas across the state. High plains, another viral disease, was reported at lower incidence in western and northwestern Oklahoma. Barley yellow dwarf occurred at moderate incidence and severity, with occasional fields showing high incidence. Barley yellow dwarf was reported in fields in Canadian, Payne, Grady, Cleveland and Garfield Counties.


Drought during this wheat growing season reduced the presence of many foliar fungal diseases. Low incidence of leaf rust was reported in Stillwater and east central Oklahoma in mid-May, whereas powdery mildew was relatively more prominent. Moderate incidence and severity of Septoria trites blotch were observed in some no-till fields in Kay and Okmulgee counties after the rain events mid-May. The moist conditions in Okmulgee County also favored bacterial streak, black chaff and Fusarium head blight diseases. Spot blotch was another fungal disease found at low to moderate incidence and severity in some fields in Payne, Garfield and Okmulgee Counties.


The lack of rain promoted Fusarium root, crown and foot rots across the state in moderate to high incidence and severity. Symptoms of these dryland diseases were noticeable during May. Common root rot, caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana and favored by drought, was found at lower incidence in fields in Alfalfa, Beaver, Blaine and Oklahoma Counties.


In summary, this year’s crop was thin and short, with a small head size and poor kernel set due to the severe drought it experienced throughout the season. Overall, the Oklahoma wheat crop was severely affected by lack of moisture and some fields were not harvested.


Most of the rain in the state came in the first two weeks of June. Consequently, harvest was delayed by a couple of weeks. According to the Oklahoma Wheat Commission report, grain yields of harvested wheat ranged from meager yields (10 bu/ac) in drought-stressed fields to higher yields (65 bu/ac) in intensively managed fields in northcentral Oklahoma. Test weight was good as harvest began, with values ranging from 58 to 61 lbs/bu. However, the continuing rainfall events during late June caused a slight decline in test weight and greater sprout damage in some areas. Sprout damage was rated 5-7%. Wheat protein varied from 10 to 16% across the state, with a state average of 12%. 


Testing Methods and Data Interpretation


Testing Methods

Seed was packaged and planted in the same condition as delivered from the respective seed companies. Most seed was treated with an insecticide plus a fungicide, but the formulation and rate of seed treatment used was not confirmed or reported in this document.


Plots were seven rows wide with 7.5-inch row spacing and were sown with a Great Plains no-till drill modified for conceded, small-plot research. . Except for dryland locations in the Panhandle, plots were planted 25 feet long and trimmed to 19 feet at harvest with the plot combine. Panhandle dryland locations were 35 feet long at planting and trimmed to 29 feet at harvest. Wheel tracks were included in the plot area for yield calculation for a total plot width of 60 inches. The experimental design for all sites was a randomized complete block with four replicates.  The intensive management trials at Apache, Morris, Chickasha and Lahoma received two fungicide applications, additional topdress nitrogen application and were planted on a seeds per acre basis. Fungicide was applied at Feekes 6 (jointing) and Feekes 9 (flag leaf completely emerged).Additional information on product name, rate and date of application is included in the tables for the respective sites.  


Plots received 5 gal/ac of 10-34-0 at planting. All variety trial locations were sown at 60 pounds per acre, except for the dual-purpose trials at El Reno and Walters, which were sown at 120 pounds per acre. The intensive wheat management trials at Apache, Chickasha, Lahoma and Morris were sown at 1.2 million seeds per acre. Grazing intensity, nitrogen fertilization, and insect and weed control decisions were made on location-by-location basis and reflect standard management practices for the area. In general, N rate was calculate for 70 bu/ac yield goal for the standard management trials and 100 bu/ac yield goal for the intensive management trials.  


Plots were harvested with a Winter stieger Delta small plot combine. Grain weight, test weight, protein concentration and moisture content were collected from each plot, and grain yields and protein concentration were corrected to 12% moisture content. Grain moisture at all sites was generally below 12%, and maximum and minimum grain moisture for all plots at a location typically ranged no more than 2%.  Similar to many wheat fields in the region, the Altus trial experienced severe drought stress throughout the growing season, with significant plant or tiller mortality and reduced kernel set, generating excessive variability across the field. This data would not be meaningful and misrepresent comparisons among varieties; thus, this site was not harvested in 2022.


Data Interpretation

Yield, test weight and protein data for each location and regional summary were analyzed using the appropriate statistical methods. At the bottom of each table, the mean and least significant difference (LSD) values are reported. The LSD is a test statistic that aids in determining whether there is a true difference in yield, test weight and protein. In this report, one can be 95% confident that the difference between two varieties is real if the difference is greater than the LSD value.  Data that is not significantly different is indicated by “NS”. For example, if the LSD value is 4 bu/ac in a trial where Variety A yielded 30 bu/ac and Variety B yielded 25, then Variety A would be considered to have a statistically higher yield. However, if Variety C yielded 27 bu/ac, then Variety A and Variety C would be considered to have a similar yield. In that same example trial, there is a 5% chance that the 4 bu/ac difference between Variety A and Variety B does not truly exist, but random chance caused the 5 bushel difference. These chance factors may include differences in fertility, moisture availability, and diseases. To aid in visualizing the varieties with the highest yields, test weights and proteins, values highlighted in gray do not differ statistically from the highest value within a column. The performance of a variety may vary from year to year, even at the same location. Tests over two or more years and over multiple locations more accurately predict the performance of a variety


Map showing performance test location

Figure 1. Performance test locations.


Additional Information on the Web

A copy of this publication as well as additional information about wheat management can be found at:


Funding Provided By

  • Oklahoma Wheat Commission
  • Oklahoma Wheat Research Foundation
  • OSU Cooperative Extension Service
  • OSU Agricultural Experiment Station
  • Entry fees from participating seed companies


Area Extension Staff

  • Brian Pugh, OSU Area Agronomist – Northeast District
  • Josh Bushong, OSU Area Agronomist – Northwest District
  • Gary Strickland, Southwest Research and Extension Center
  • Regional Agronomist and Jackson County Extension Educator
  • Summit Sharma, Assistant Extension Specialist - Oklahoma
  • Panhandle Research and Extension Center, Goodwell


County Extension Staff

  • Thomas Puffinbarger, Alfalfa County Extension Educator
  • Loren Sizelove, Beaver County Extension Educator
  • Cade Miller, Caddo County Extension Educator
  • Kyle Worthington, Canadian County Extension Educator
  • Kimbreley Davis, Cotton County Extension Educator
  • Rick Nelson, Garfield County Extension Educator
  • Allexanderia Minor, Grady County Extension Educator
  • Shannon Mallory, Kay County Extension Educator
  • Bryan Kennedy, Kingfisher County Extension Educator
  • Troy Gosney, Major County Extension Educator
  • Tanner Miller, Okmulgee County Extension Educator
  • Dr. Britt Hicks, Texas County Extension Educator & Area Extension Livestock Specialist
  • Greg Highfill, Woods County Extension Educator


Station Superintendents/Staff

  • Erich Wehrenberg, Agronomy Research Station, Stillwater, Lahoma
  • David Victor, North Central Research Station, Lahoma
  • Michael Pettijohn, South Central Research Station, Chickasha
  • Mike Schulz, Blake Sisson, Greg Chavez, Southwest Research and Extension Center, Altus


Student Workers

  • Cassidy Stowers, Danielle Connors, Melanie Carroll,
  • Teresa Swantek, Yuri de Lacerda Barbosa


Summary of All Individual Locations

Table 1 of 2

Licensee Variety Alva Apache IM Balko Cherokee Chickasha Chickasha IM
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright 7 37 43 12 60 69
AGSECO AG Golden -- -- -- -- 69 81
AGSECO AG Icon 20 52 38 18 60 69
AGSECO AG Radical -- -- -- -- 61 73
Croplan CP7017AX 22 52 37 26 69 77
Croplan CP7266AX -- -- -- -- 61 68
KWA KS Ahearn -- -- -- 19 69 74
KWA KS Hamilton 23 51 26 -- 66 71
KWA KS Western Star 14 47 35 20 63 65
KWA KS Providence -- -- -- -- 68 71
LCS LCS Atomic AX 22 56 43 25 76 77
LCS LCS Chrome -- -- -- -- 55 66
LCS LCS LCS Helix AX -- -- -- 27 70 77
LCS LCS LCS Julep -- 33 -- 18 65 67
LCS LCS LCS Photon AX 18 52 42 -- 63 67
LCS LCS Runner -- -- -- -- 63 73
LCS  LCS Steel AX -- -- -- -- 65 70
LCS LCS Valiant 15 -- 40 -- 64 72
OGI  Baker's Ann -- -- 34 17 64 70
OGI  Bentley -- -- 46 -- -- --
OGI  Big Country 11 39 -- 14 47 56
OGI  Breakthrough -- -- 36 -- -- --
OGI  Butler's Gold 14 35 45 17 66 70
OGI  Butler's Gold (late-planted) -- -- -- -- -- --
OGI  Doublestop CL+ 15 45 -- 24 57 66
OGI  Duster -- -- -- -- 64 73
OGI  Gallagher 16 44 36 21 67 75

Table 2 of 2

Licensee Variety Alva Apache IM Balko Cherokee Chickasha Chickasha IM
OGI Green Hammer 14 48 -- 17 59 66
OGI Iba -- -- 32 18 -- --
OGI Lonerider -- -- 38 -- -- --
OGI OK Corral 18 41 32 9 61 73
OGI Showdown 21 60 32 21 67 71
OGI Skydance 11 36 -- -- 59 67
OGI Smith's Gold 20 43 37 22 65 71
OGI Spirit Rider -- -- -- -- -- --
OGI Strad CL+ 14 45 32 20 60 64
OGI Uncharted -- 43 -- -- 59 66
PlainsGold Breck -- -- -- -- 69 74
PlainsGold Canvas 26 56 38 30 69 72
PlainsGold Crescent AX 17 -- 30 -- 71 82
PlainsGold Guardian 17 49 33 26 63 73
PlainsGold Sunshine -- -- -- -- 69 74
Syngenta AP EverRock 15 -- -- -- 68 75
Syngenta AP Roadrunner 14 47 39 -- 66 78
Syngenta  AP18 AX -- 53 32 15 65 73
Syngenta  Bob Dole 15 -- -- 19 66 75
Syngenta  AP Prolific -- -- -- -- 61 73
Syngenta SY Achieve CL2 -- -- -- 24 57 66
Westbred WB4401 11 43 -- 17 62 67
Westbred WB4422 -- -- -- -- 66 78
Westbred WB4523 -- -- -- -- 63 74
Westbred  WB4699 15 -- -- 20 67 70
Westbred  WB4792 21 38 27 -- 68 78
  OK15DMASBx7 ARS 6-8 -- 52 -- -- 50 63
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-29 -- -- -- -- 69 76
  OK16103083 -- -- -- -- -- --
  Mean 16 45 36 20 64 71
  LSD (0.05) 5 6 11 3 6 6

Note: Grain yield was adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the highest value within a column. NS = not significant. Double-dashes "--" = data not available.


Summary of All Individual Locations

Table 1 of 2

Licensee Variety El Reno DP El Reno GO Lahoma Lahoma IM Morris IM Walters DP
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright 32 52 83 75 77 16
AGSECO AG Golden -- -- 92 85 -- --
AGSECO AG Icon 46 59 74 73 79 19
AGSECO AG Radical 49 64 87 85 73 22
Croplan CP7017AX 57 62 88 86 77 25
Croplan CP7266AX -- -- 76 76 -- --
KWA KS Ahearn 40 57 79 85 80 18
KWA KS Hamilton -- -- 72 73 -- --
KWA KS Western Star -- -- 78 78 -- 22
KWA KS Providence -- -- 76 91 -- --
LCS LCS Atomic AX 49 62 78 89 83 22
LCS LCS Chrome 46 58 75 78 -- 19
LCS LCS Helix AX -- -- 89 85 -- --
LCS LCS Julep -- -- 77 77 78 --
LCS LCS Photon AX 48 56 76 78 73 21
LCS LCS Runner -- -- 78 78 -- --
LCS LCS Steel AX -- -- 84 83 -- --
LCS LCS Valiant -- -- 78 84 -- --
OGI Baker's Ann -- -- 74 68 73 --
OGI Bentley -- -- 81 74 -- --
OGI Big Country 30 41 61 61 88 --
OGI Breakthrough -- -- -- -- -- --
OGI Butler's Gold -- -- 64 71 72 --
OGI Butler's Gold (late-planted) -- -- 48 47 66 --
OGI Doublestop CL+ 42 57 71 75 -- 22
OGI Duster -- -- 73 79 -- --
OGI Gallagher 41 56 76 83 84 19
OGI Green Hammer 40 55 66 74 -- 15
OGI Iba -- -- -- -- -- --
OGI Lonerider -- -- -- -- -- --

Table 2 of 2

Licensee Variety El Reno DP El Reno GO Lahoma Lahoma IM Morris IM Walters DP
OGI OK Corral 42 54 75 70 85 15
OGI Showdown 57 60 85 86 -- 23
OGI Skydance -- -- 71 71 80 --
OGI Smith's Gold 38 58 75 79 74 20
OGI Spirit Rider -- -- -- -- 70 --
OGI Strad CL+ 36 57 68 72 -- 19
OGI Uncharted 42 58 65 65 84 18
PlainsGold Breck -- -- 82 83 -- --
PlainsGold Canvas -- -- 85 88 -- 22
PlainsGold Crescent AX 50 68 77 86 78 --
PlainsGold Guardian -- -- 71 75 -- 20
PlainsGold Sunshine -- -- 79 82 -- --
Syngenta AP EverRock 35 51 67 72 74 --
Syngenta AP Roadrunner 42 59 78 90 -- 20
Syngenta AP18 AX -- -- 78 87 -- 20
Syngenta Bob Dole -- -- 80 85 91 --
Syngenta AP Prolific -- -- 90 85 -- --
Syngenta SY Achieve CL2 -- -- 63 74 72 --
Westbred WB4401 35 50 79 78 76 11
Westbred WB4422 -- -- 93 95 -- --
Westbred WB4523 -- -- 73 79 -- --
Westbred WB4699 48 60 80 82 84 --
Westbred WB4792 -- -- 75 78 -- 21
  Experimentals -- -- -- -- -- --
  OK15DMASBx7 ARS 6-8 -- -- -- -- -- 21
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-29 41 58 85 85 -- --
  OK16103083 -- -- -- -- 78 --
  Mean 43 57 76 79 78 20
  LSD(0.05) 5 5 9 9 6 3

Note: Grain yield was adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the highest value within a column.  NS= not significant. Double-dashes "--" = data not available.


Alva Wheat Variety Trial

Cooperator: Joe Shirley

Planting & harvest dates: 10/22/2021 & 06/13/2022

Management: Grain-only

Tillage: Conventional

Extension Educator: Greg Highfill

Previous crop: Wheat

Soil Type: Bethany silt loam

Soil test: pH=6.2, N= 71, P= 29, K= 455

Licensee Variety Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Test Weight
Wheat Protein
Plains Gold Canvas Canvas 26 -- -- 57.7 17.7
KWA KS Hamilton 23 -- -- 56 17.8
Croplan CP7017AX 22 -- -- 56.2 17.3
LCS LCS Atomic AX 22 -- -- 57.2 16.8
OGI Showdown 21 43 53 55.5 18
Westbred WB4792 21 41 -- 59.1 17.1
AGSECO AG Icon 20 39 51 53.8 18.8
OGI Smith's Gold 20 37 46 56.2 18.6
OGI OK Corral 18 41 -- 51.1 17.9
LCS LCS Photon AX 18 36 -- 56.4 19.3
PlainsGold Crescent AX 17 41 -- 54.8 18.9
PlainsGold Guardian 17 42 -- 58.3 17.6
OGI Gallagher 16 36 48 54 19.3
OGI Doublestop CL+ 15 30 48 53.7 20.1
AgriPro Bob Dole 15 36 55 54.5 20.3
Westbred WB4699 15 39 -- 53.5 18
LCS LCS Valiant 15 -- -- 51.7 21.6
AgriPro AP EverRock 15 -- -- 54.9 19.7
OGI Butler's Gold 14 -- -- 49.3 19.4
KWA KS Western Star 14 37 -- 57.9 17.8
AgriPro AP Roadrunner 14 -- -- 53.9 19.3
OGI Green Hammer 14 -- -- 57 21.5
OGI Strad CL+ 14 -- -- 53.3 19.4
Westbred WB4401 11 34 -- 54.5 20
OGI  Big Country 11 37 -- 55.1 21.4
OGI Skydance 11 30 44 50.3 20.2
OGI Butler's Gold (late-planted) 11 -- -- 54.9 20.2
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright 7 27 -- 51.3 21.3
  OK15DMASBx7 ARS 8-29 17 -- -- 53.4 19.7
  Mean 16 33 49 54.7 19.1
  LSD (0.05) 5 4 5 5.3 1.7

Note : Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values were not statistically different from the highest value within a column. The crop experienced severe drought stress and moderate pressure of Fusarium crown root rot disease. Both grain yield and test weight were heavily impacted. In 2020, there were no harvest results from this location. Thus, the 3-year average represent results from 2019, 2021, and 2022 harvest years. Butler's Gold late-plated was planted on 11/30/21 at 1.4 million seeds/acre. Double-dashes"--" = data not available.


Apache Intensive Wheat Management Variety Trial

Cooperator: Bryan Vail

Planting & harvest dates: 10/26/2021 & 06/06/2022

Management: Grain-Only, conventional tillage

Seeding rate: 1.2 million seeds/acre

Nitrogen: 6 lbs/acre 10-34-0, 75 lbs/ac on 12/07/21, and 70 lbs/ac on 03/03/22

Fungicide: 4 fl oz/ac Tebucure 3.6 at jointing on 04/01/22 and 9 fl oz/ac Trivapro at flag leaf-boot stage on 04/14/22

Extension Educator: Cade Miller

Previous crop: Wheat

Soil Type: Hollister silt loam

Soil test: pH=5.8, N= 49, P= 26, K= 383

Licensee Variety Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Test Weight
Wheat protein
    Intensive Manag. No Fungicide Fungicide    
OGI Showdown 60 61 66 58.8 13.3
LCS LCS Atomic AX 56 -- -- 58.1 13.3
PlainsGold Canvas 56 75 78 59.9 13.6
AgriPro AP18 AX 53 -- -- 57.4 13.9
LCS LCS Photon AX 52 58 59 60.1 15.3
AGSECO AG Icon 52 -- -- 58.2 15.2
Croplan CP7017AX 52 -- -- 58.1 13.5
KWA KS Hamilton 51 -- -- 59.5 13.6
PlainsGold Guardian 49 -- -- 61.2 14.7
OGI Green Hammer 48 46 51 58.7 16.3
AgriPro AP Roadrunner 47 -- -- 58.2 14.2
KWA KS Western Star 47 75 73 60.7 14.4
OGI Strad CL+ 45 -- -- 58.5 15.4
OGI Doublestop CL+ 45 55 60 60.6 16.7
OGI Gallagher 44 56 60 58.4 15.4
OGI Uncharted 43 35 39 58 15.1
Westbred WB4401 43 -- -- 55.8 14
OGI Smith's Gold 43 49 53 60.1 15.4
OGI OK Corral 41 51 56 53.3 15.1
OGI Big Country 39 54 58 58.8 16.4
Westbred WB4792 38 66 70 61 15.3
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright 37 -- -- 57.7 16.8
OGI Skydance 36 53 53 59.5 16.3
OGI Butler's Gold 35 -- -- 59.2 15.7
LCS LCS Julep 33 -- -- 56.7 16
OGI Butler's Gold (late-planted) 29 -- -- 59.7 17.7
  OK15DMASBx7 ARS 8-29 52 -- -- 59.9 15.1
  Mean 46 55 60 58.7 15.1
  LSD (0.05) 6 6 7 1.2 0.5

Note: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the highest value within a column. This is the first year we have conducted an intensive management trial at Apache. For this reason, data from previous years were not combined. Data from the trials conducted at Apache with and without fungicide in the 2020-2021 growing season are shown only for varieties planted in the 2021-2022 growing season. Butler's Gold late-planted was planted on 12/07/2021. There were no diseases observed and the crop was impacted by a severe drought stress during the season. Double-dashes"--" = data not available.

Balko Wheat Variety Trial

Cooperator: Teryl Rorabaugh

Planting & harvest dates: 10/26/2021 & 06/06/2022

Management: Grain-only

Tillage: Conventional

Extension Educator: Loren Sizelove

Previous crop: Fallow

Soil Type: Dale silt loam

Soil test: pH=7.1, N= 46, P= 36, K= 854

Licensee Variety Grain Yield 
Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Test Weight
Wheat protein
OGI Bentley 46 53 55 59.1 13.9
OGI Butler's Gold 45 -- -- 60.3 13.6
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright 43 -- -- 59.7 14.8
LCS LCS Atomic AX 43 -- -- 58.8 12.5
LCS LCS Photon AX 42 -- -- 58.3 13.2
LCS LCS Valiant 40 -- -- 58.7 13.8
AgriPro AP Roadrunner 39 -- -- 59.0 13.6
OGI Lonerider 38 49 50 58.3 15.0
PlainsGold Canvas 38 50 54 59.0 12.4
AGSECO AG Icon 38 50 51 59.1 13.5
Croplan CP7017AX 37 -- -- 57.2 12.7
OGI Smith's Gold 37 46 50 57.6 13.0
OGI Breakthrough 36 47 49 57.7 12.8
OGI Gallagher 36 41 47 57.8 13.4
KWA KS Western Star 35 48 -- 57.8 13.4
OGI Baker's Ann 34 44 47 57.8 13.2
PlainsGold Guardian 33 51 -- 58.9 13.4
OGI Iba 32 41 48 58.4 12.8
OGI Strad CL+ 32 -- -- 58.4 13.8
OGI OK Corral 32 46 48 58.8 13.0
OGI Showdown 32 47 50 58.6 12.8
AgriPro AP18 AX 32 -- -- 58.7 12.7
PlainsGold Crescent AX 30 44 50 58.9 12.1
Westbred WB4792 27 45 51 57.1 12.8
KWA KS Hamilton 26 -- -- 57.6 12.2
  Mean 36 47 50 58.5 13.2
  LSD (0.05) 11 NS NS NS 1.1

Note: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the highest value within a column. The crop experienced severe drought stress during the season. Double dashes"--" = data not available.


Cherokee Wheat Variety Trial

Cooperator: Kenneth Failes

Planting & harvest dates: 10/22/2021 & 06/10/2022

Management: Grain-only

Tillage: Conventional

Extension Educator: Tommy Puffinbarger

Previous crop: Wheat

Soil Type: Dale silt loam

Soil test: pH=6.5, N= 97, P= 52, K= 435

Licensee Variety Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Test Weight
Wheat protein
PlainsGold Canvas 30 71 79 62.7 17.1
LCS LCS Helix AX 27 -- -- 56.4 17.2
PlainsGold Guardian 26 68 -- 60.7 17.2
Croplan CP7017AX 26 -- -- 57.0 16.9
LCS LCS Atomic AX 25 -- -- 57.8 17.7
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 24 64 -- 53.9 18.6
OGI Doublestop CL+ 24 57 72 55.8 19.0
OGI Smith's Gold 22 65 76 55.5 18.6
OGI Gallagher 21 65 79 55.1 18.9
OGI Showdown 21 81 90 54.9 19.2
KWA KS Western Star 20 64 -- 57.1 16.9
Westbred WB4699 20 64 80 52.4 17.6
OGI Strad CL+ 20 -- -- 54.8 18.8
AgriPro Bob Dole 19 64 72 53.6 20.4
KWA KS Ahearn 19 -- -- 54.1 18.8
LCS LCS Julep 18 -- -- 59.2 19.4
OGI Iba 18 72 79 57.5 18.1
AGSECO AG Icon 18 -- -- 51.7 19.5
OGI Green Hammer 17 -- -- 57.4 21.5
Westbred WB4401 17 62 -- 56.3 18.5
OGI Butler's Gold 17 -- -- 57.2 20.5
OGI Baker's Ann 17 63 75 58.0 19.8
AgriPro AP18 AX 15 -- -- 48.0 19.2
OGI Big Country 14 64 68 54.9 21.5
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright 12 54 -- 53.9 20.6
OGI OK Corral 9 61 75 46.0 20.8
  OK15DMASBx7 ARS 20 -- -- 55.4 18.4
  Mean 20 65 77 55.4 18.9
  LSD (0.05) 3 5 6 3.8 0.6

Note: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the highest value within a column. There was severe drought stress, and high pressure of brown wheat mites and fusarium root rots. We utilized a different statistical analysis for grain yield, test weight, and protein to reduce the impact of the spatial variability possibly caused by heavier fusarium root rots infestation on the north side of the experiment. Therefore, data from previous years will not be combined with the current year to provide long-term averages. The 2-year yield averages include the 2020 and 2021 harvest years. Double-dashes"--" = data not available.


Chickasha Regional Wheat Variety Trial

Cooperator: OSU South Central Research Station

Planting & harvest dates: 10/22/2021 & 06/16/2022

Management: Grain-only

Tillage: Conventional

Extension Educator: Tommy Puffinbarger

Previous crop: Wheat

Soil Type: Dale silt loam

Soil test: pH=6.5, N= 97, P= 52, K= 435


Table1 of 2

Licensee Variety Lodging
Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Test Weight
Wheat Protein
Sprouted kernels
LCS LCS Atomic 2 76 51 -- 57.3 13.7 4
PlainsGold Crescent AX 3 71 46 44 57.1 12.8 2
LCS LCS Helix AX 1 70 52 -- 58.8 12.4 2
PlainsGold Canvas 1 69 56 48 58.4 12.4 0
KWA KS Ahearn 2 69 49 -- 56.3 13.1 5
AGSECO AG Golden 1 69 -- -- 56.0 12.5 0
PlainsGold Breck 1 69 -- -- 58.6 13.8 0
PlainsGold Sunshine 1 69 -- -- 53.7 14.4 22
Croplan CP7017AX 1 69 51 -- 56.7 14.1 0
KWA KS Providence 1 68 -- -- 54.0 14.3 23
AgriPro AP EverRock 2 68 -- -- 56.4 12.8 0
Westbred WB4792 1 68 50 47 60.2 13.3 0
OGI Showdown 2 67 51 48 56.4 13.6 1
OGI Gallagher 2 67 48 42 55.6 14.9 23
Westbred WB4699 1 67 49 45 55.6 12.2 5
Westbred WB4422 1 66 -- -- 58.2 12.4 0
AgriPro AP Roadrunner 1 66 62 -- 55.9 13.0 0
AgriPro Bob Dole 2 66 48 50 54.5 14.6 38
OGI Butler's Gold 2 66 -- -- 58.9 13.9 5
KWA KS Hamilton 2 66 52 -- 58.0 14.0 0
LCS LCS Julep 1 65 48 -- 58.7 14.2 2
LCS LCS Steel AX 1 65 -- -- 55.9 12.8 0
OGI Smith's Gold 1 65 49 48 57.8 13.0 5
AgriPro AP18 AX 1 65 47 -- 56.1 13.2 10

Table 2 of 2

Licensee Variety Lodging
Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Test Weight
Wheat Protein
Sprouted kernels
OGI Duster 2 64 53 47 55.8 14.8 2
LCS LCS Valiant 1 64 50 -- 57.5 14.2 0
OGI Baker's Ann 1 64 44 43 56.6 14.0 0
LCS LCS Photon AX 1 63 44 -- 58.8 13.7 5
Westbred WB4523 1 63 -- -- 55.8 12.4 2
KWA KS Western Star 2 63 55 -- 57.9 12.7 0
LCS LCS Runner 2 63 -- -- 57.3 13.0 5
PlainsGold Guardian 2 63 57 -- 59.0 15.4 0
Westbred WB4401 1 62 44 -- 53.3 12.7 24
Croplan CP72166AX 1 61 -- -- 57.5 14.5 1
AGSECO AG Radical 1 61 41 -- 55.6 14.5 5
OGI OK Corral 2 61 48 -- 53.6 14.2 15
AgriPro AP Prolific 1 61 -- -- 55.9 13.5 20
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright 4 60 50 44 55.7 14.9 5
AGSECO AG Icon 1 60 48 48 56.5 14.9 2
OGI Strad CL+ 1 60 53 -- 56.4 14.4 8
OGI Skydance 2 59 43 47 59.1 14.1 5
OGI Green Hammer 2 59 45 45 57.6 14.9 1
OGI Uncharted 2 59 49 51 56.4 14.2 5
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 1 57 36 39 57.9 13.4 1
OGI Doublestop CL+ 2 57 56 57 59.3 15.8 5
LCS LCS Chrome 1 55 54 49 56.0 14.6 9
OGI Big Country 1 47 53 55 55.7 16.4 5
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 2 69 -- -- 55.8 13.1 2
  OK15DMASBx7 ARS 1 50 -- -- 56.9 14.4 10
  Mean 1 63 49 47 56.8 13.8 10
  LSD (0.05) -- 6 9 7 1.1 1.7 --

Note: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values were not statistically different from the highest value within a column. The crop experienced drought stress during the season and received a few timely rains late winter and in the spring, which enhanced realized yield in this particular environment relative to the statewide yield average. The high rainfall events that occurred after maturity resulted in pre-harvest sprouting damage in some varieties. Sprouting damage was assessed by counting visibly sprouted kernels among 4000 kernels. There were no diseases observed in this trial. Lodging is reported on a 1 to 5 scale, with 1 indicating no lodging. In 2020, there were no harvest results from this location due to late-spring freeze damage. Thus, the 3-year average represent results from 2019, 2021, and 2022 harvest years. Double-dashes"--" = data not available.


Chickasha Regional Intensive Wheat Management
Variety Trial

Cooperator: OSU South Central Research Station

Planting & harvest dates: 10/25/2021 & 06/16/2022

Management: Grain-only, conventional tillage

Seeding rate: 1.2 million seeds/acre

Nitrogen: 6 lbs/ac 10-34-0 at planting, 87 lbs/ac on 2/15/22 , 60 lbs/ac 3/14/22

Fungicide: 4 fl oz/ac Tebucure 3.6 at jointing on 4/1/22 and 9 fl oz/ac Trivapro at flag leaf-boot stage on 4/14/22

Extension Educator: Alexanderia Minor

Previous crop: Austrian winter peas

Soil Type: Dale silt loam

Soil test: pH=6.6, N= 81, P= 43, K= 377


Table 1 of 2

Licensee Variety Lodging
Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Test Weight
Wheat Protein
Sprouted kernels
PlainsGold Crescent AX 4 82 62 65 58.1 14.6 1
AGSECO AG Golden 1 81 -- -- 56.5 14.0 0
Westbred WB4792 2 78 70 72 58.8 14.2 0
AgriPro AP Roadrunner 2 78 79 -- 57.1 15.2 0
Westbred WB4422 2 78 -- -- 58.5 14.4 0
Croplan CP7017AX 2 77 69 -- 57.0 15.0 0
LCS LCS Helix AX 2 77 61 -- 59.0 14.6 0
LCS LCS Atomic AX 2 77 54 -- 58.0 14.0 5
OGI Gallagher 2 75 62 67 57.8 15.7 0
AgriPro Bob Dole 3 75 63 68 57.4 15.5 17
AgriPro AP EverRock 2 75 51 -- 56.6 14.6 15
PlainsGold Breck 2 74 -- -- 57.8 15.2 0
PlainsGold Sunshine 2 74 -- -- 56.0 15.4 15
KWA KS Ahearn 3 74 63 -- 56.7 15.0 0
Westbred WB4523 2 74 -- -- 56.1 13.9 0
OGI OK Corral 2 73 63 -- 55.9 14.5 10
AGSECO AG Radical 2 73 66 -- 56.2 16.2 0
AgriPro AP18 AX 2 73 57 -- 57.5 14.6 0
OGI Duster 2 73 66 67 57.6 14.5 1
AgriPro AP Prolific 3 73 -- -- 57.4 15.5 15
PlainsGold Guardian 3 73 68 -- 59.7 15.3 0
LCS LCS Runner 3 73 -- -- 58.3 14.2 5
PlainsGold Canvas 2 72 73 68 58.0 15.0 0
LCS LCS Valiant 2 72 62 -- 58.1 14.9 0
OGI Showdown 2 71 56 59 57.1 14.3 0

Table 2 of 2

Licensee Variety Lodging
Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Test Weight
Wheat Protein
Sprouted kernels
KS Providence 2 71 -- -- 56 15.5 10
OGI Smith's Gold 2 71 60 61 59.1 14.7 5
KWA KS Hamilton 3 71 71 -- 57.8 15 5
OGI Butler's Gold 3 70 -- -- 59.2 15 8
LCS LCS Steel AX 2 70 -- -- 55.5 15 0
OGI Baker's Ann 1 70 51 57 57.7 14.7 1
Westbred WB4699 3 70 71 71 56.1 14.3 0
AGSECO AG Icon 1 69 65 66 57.7 15.9 0
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright 2 69 64 62 56.9 16.2 5
Croplan CP7266AX 2 68 -- -- 58.1 15.5 0
LCS LCS Julep 1 67 69 -- 56.8 15.7 0
Westbred WB4401 2 67 58 -- 56.0 13.7 13
LCS LCS Photon AX 2 67 52 -- 59.6 15.4 0
OGI Skydance 2 67 50 57 59.0 15.4 0
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 2 66 50 58 58.2 14.9 1
OGI Uncharted 2 66 60 64 56.7 14.8 4
OGI Doublestop CL+ 2 66 64 65 59.3 16.7 0
OGI Green Hammer 2 66 55 61 57.9 17.2 0
LCS LCS Chrome 2 66 71 66 56.6 15.9 10
KWA KS Western Star 3 65 66 -- 57.5 14.6 0
OGI Strad CL+ 1 64 62 -- 58.3 15.7 2
OGI Big Country 2 56 59 63 57.9 16.4 5
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 3 76 -- -- 57.1 15.2 0
  OK15DMASBx7 ARS 3 63 -- -- 57.7 16.0 11
  Mean 2 71 62 64 57.5 15.1 8
  LSD (0.05) -- 6 10 8 1 1.4 --

Note: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values were not statistically different from the highest value within a column. The crop experienced drought stress during the season and received a few timely rains late winter and in the spring, which enhanced realized yield in this particular environment relative to the statewide yield average. The high rainfall events that occurred after maturity resulted in pre-harvest sprouting damage in some varieties. Sprouting damage was assessed by counting visibly sprouted kernels among 4000 kernels. There were no diseases observed in this trial. Lodging is reported on a 1 to 5 scale, with 1 indicating no lodging. In 2020, there were no harvest results from this location due to late-spring freeze damage. Thus, the 3-year average represent results from 2019, 2021, and 2022 harvest years. Double-dashes"--" = data not available.


Chickasha Wheat Variety Trial Standard vs.  Intensive Management Comparison

Cooperator: OSU South Central Research Station

Planting & harvest dates: 10/25/2021 & 06/16/2022

Management: Grain-only, conventional tillage

Seeding rate for IM: 1.2 million seeds/acre

Nitrogen for IM: 6 lbs/ac 10-34-0 at planting, 87 lbs/ac on 2/15/22 , 60 lbs/ac 3/14/22

Fungicide for IM: 4 fl oz/ac Tebucure 3.6 at jointing on 4/1/22 and 9 fl oz/ac Trivapro at flag leaf-boot stage on 4/14/22

Extension Educator: Alexanderia Minor

Previous crop: Austrian winter peas

Soil Type: Dale silt loam

Soil test: pH=6.6, N= 81, P= 43, K= 377


Table 1 of 3

Licensee Variety Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Grain Yield
LCS LCS Atomic AX 76 77 0
PlainsGold Crescent AX 71 82 12
LCS LCS Helix AX 70 77 7
PlainsGold Canvas 69 72 3
KWA KS Ahearn 69 74 5
AGSECO AG Golden 69 81 12
PlainsGold Breck 69 74 5
PlainsGold Sunshine 69 74 5
Croplan CP7017AX 69 77 8
KWA KS Providence 68 71 3
AgriPro AP EverRock 68 75 7
Westbred WB4792 68 78 10
OGI Showdown 67 71 4
OGI Gallagher 67 75 8
Westbred WB4699 67 70 3
Westbred WB4422 66 78 11
AgriPro AP Roadrunner 66 78 12
AgriPro Bob Dole 66 75 9
OGI Butler's Gold 66 70 5
KWA KS Hamilton 66 71 5
LCS LCS Julep 65 67 2
LCS  LCS Steel AX 65 70 5
OGI Smith's Gold 65 71 6
AgriPro AP18 AX 65 73 9
OGI Duster 64 73 9
LCS LCS Valiant 64 72 8
OGI Baker's Ann 64 70 6
LCS LCS Photon AX 63 67 3
Westbred WB4523 63 74 11
KWA KS Western Star 63 65 2
LCS LCS Runner 63 73 10
PlainsGold Guardian 63 73 10
Westbred WB4401 62 67 5
Croplan CP7266AX 61 68 6
AGSECO AG Radical 61 73 12
OGI OK Corral 61 73 13
AgriPro AP Prolific 61 73 12
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright 60 69 9
AGSECO AG Icon 60 69 9
OGI Strad CL+ 60 64 4
OGI Skydance 59 67 7
OGI Green Hammer 59 66 7
OGI Uncharted 59 66 7
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 57 66 10
OGI Doublestop CL+ 57 66 9
LCS LCS Chrome 55 66 11
OGI Big Country 47 56 9
  OSU OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-29 69 76 8
  OK15DMASBx7 ARS 6-8 50 63 14
  Mean 63 71 8
  LSD (0.05) 6 6 NS

Table 2 of 3

Licensee Variety Test Weight
Test Weight
Test Weight
LCS LCS Atomic AX 57.3 58 0.7
PlainsGold Crescent AX 57.1 58.1 1.1
LCS LCS Helix AX 58.8 59 0.2
PlainsGold Canvas 58.4 58 -0.4
KWA KS Ahearn 56.3 56.7 0.4
AGSECO AG Golden 56 56.5 0.5
PlainsGold Breck 58.6 57.8 -0.7
PlainsGold Sunshine 53.7 56 2.3
Croplan CP7017AX 56.7 57 0.3
KWA KS Providence 54 56 2
AgriPro AP EverRock 56.4 56.6 0.2
Westbred WB4792 60.2 58.8 -1.4
OGI Showdown 56.4 57.1 0.7
OGI Gallagher 55.6 57.8 2.2
Westbred WB4699 55.6 56.1 0.5
Westbred WB4422 58.2 58.5 0.3
AgriPro AP Roadrunner 55.9 57.1 1.2
AgriPro Bob Dole 54.5 57.4 2.8
OGI Butler's Gold 58.9 59.2 0.3
KWA KS Hamilton 58 57.8 -4
LCS LCS Julep 58.7 56.8 -1.8
LCS  LCS Steel AX 55.9 55.5 -0.4
OGI Smith's Gold 57.8 59.1 1.3
AgriPro AP18 AX 56.1 57.5 1.5
OGI Duster 55.8 57.6 1.8
LCS LCS Valiant 57.5 58.1 0.6
OGI Baker's Ann 56.6 57.7 1.1
LCS LCS Photon AX 58.8 59.6 0.9
Westbred WB4523 55.8 56.1 0.2
KWA KS Western Star 57.9 57.5 -0.4
LCS LCS Runner 57.3 58.3 1
PlainsGold Guardian 59 59.7 0.8
Westbred WB4401 53.3 56 2.7
Croplan CP7266AX 57.5 58.1 0.6
AGSECO AG Radical 55.6 56.2 0.6
OGI OK Corral 53.6 55.9 2.3
AgriPro AP Prolific 55.9 57.4 1.4
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright 55.7 56.9 1.2
AGSECO AG Icon 56.5 57.7 1.2
OGI Strad CL+ 56.4 58.3 1.9
OGI Skydance 59.1 59 -0.1
OGI Green Hammer 57.6 57.9 0.3
OGI Uncharted 56.4 56.7 0.4
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 57.9 58.2 0.3
OGI Doublestop CL+ 59.3 59.3 0
LCS LCS Chrome 56 56.6 0.6
OGI Big Country 55.7 57.9 2.2
  OSU OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-29 55.8 57.1 1.3
  OK15DMASBx7 ARS 6-8 56.9 57.7 0.8
  Mean 56.8 57.5 0.8
  LSD (0.05) 1.1 1 1.3

Table 3 of 3

Licensee Variety Wheat Protein
Wheat Protein
Wheat Protein
LCS LCS Atomic AX 13.7 14 0.2
PlainsGold Crescent AX 12.8 14.6 1.9
LCS LCS Helix AX 12.4 14.6 2.2
PlainsGold Canvas 12.4 15 2.7
KWA KS Ahearn 13.1 15 1.9
AGSECO AG Golden 12.5 14 1.5
PlainsGold Breck 13.8 15.2 1.4
PlainsGold Sunshine 14.4 15.4 1
Croplan CP7017AX 14.1 15 0.9
KWA KS Providence 14.3 15.5 1.2
AgriPro AP EverRock 12.8 14.6 1.8
Westbred WB4792 13.3 14.2 0.9
OGI Showdown 13.6 14.3 0.7
OGI Gallagher 14.9 15.7 0.8
Westbred WB4699 12.2 14.3 2.1
Westbred WB4422 12.4 14.4 1.9
AgriPro AP Roadrunner 13 15.2 2.2
AgriPro Bob Dole 14.6 15.5 0.9
OGI Butler's Gold 13.9 15 1.1
KWA KS Hamilton 14 15 1
LCS LCS Julep 14.2 15.7 1.5
LCS  LCS Steel AX 12.8 15 2.2
OGI Smith's Gold 13 14.7 1.7
AgriPro AP18 AX 13.2 14.6 1.4
OGI Duster 14.8 14.5 -0.3
LCS LCS Valiant 14.2 14.9 0.7
OGI Baker's Ann 14 14.7 0.8
LCS LCS Photon AX 13.7 15.4 1.7
Westbred WB4523 12.4 13.9 1.5
KWA KS Western Star 12.7 14.6 1.9
LCS LCS Runner 13 14.2 1.2
PlainsGold Guardian 15.4 15.3 -0.2
Westbred WB4401 12.7 13.7 1
Croplan CP7266AX 14.5 15.5 1.1
AGSECO AG Radical 14.5 16.2 1.7
OGI OK Corral 14.2 14.5 0.3
AgriPro AP Prolific 13.5 15.5 2
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright 14.9 16.2 1.2
AGSECO AG Icon 14.9 15.9 1
OGI Strad CL+ 14.4 15.7 1.3
OGI Skydance 14.1 15.4 1.3
OGI Green Hammer 14.9 17.2 2.3
OGI Uncharted 14.2 14.8 0.6
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 13.4 14.9 1.5
OGI Doublestop CL+ 15.8 16.7 0.9
LCS LCS Chrome 14.6 15.9 1.3
OGI Big Country 16.4 16.4 0
  OSU OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-29 13.1 15.2 2.1
  OK15DMASBx7 ARS 6-8 14.4 16.0 1.6
  Mean 13.8 15.1 1.3
  LSD (0.05) 1.7 1.4 NS

Note: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values were not statistically different from the highest value within a column. The crop experienced drought stress during the season and received a few timely rains late winter and in the spring which enhanced realized yield in this particular environment relative to the statewide yield average. The high rainfall events that occurred after maturity resulted in pre-harvest sprouting damage in some varieties. Sprouting damage was assessed by counting visibly sprouted kernels among 4000 kernels. There were no diseases observed in this trial. Lodging is reported on a 1 to 5 scale, with 1 indicating no lodging. In 2020, there were no harvest results from this location due to late-spring freeze damage. Thus, the 3-year average represent results from 2019, 2021, and 2022 harvest years. IM= Intensive Management. Double-dashes"--" = data not available.


El Reno Dual-Purpose Wheat Variety Trial

Cooperator: Jerry Lingo

Planting & harvest dates: 10/6/2021 & 06/16/2022

Management: Dual-purpose

Tillage: Conventional

Extension Educator: Kyle Worthington

Previous crop: Wheat

Soil type: Bethany silt loam

Soil test: pH=6, N= 79, P= 54, K= 437


Licesee Variety Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Test Weight
Wheat Protein
Sprouted kernels
Falling number
Croplan CP7017AX 57 -- -- 57.1 11.2 8 187
OGI Showdown 57 66 67 57.9 12.1 3 173
PlainsGold Crescent AX 50 -- -- 57.7 11.7 7 191
AGSECO AG Radical 49 -- -- 57.5 12.8 3 154
LCS LCS Atomic AX 49 -- -- 56.4 11.6 30 122
LCS LCS Photon AX 48 51 -- 58.1 12.2 6 200
Westbred WB4699 48 -- -- 57 12.3 6 232
LCS LCS Chrome 46 52 57 57.3 13.1 2 237
AGSECO AG Icon 46 52 55 56.9 13.2 7 165
AgriPro AP Roadrunner 42 -- -- 56.5 12.4 2 170
OGI Doublestop CL+ 42 52 56 60.7 14 1 230
OGI Uncharted 42 53 58 57.2 12.7 6 223
OGI OK Corral 42 52 55 53.7 12.7 23 122
OGI Gallagher 41 45 47 56.6 12.2 17 205
KWA KS Ahearn 40 -- -- 55.7 12.9 6 221
OGI Green Hammer 40 46 49 59.1 14.4 0 223
OGI Smith's Gold 38 48 52 57.9 13.4 20 172
OGI Strad CL+ 36 45 51 57.6 14.2 11 171
AgriPro AP EverRock 35 -- -- 55.5 13.9 24 155
Westbred WB4401 35 42 -- 55.3 13.5 19 117
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright 32 45 -- 56.8 15.6 4 237
OGI Big Country 30 47 56 57.6 14.3 7 221
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-29 41  48 -- 54.8 12.6 21 162
  Mean 43 50 55 57.0 13.0 10 187
  LSD (0.05) 5 5 4 0.8 1.1 -- --

Note: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values were not statistically different from the highest value within a column. There was low to moderate presence of Barley yellow dwarf disease observed in this trial. Plots were grazed from 12/06/21 to 02/28/22 at an average stocking rate of 310 pounds of animal BW per acre. The crop experienced high rainfall conditions after maturity, which resulted in pre-harvest
sprouting damage in some varieties. Sprouting damage was assessed by counting visibly sprouted kernels among 4000 kernels The Falling number test was conducted to measure the alpha amylase activity, an enzyme that breaks down starch. The lower the falling number, the higher the enzyme activity, indicating poor grain quality A falling number above 300 seconds is most suitable for the bread-baking process. Double-dashes"--" = data not available.

El Reno Grain-Only Wheat Variety Trial

Cooperator: Jerry Lingo

Planting & harvest dates: 10/26/2021 & 06/16/2022

Management: Grain-only

Tillage: Conventional

Extension Educator: Kyle Worthington

Previous crop: Wheat

Soil type: Bethany silt loam

Soil test: pH=6, N= 79, P= 54, K= 437


Licensee Variety Grain Yield
Grain Yield 
Test Weight
Wheat Protein
Sprouted kernels
Falling Number 
PlainsGold Crescent AX 68 -- 57.2 13.8 1 259
AGSECO AG Radical 64 -- 56 14.8 0 335
Croplan CP7017AX 62 -- 55.5 13.8 3 160
LCS LCS Atomic AX 62 -- 56.6 12.6 16 209
OGI Showdown 60 69 56.5 14.1 2 212
Westbred WB4699 60 -- 56.2 14 2 256
AGSECO AG Icon 59 60 56.7 14.9 3 148
AgriPro AP Roadrunner 59 -- 55.3 14.3 0 297
LCS LCS Chrome 58 60 56.1 15 2 252
OGI Uncharted 58 60 56.9 14.7 12 189
OGI Smith's Gold 58 59 57.4 14 11 126
OGI Doublestop CL+ 57 62 59.5 15.8 1 258
KWA KS Ahearn 57 -- 54.2 14.4 1 203
OGI Strad CL+ 57 62 57.1 14.9 13 220
OGI Gallagher 56 60 55.9 14.3 18 264
LCS LCS Photon AX 56 59 58.1 14.8 6 317
OGI Green Hammer 55 61 58.4 16.7 0 354
OGI OK Corral 54 60 52.9 14.7 13 112
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright 52 58 57 15.2 3 190
AgriPro AP EverRock 51 -- 55 14.7 26 177
Westbred WB4401 50 58 54.1 13.6 18 152
OGI Big Country 41 54 55.7 14.8 1 235
  Experimentals         -- --
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-29 48 64 55.5 14.4 7 --
  Mean 57 60 56.2 14.5 7 225
  LSD (0.05) 5 4 0.7 1.3 -- --

Note: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values were not statistically different from the highest value within a column. There was low to moderate presence of Barley yellow dwarf disease observed in this trial. The crop experienced high rainfall conditions after maturity, which resulted in pre-harvest sprouting damage in some varieties.  Sprouting damage was assessed by counting visibly sprouted kernels among 4000 kernels The Falling number test was conducted to measure the alpha amylase activity, an enzyme that breaks down starch The lower the falling number, the higher the enzyme activity, indicating poor grain quality. A falling number above 300 seconds is most suitable for the bread-baking process. Double-dashes"--" = data not available.

El Reno Wheat Variety Trial Dual-purpose vs. Grain-Only Comparison

Licensee Variety Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Grain- Only  
Grain Yield
Test Weight
Test Weight
Grain- Only
Test Weight
Wheat Protein
Wheat Protein
Grain- Only
Wheat Protein
Croplan CP7017AX 57 62 -6 57.1 55.5 1.6 11.2 13.8 -2.6
OGI Showdown 57 60 -4 57.9 56.5 1.4 12.1 14.1 -2.1
PlainsGold Crescent AX 50 68 -18 57.7 57.2 0.4 11.7 13.8 -2.1
AGSECO AG Radical 49 64 -15 57.5 56 1.5 12.8 14.8 -2
LCS LCS Atomic AX 49 62 -13 56.4 56.6 0.1 11.6 12.6  
LCS LCS LCS Photon AX 48 56 -8 58.1 58.1 0 12.2 14.8 -2.6
Westbred WB4699 48 60 -12 57 56.2 0.9 12.3 14.0 -1.7
LCS LCS Chrome 46 58 -12 57.3 56.1 1.2 13.1 15.0 -1.9
AGSECO AG Icon 46 59 -13 56.9 56.7 0.2 13.2 14.9 -1.6
AgriPro AP Roadrunner 42 59 -17 56.5 55.3 1.2 12.4 14.3 -1.9
OGI Doublestop CL+ 42 57 -15 60.7 59.5 1.2 14 15.8 -1.8
OGI Uncharted 42 58 -16 57.2 56.9 0.4 12.7 14.7 -2.0
OGI OK Corral 42 54 -13 53.7 52.9 0.8 12.7 14.7 -2.0
OGI Gallagher 41 56 -15 56.6 55.9 0.8 12.2 14.3 -2.1
KWA KS Ahearn 40 57 -18 55.7 54.2 1.5 12.9 14.4 -1.5
OGI Green Hammer 40 55 -16 59.1 58.4 0.7 14.4 16.7 -2.3
OGI Smith's Gold 38 58 -20 57.9 57.4 0.5 13.4 14.0 -0.6
OGI Strad CL+ 36 57 -21 57.6 57.1 0.5 14.2 14.9 -0.8
AgriPro AP EverRock 35 51 -16 55.5 55 0.5 13.9 14.7 -0.8
Westbred WB4401 35 50 -15 55.3 54.1 1.2 13.5 13.6 -0.1
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright 32 52 -21 56.8 57 0.2 15.6 15.2 0.2
OGI Big Country 30 41 -11 57.6 55.7 1.9 14.3 14.8 -0.5
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-29 41 58 -17 54.8 55.5 -0.6 12.6 14.4 -1.8
  Mean 43 57 -14 57 56.2 0.8 13 14.5 -1.5
  LSD (0.05) 5 5 7 0.8 0.7 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.6

Note: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values were not statistically different from the highest value within a column. There was low to
moderate presence of Barley yellow dwarf disease observed in this trial. Plots were grazed from 12/06/21 to 02/28/22 at an average stocking rate of 310 pounds of animal BW per acre. The crop experienced high rainfall conditions after maturity, which resulted in pre-harvest sprouting damage in some varieties. Sprouting damage was assessed by counting visibly sprouted kernels among 4000 kernels. The Falling number test was conducted to measure the alpha amylase activity, an enzyme that breaks down starch. The lower the falling number, the higher the enzyme activity, indicating poor grain quality. A falling number above 300 seconds is most suitable for the bread-baking process. Double-dashes"--" = data not available.


Hooker Regional Wheat Variety Trial

Cooperator: Ernest and Dan Herald

Planting & harvest dates: 10/04/2021 & 06/21/2022

Management: Grain-only

Tillage: Conventional

Extension Educator: Dr. Britt Hicks

Previous crop: Grain sorghum

Soil Type: Dalhart fine sandy loam

Soil test: pH=6.9, N= 149, P= 208, K= 635


Licensee Variety Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Test Weight
Wheat Protein
AGSECO AG Golden 24 -- -- 56.0 14.3
KWA KS Hamilton 22 -- -- 55.2 15.6
OGI Gallagher 22 43 48 56.6 15.4
LCS LCS Valiant 21 -- -- 57.1 16.3
KWA KS Ahearn 21 -- -- 55.8 14.9
OGI Duster 19 -- -- 57.1 15.0
AGSECO AG Icon 19 49 50 54.6 15.2
Croplan CP7266AX 19 -- -- 56.3 15.4
KWA KS Providence 18 -- -- 53.9 15.7
PlainsGold Canvas 18 44 49 49.6 14.1
PlainsGold Guardian 18 40 -- 56.4 16.1
OGI Showdown 18 40 45 54.6 15.2
OGI Smith's Gold 18 42 45 56.6 15.7
Westbred WB4523 17 -- -- 56.4 15.0
LCS LCS Steel AX 17 -- -- 54.2 14.7
Westbred WB4422 17 -- -- 54.7 16.1
Westbred WB4401 17 -- -- 56.1 15.1
OGI Lonerider 17 42 45 55.7 16.5
Croplan CP7017AX 17 -- -- 56.4 15.2
OGI Bentley 16 45 48 55.8 15.7
AgriPro AP Roadrunner 16 -- -- 53.7 14.6
OGI OK Corral 16 42 -- 54.4 15.6
AGSECO AG Radical 16 -- -- 56.1 16.0
OGI Baker's Ann 16 42 46 54.4 16.2
PlainsGold Breck 15 -- -- 58.2 15.5
LCS LCS Chrome 15 43 45 56.3 16.0
LCS LCS Runner 15 -- -- 58.3 14.3
OGI Iba 14 41 48 55.4 14.4
KWA KS Western Star 14 45 -- 57.5 15.1
Westbred WB4792 14 37 45 54.9 14.6
LCS LCS Helix AX 13 -- -- 57.5 14.8
PlainsGold Sunshine 12 -- -- 56.6 16
OGI Breakthrough 12 34 41 56.6 15.4
PlainsGold Crescent AX 12 42 45 55.2 14.8
LCS LCS Julep 11 -- -- 55.3 16.1
LCS LCS Photon AX 10 -- -- 58.9 16.2
AgriPro AP18 AX 10 -- -- 55.8 15.3
LCS LCS Atomic AX 10 -- -- 54.6 14.8
OGI Strad CL+ 9 -- -- 54.4 15.9
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright 8 -- -- 59.1 15.5
  Mean 16 42 46 55.8 15.3
  LSD (0.05) NS NS NS NS 0.9

Note: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values were not statistically different from the highest value within a column. The crop experienced severe drought stress during the season and moderate to high pressure of Fusarium root/crown rot disease. Due to the high variability of the data in 2021 and 2022, no significant (NS) statistical differences were detected among varieties for yield and test weight. Double-dashes"--" = data not available.


Lahoma Regional Wheat Variety Trial

Cooperator: OSU North Central Research Station

Planting & harvest dates: 10/20/2021 & 06/14/2022

Management: Grain-only

Tillage: Conventional

Extension Educator: Rick Nelson

Previous crop: Wheat

Soil Type: Pond Creek silt loam

Soil test: pH=5.3, N= 110, P= 118, K= 412


Licensee Variety Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Test Weight
Wheat Protein
Westbred WB4422 93 -- -- 59.6 15.1
AGSECO AG Golden 92 -- -- 59.3 12.8
AgriPro AP Prolific 90 -- -- 60.5 14.1
LCS LCS Helix AX 89 60 -- 61.1 13.6
Croplan CP7017AX 88 79 -- 57.8 13.4
AGSECO AG Radical 87 57 -- 59.3 14.3
OGI Showdown 85 60 74 59.4 13.7
PlainsGold Canvas 85 52 72 59.8 13.9
LCS LCS Steel AX 84 -- -- 58.7 13.8
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright 83 58 80 58.9 14.3
PlainsGold Breck 82 -- -- 61.4 14.1
OGI Bentley 81 68 78 58.7 14.1
AgriPro Bob Dole 80 58 75 60.3 14.9
Westbred WB4699 80 70 83 58.7 13.5
PlainsGold Sunshine 79 -- -- 60.4 14.2
KWA KS Ahearn 79 61 -- 57.8 13.9
Westbred WB4401 79 59 79 59.6 13.6
KWA KS Western Star 78 56 67 59.7 13.6
AgriPro AP Roadrunner 78 80 -- 58.2 14.2
LCS LCS Runner 78 -- -- 60 13.6
LCS LCS Valiant 78 59 -- 60.3 14.5
AgriPro AP18 AX 78 55 -- 58.3 14.5
LCS LCS Atomic AX 78 68 -- 59.8 14.3
PlainsGold Crescent AX 77 55 73 60.3 13.8
LCS LCS Julep 77 57 -- 62 15.1
Croplan CP7266AX 76 -- -- 59.7 14
LCS LCS Photon AX 76 58 75 59.9 15.1
KWA KS Providence 76 -- -- 58.5 14.9
OGI Gallagher 76 61 74 59.4 14.7
OGI OK Corral 75 60 76 57.5 14.3
OGI Smith's Gold 75 66 75 60.1 14.4
Westbred WB4792 75 64 81 60.2 13.9
LCS LCS Chrome 75 64 76 58.9 15.6
OGI Baker's Ann 74 63 77 59.4 14.9
AGSECO AG Icon 74 56 74 58.5 15.7
OGI Duster 73 56 64 57.8 14.2
Westbred WB4523 73 -- -- 58 13.5
KWA KS Hamilton 72 68 -- 58.5 14
PlainsGold Guardian 71 58 71 60.4 14.8
OGI Doublestop CL+ 71 53 74 61.7 16.1
OGI Skydance 71 60 -- 61.1 15.6
OGI Strad CL+ 68 61 80 59 16.8
AgriPro AP EverRock 67 57 73 59 14.8
OGI Green Hammer 66 66 77 59.1 17.1
OGI Uncharted 65 68 76 58.4 15.1
OGI Butler's Gold 64 -- -- 60.5 15.9
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 63 59 74 59.8 15.4
OGI Big Country 61 61 67 57.8 15.8
OGI Butler's Gold (late-planted) 48 -- -- 59.8 17
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 85 57 -- 58.8 13.9
  Mean 76 61 76 59.4 14.6
  LSD (0.05) 9 NS 8 1 0.5

Note: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values were not statistically different from the highest value within a column. The crop experienced drought stress during the season and received a few timely rains late winter and in the spring, which enhanced realized yield in this particular environment relative to the statewide yield average. There were no diseases observed in this trial. This was the first year to conduct an intensive management (IM) trial at Lahoma. Due to this addition and the use of a different experimental design, data from previous years were not be combined with the current year to provide long-term averages. Data from the trials conducted at Lahoma with and without fungicide in the 2020-2021 growing season are shown only for varieties planted in the 2021-2022 growing season. The 2-year yield averages include the 2020 and 2021 harvest years. Butler's Gold late-planted was planted on 12/3/2021 at 1.4 million seeds/acre. Double-dashes"--" = data not available.

Lahoma Regional Intensive Wheat Management Variety Trial

Cooperator: OSU North Central Research Station

Planting & harvest dates: 10/20/2021 & 06/14/2022

Management: Grain-only, conventional tillage

Seeding rate: 1.2 million seeds/acre
Nitrogen: 6 lbs/ac 10-34-0 at planting, 40 lbs/ac on 2/14/22 , 50 lbs/ac 3/15/22.
Fungicide: 4 fl oz/ac Tebucure 3.6 at jointing on 3/29/22 and 13 fl oz/ac Nexicor at flag leaf-boot stage on 4/14/22
Extension Educator: Rick Nelson
Previous crop: Wheat
Soil Type: Pond Creek silt loam
Soil test: pH=5.3, N= 110, P= 118, K= 412

Licensee Variety Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Test Weight
Wheat Protein
Westbred WB4422 95 -- -- 60.7 14.9
KWA KS Providence 91 -- -- 59.7 14.4
AgriPro AP Roadrunner 90 84 -- 59.5 14.2
LCS  LCS Atomic AX 89 84 -- 60.4 14.4
PlainsGold Canvas 88 73 90 60.6 14.1
AgriPro AP18 AX 87 81 -- 59.2 14.7
OGI Showdown 86 85 88 60.2 14.1
Croplan CP7017AX 86 80 -- 57.8 13.4
PlainsGold Crescent AX 86 75 88 60.6 14.1
AgriPro Bob Dole 85 74 83 61 15.1
AgriPro AP Prolific 85 -- -- 60.3 14.4
AGSECO AG Radical 85 71 -- 59.6 14.9
KWA KS Ahearn 85 -- -- 58.8 14.3
LCS LCS Helix AX 85 76 -- 61.1 13.7
AGSECO AG Golden 85 -- -- 59.2 13.6
LCS  LCS Valiant 84 79 -- 60.5 14.1
PlainsGold Breck 83 -- -- 61.7 14.4
OGI  Gallagher 83 71 84 59.9 14.4
LCS LCS Steel AX 83 -- -- 59.4 14
PlainsGold Sunshine 82 -- -- 60.6 14.4
Westbred WB4699 82 88 96 59.3 14
OGI Smith's Gold 79 75 81 60 14.5
OGI Duster 79 71 78 58.5 14.1
Westbred WB4523 79 -- -- 58.4 14.5
LCS LCS Runner 78 -- -- 60 13.8
Westbred WB4792 78 82 97 61.1 14.3
LCS LCS Chrome 78 80 85 59 15.3
LCS LCS Photon AX 78 74 84 61.1 14.9
KWA KS Western Star 78 73 83 60.6 14.3
Westbred WB4401 78 77 88 59.1 14
LCS LCS Julep 77 74 -- 62.5 15
Croplan CP7266AX 76 -- -- 59.6 14.3
PlainsGold Guardian 75 81 87 60.8 14.4
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright 75 75 88 58.8 15.1
OGI Doublestop CL+ 75 67 82 61.4 15.5
OGI Green Hammer 74 82 86 59.9 16.8
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 74 79 84 60 15.2
OGI Bentley 74 78 89 58.9 14.9
AGSECO AG Icon 73 74 87 59 15.6
KWA KS Hamilton 73 83 -- 58.1 14.4
OGI Strad CL+ 72 79 95 59.7 16.1
AgriPro AP EverRock 72 82 86 59.9 15.5
OGI Butler's Gold 71 -- -- 61 16
OGI Skydance 71 80 -- 61 16.2
OGI OK Corral 70 78 86 56.7 15
OGI Baker's Ann 68 78 85 59.7 15.8
OGI Uncharted 65 76 79 58.6 15.1
OGI Big Country 61 82 78 58.3 16
OGI Butler's Gold (late-planted) 47 -- -- 60.1 17.5
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-29 85 81 - 58.8 14.0
  Mean 79 78 87 59.4 14.7
  LSD (0.05) 9 NS 8 1 0.9

Note: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values were not statistically different from the highest value within a column. The crop experienced drought stress during the season and received a few timely rains late winter and in the spring, which enhanced realized yield in this particular environment relative to the statewide yield average. There were no diseases observed in this trial. This was the first year to conduct an intensive management (IM) trial at Lahoma. Due to this addition and the use of a different experimental design, data from previous years were not be combined with the current year to provide long-term averages. Data from the trials conducted at Lahoma with and without fungicide in the 2020-2021 growing season are shown only for varieties planted in the 2021-2022 growing season. The 2-year yield averages include the 2020 and 2021 harvest years. Butler's Gold late-planted was planted on 12/3/2021 at 1.4 million seeds/acre. Double-dashes"--" = data not available. 


Lahoma Wheat Variety Trial Standard vs. Intensive Management Comparison

Cooperator: OSU North Central Research Station

Planting & harvest dates: 10/20/2021 & 06/14/2022

Management: Grain-only, conventional tillage

Seeding rate: 1.2 million seeds/acre

Nitrogen: 6 lbs/ac 10-34-0 at planting, 40 lbs/ac on 2/14/22 , 50 lbs/ac 3/15/22.

Fungicide: 4 fl oz/ac Tebucure 3.6 at jointing on 3/29/22 and 13 fl oz/ac Nexicor at flag leaf-boot stage on 4/14/22

Extension Educator: Rick Nelson

Previous crop: Wheat

Soil Type: Pond Creek silt loam

Soil test: pH=5.3, N= 110, P= 118, K= 412


Table 1 of 3

Licensee Variety Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Westbred WB4422 93 95 1
AGSECO AG Golden 92 85 -7
AgriPro AP Prolific 90 85 -5
LCS LCS Helix AX 89 85 -4
Croplan CP7017AX 88 86 57.8
AGSECO AG Radical 87 85 -2
OGI Showdown 85 86 1
PlainsGold Canvas 85 88 3
LCS LCS Steel AX 84 83 -1
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright 83 75 -8
PlainsGold Breck 82 83 2
OGI Bentley 81 74 -8
AgriPro  Bob Dole 80 85 5
Westbred WB4699 80 82 2
PlainsGold Sunshine 79 82 3
KWA KS Ahearn 79 85 6
Westbred WB4401 79 78 -1
KWA KS Western Star 78 78 -1
AgriPro AP Roadrunner 78 90 12
LCS LCS Runner 78 78 0
LCS  LCS Valiant 78 84 7
AgriPro AP18 AX 78 87 10
LCS LCS Atomic AX 78 89 12
PlainsGold Crescent AX 77 86 9
LCS LCS Julep 77 77 0
Croplan Croplan 76 76 0
LCS  Photon AX 76 78 2
KWA KS Providence 76 91 15
OGI Gallagher 76 83 8
OGI OK Corral 75 70 -6
OGI  Smith's Gold 75 79 4
Westbred WB4792 75 78 3
LCS LCS Chrome 75 78 3
OGI Baker's Ann 74 68 -6
AGSECO AG Icon 74 73 -1
OGI Duster 73 79 6
Westbred WB4523 73 79 6
KWA  KS Hamilton 72 73 1
PlainsGold  Guardian 71 75 4
OGI Doublestop CL+ 71 75 4
OGI Skydance 71 71 0
OGI Strad CL+ 68 72 5
AgriPro AP EverRock 67 72 5
OGI  Green Hammer 66 74 8
OGI Uncharted 65 65 0
OGI Butler's Gold 64 71 7
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 63 74 11
OGI Big Country 61 61 0
OGI  Butler's Gold (late-planted) 48 47 .-1
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-29 85 85 0
  Mean 76 79 2
  LSD (0.05) 9 9 NS

Table 2 of 3

Licensee Variety Test Weight
Test Weight
Test Weight
Westbred WB4422 59.6 60.7 1.1
AGSECO AG Golden 59.3 59.2 -0.1
AgriPro AP Prolific 60.5 60.3 -0.2
LCS LCS Helix AX 61.1 61.1 0
Croplan CP7017AX -2 57.8 -0.1
AGSECO AG Radical 59.3 59.6 0.4
OGI Showdown 59.4 60.2 0.8
PlainsGold Canvas 59.8 60.6 0.8
LCS LCS Steel AX 58.7 59.4 0.6
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright 58.9 58.8 -0.1
PlainsGold Breck 61.4 61.7 0.3
OGI Bentley 58.7 58.9 0.3
AgriPro  Bob Dole 60.3 61 0.7
Westbred WB4699 58.7 59.3 0.6
PlainsGold Sunshine 60.4 60.6 0.2
KWA KS Ahearn 57.8 58.8 1.1
Westbred WB4401 59.6 59.1 -0.6
KWA KS Western Star 59.7 60.6 0.9
AgriPro AP Roadrunner 58.2 59.5 1.3
LCS LCS Runner 60 60 0
LCS  LCS Valiant 60.3 60.5 0.2
AgriPro AP18 AX 58.3 59.2 1
LCS LCS Atomic AX 59.8 60.4 0.6
PlainsGold Crescent AX 60.3 60.6 0.3
LCS LCS Julep 62 62.5 0.5
Croplan Croplan 59.7 59.6 0
LCS  Photon AX 59.9 61.1 1.2
KWA KS Providence 58.5 59.7 1.2
OGI Gallagher 59.4 59.9 0.5
OGI OK Corral 57.5 56.7 -0.8
OGI  Smith's Gold 60.1 60.0 -0.1 14.4
Westbred WB4792 60.2 61.1 0.9
LCS LCS Chrome 58.9 59 0.1
OGI Baker's Ann 59.4 59.7 0.3
AGSECO AG Icon 58.5 59 0.5
OGI Duster 57.8 58.5 0.6
Westbred WB4523 58 58.4 0.4
KWA  KS Hamilton 58.5 58.1 -0.3
PlainsGold  Guardian 60.4 60.8 0.4
OGI Doublestop CL+ 61.7 61.4 -0.3
OGI Skydance 61.1 61 -0.1
OGI Strad CL+ 59 59.7 0.8
AgriPro AP EverRock 59 59.9 0.9
OGI  Green Hammer 59.1 59.9 0.8
OGI Uncharted 58.4 58.6 0.3
OGI Butler's Gold 60.5 61 0.5
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 59.8 60 0.2
OGI Big Country 57.8 58.3 0.5
OGI  Butler's Gold (late-planted) 59.8 60.1 0.3
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-29 58.8 59.1 0.4
  Mean 59.4 59.8 0.4
  LSD (0.05) 1.0 0.8 NS

Table 3 of 3

Licensee Variety Wheat Protein
Wheat Protein
Wheat Protein
Westbred WB4422 15.1 14.9 -0.2
AGSECO AG Golden 12.8 13.6 0.9
AgriPro AP Prolific 14.1 14.4 0.4
LCS LCS Helix AX 13.6 13.7 0.1
Croplan CP7017AX 13.4 13.4 0
AGSECO AG Radical 14.3 14.9 0.6
OGI Showdown 13.7 14.1 0.4
PlainsGold Canvas 13.9 14.1 0.2
LCS LCS Steel AX 13.8 14 0.2
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright 14.3 15.1 0.8
PlainsGold Breck 14.1 14.4 0.3
OGI Bentley 14.1 14.9 0.8
AgriPro  Bob Dole 14.9 15.1 0.2
Westbred WB4699 13.5 14 0.5
PlainsGold Sunshine 14.2 14.4 0.3
KWA KS Ahearn 13.9 14.3 0.4
Westbred WB4401 13.6 14 0.4
KWA KS Western Star 13.6 14.3 0.8
AgriPro AP Roadrunner 14.2 14.2 0.1
LCS LCS Runner 13.6 13.8 0.2
LCS  LCS Valiant 14.5 14.1 -0.4
AgriPro AP18 AX 14.5 14.7 0.3
LCS LCS Atomic AX 14.3 14.4 0.1
PlainsGold Crescent AX 13.8 14.1 0.3
LCS LCS Julep 15.1 15 -0.1
Croplan Croplan 14 14.3 0.3
LCS  Photon AX 15.1 14.9 -0.2
KWA KS Providence 14.9 -0.5 -0.5
OGI Gallagher 14.7 14.4 -0.4
OGI OK Corral 14.3 15 0.6
OGI  Smith's Gold 14.5 0.2  
Westbred WB4792 13.9 14.3 0.4
LCS LCS Chrome 15.6 15.3 -0.2
OGI Baker's Ann 14.9 15.8 0.9
AGSECO AG Icon 15.7 15.6 -0.1
OGI Duster 14.2 14.1 -0.1
Westbred WB4523 13.5 14.5 1
KWA  KS Hamilton 14 14.4 0.4
PlainsGold  Guardian 14.8 14.4 -0.3
OGI Doublestop CL+ 16.1 15.5 0.6
OGI Skydance 15.6 16.2 0.5
OGI Strad CL+ 16.8 16.1 -0.6
AgriPro AP EverRock 14.8 15.5 0.7
OGI  Green Hammer 17.1 16.8 -0.3
OGI Uncharted 15.1 15.1 -0.1
OGI Butler's Gold 15.9 16 0.1
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 15.4 15.2 -0.2
OGI Big Country 15.8 16 0.2
OGI  Butler's Gold (late-planted) 17 17.5 0.5
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 13.9 14.0 0.1
  Mean 14.6 14.7 0.2
  LSD (0.05) 0.5 0.9 NS


Note: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values were not statistically different from the highest value within a column. The crop experienced drought stress during the season and received a few timely rains late winter and in the spring, which enhanced realized yield in this particular environment relative to the statewide yield average. There were no diseases observed in this trial. This was the first year to conduct an intensive management (IM) trial at Lahoma. Due to this addition and the use of a different experimental design, data from previous years were not be combined with the current year to provide long-term averages. Data from the trials conducted at Lahoma with and without fungicide in the 2020-2021 growing season are shown only for varieties planted in the 2021-2022 growing season. The 2-year yield averages include the 2020 and 2021 harvest years. Butler's Gold late-planted was planted on 12/3/2021 at 1.4 million seeds/acre. Double-dashes"--" = data not available.


Morris Intensive Wheat Management Variety Trial

Cooperator: Chris Ledbetter

Planting & harvest dates: 11/1/2021 & 06/17/2022

Management: Grain-only, Conventional

Seeding rate: 1.2 million seeds/acre

Nitrogen: 6 lbs/ac 10-34-0 at planting, 45 lbs/ac on 1/31/22 , and 45 lbs/ac on 3/14/22

Other nutrient sources: 1.75 ton/acre chicken litter before planting, 8 lbs Sulfur/ac and 1pt Boron/ac on 3/14/22

Plant Growth Regulator: 11.2 fl oz/ac Palisade on 4/2/22

Fungicide: 6.2 fl oz/ac Prosaro at flowering on 5/2/22

Extension Educator: Tanner Miller

Previous crop: Corn

Soil Type: Taloka silt loam

Soil test: pH=7, N= 74, P= 42, K= 184


Licensee Variety Lodging
Grain Yield 
Test Weight
Wheat Protein
AgriPro Bob Dole 2 91 59.1 13.2
OGI Big Country 1 88 60 15.1
OGI OK Corral 1 85 58.9 13.9
Westbred WB4699 1 84 58.5 12.7
OGI Gallagher 1 84 58.3 13.3
OGI Uncharted 2 84 58.4 14.2
LCS LCS Atomic AX 2 83 58.8 13.4
KWA KS Ahearn 2 80 56.6 13.5
OGI Skydance 2 80 60.7 14.7
AGSECO AG Icon 1 79 58.4 14.8
LCS LCS Julep 2 78 58.6 13.6
PlainsGold Crescent AX 3 78 58.8 13.8
Croplan CP7017AX 3 77 56.6 13.3
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright 1 77 58.4 14.2
Westbred WB4401 2 76 56.3 12
AgriPro AP EverRock 2 74 55.9 14.7
OGI Smith's Gold 2 74 58.5 14.1
AGSECO AG Radical 2 73 57 14.9
LCS LCS Photon AX 2 73 60.9 14.1
OGI Baker's Ann 2 73 58 14.2
AgriPro SY Achieve CL2 2 72 58.1 13.5
OGI Butler's Gold 2 72 59.3 14.8
OGI Spirit Rider 3 70 60.2 13.4
OGI Butler's Gold (late-planted) 2 66 59.5 15.6
  OK16103083 3 78 58.9 13.9
  Mean 2 76 58.5 13.9
  LSD (0.0.5) -- 6 1.1 0.8

Note: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values were not statistically different from the highest value within a column. The crop experienced moderate to high pressure of bacteria leaf streak disease and physiological leaf spotting. Fusarium Head Blight (scab) disease was ubiquitous, but disease development varied in severity depending on native resistance of varieties or fungicide effectiveness. Lodging is reported on a 1 to 5 scale, with 1 indicating no lodging. Butler's Gold late-planted was planted on 12/2/21 at 1.4 million seeds/acre. Double dashes "--"= data not available.


Walters Dual-Purpose Wheat Variety Trial

Cooperator: Jimmy Kinder

Planting & harvest dates: 10/11/2021 & 05/31/2022

Management: Dual-purpose

Tillage: No-till

Extension Educator: Kimbreley Davis

Previous crop: Wheat

Soil Type: Foard silt loam

Soil test: pH=6.5, N= 41, P= 128, K= 485


Licensee Variety Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Grain Yield
Test Weight
Wheat Protein
Croplan CP7017AX 25 -- -- 59.3 11.6
OGI showdown 23 59 54 61.4 11.7
LCS Atomic AX 22 -- -- 60 11.3
OGI  Doublestop CL+  22 48 45 59 13.9
Plainsgold Canvas 22 44 -- 60.8 11.2
KS Western Star 22 46 -- 61.7 11.9
AG Radical 22 -- -- 59.8 12.4
LCS Photon AX 21 35 -- 60.2 12.7
Westbred WB4792 21 44 45 62.6 11.3
Smith's Gold 20 45 41 57.9 12.8
PlainsGold Guardian 20 -- -- 62 13.1
AgriPro AP Roadrunner 20 -- -- 58.5 12.1
AgriPro AP18 AX 20 -- -- 59.1 11.9
LCS LCS Chrome 19 40 41 61.7 13.2
OGI Strad  CL+ 19 -- -- 58.8 13.1
AGSECO  AG Icon 19 -- -- 61 13
OGI Gallagher 19 42 39 61.6 12.5
OGI Uncharted 18 46 43 59.8 13.2
KWA KS Ahearn 18 -- -- 56.6 12.4
AgriMAXX AM Cartwright 16 -- -- 58 14.5
OGI OK Corral 15 46 40 57.7 13.3
OGI Green Hammer 15 41 38 58.5 14.8
Westbred WB4401 11 -- -- 49.1 12.5
  OK15DMASBx7 ARS 6-8  21 -- -- 59.3 12.3
  Mean 20 43 43 59.4 12.6
  LSD (0.05) 3 5 4 2.9 0.7

Note: Grain yield and protein concentration were adjusted to 12% moisture content. Shaded values are not statistically different from the highest value within a column. Plots were grazed from 12/10/21 to 03/09/22 at a stocking rate of 160 lbs/ac. We utilized a different statistical analysis for grain yield, test weight, and protein to reduce the impact of the spatial variability possibly caused by greater moisture on the north side of the experiment. Therefore, data from previous years will not be combined with the current year to provide long-term averages. The 2-year yield averages include the 2020 and 2021 harvest years. Double dashes"--"= data not available.

Heading Date and Plant Height

Table 1 of 2

Licensee Variety Atlus Chickasha Hooker Lahoma Stillwater Chickasha Hooker Lahoma Stillwater
AgriMAXX AG Cartwright 4/20 4/22 4/30 4/28 4/22 78 58 78 58
AGSECO AG Goden 4/21 4/25 5/3 4/30 4/25 74 51 76 58
AGSECO AG Icon 4/17 4/25 5/3 4/28 4/22 79 59 86 63
AGSECO AG Radical 4/20 4/25 5/4 4/27 4/25 77 58 79 54
Croplan CP7017AX 4/20 4/22 5/1 4/27 4/22 75 56 81 62
Croplan CP7266AX 4/23 4/25 5/2 4/29 4/23 80 53 85 70
KWA KS Ahearn 4/21 4/25 4/30 4/29 4/23 70 53 75 63
KWA KS Hamilton 4/18 4/22 5/4 4/29 4/22 73 47 81 67
KWA Western Star 4/21 4/26 5/5 4/30 4/23 75 47 89 71
KWA KS Providence 4/19 4/20 5/2 4/28 4/21 78 49 82 70
LCS LCS Atomic AX 4/15 4/18 5/5 4/21 4/19 82 52 80 65
LCS LCS Chrome 4/21 4/25 5/1 4/29 4/25 83 50 89 74
LCS LCS Helix AX 4/16 4/20 4/30 4/25 4/22 82 54 82 59
LCS LCS Julep 4/27 4/27 5/5 4/30 4/26 84 56 87 69
LCS LCS Photon AX 4/16 4/20 4/29 4/24 4/21 84 54 86 65
LCS LCS Runner 4/22 4/25 5/3 4/29 4/22 78 56 80 58
LCS LCS Steel AX 4/21 4/27 5/4 4/30 4/23 83 59 85 66
LCS LCS Valiant 4/20 4/20 5/4 4/24 4/21 81 53 79 65
OGI Baker's Ann -- 4/18 4/30 4/24 4/19 78 49 82 70
OGI Bentley 4/18 -- 5/2 4/24 4/20 -- 57 87 69
OGI Big Country 4/20 4/25 -- 4/28 4/22 78 -- 81 70
OGI Breakthrough -- -- 5/5 -- 4/22 -- 44 -- 63
OGI Butler's Gold 4/15 4/18 -- 4/20 4/18 78 -- 80 65

Table 2 of 2

Licensee Variety Atlus Chickasha Hooker Lahoma Stillwater Chickasha Hooker Lahoma Stillwater
OGI Butler's Gold (late-planted) 4/25 -- -- 4/27 -- -- -- 66 --
OGI Doublestop CL+ 4/21 4/25 -- 4/29 4/24 82 -- 84 72
OGI Duster 4/20 4/25 5/3 4/28 4/22 77 54 76 57
OGI Gallagher 4/19 4/20 5/1 4/28 4/24 81 59 80 70
OGI Green Hammer 4/16 4/20 -- 4/25 4/21 89 -- 89 67
OGI Iba -- -- 5/3 -- 4/24 -- 48 -- 68
OGI Lonerider -- -- 5/4 -- 4/25 -- 57 -- 65
OGI OK Corral 4/22 4/25 5/4 4/28 4/23 75 43 75 64
OGI Showdown 4/17 4/20 5/3 4/25 4/22 80 58 88 78
OGI Skydance 4/18 4/20 -- 4/25 4/21 73 -- 84 70
OGI Smith's Gold 4/20 4/22 4/30 4/29 4/21 72 48 72 63
OGI Strad CL+ 4/17 4/20 5/2 4/24 4/21 83 59 86 73
OGI Uncharted 4/16 4/18 -- 4/25 4/20 79 -- 73 74
PlainsGold Breck 4/26 4/26 5/4 4/27 4/23 80 47 87 65
PlainsGold Canvas 4/20 4/22 5/4 4/28 4/23 78 62 80 63
PlainsGold Crescent AX 4/16 4/18 5/2 4/22 4/19 84 62 84 69
PlainsGold Guardian 4/23 4/25 5/4 4/29 4/25 78 58 86 62
PlainsGold Sunshine 4/19 4/20 5/2 4/25 4/21 79 44 82 60
Syngenta AP EverRock -- 4/26 -- 4/24 4/20 72 -- 70 67
Syngenta AP Roadrunner 4/21 4/25 5/2 4/29 4/23 78 53 78 71
Syngenta AP18 AX 4/16 4/19 5/2 4/25 4/20 70 55 80 68
Syngenta Bob Dole -- 4/20 -- 4/26 4/21 88 -- 90 78
Syngenta AP Prolific -- 4/25 -- 4/24 4/22 72 -- 79 69
Syngenta SY Achieve CL2 -- 4/18 -- 4/24 4/19 71 -- 76 68
Westbred WB4401 4/17 4/19 5/2 4/23 4/21 70 46 75 65
Westbred WB4422 4/21 4/25 5/4 4/26 4/23 79 56 82 70
Westbred WB4523 -- 4/22 4/30 4/23 4/20 67 46 60 53
Westbred WB4699 -- 4/25 -- 4/29 4/23 70 -- 69 54
Westbred WB4792 4/21 4/25 5/1 4/29 4/24 77 53 80 73
  OK15DMASBx7 ARS 6-8 4/19 4/20 -- -- 4/23 78 -- -- 66
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-29 -- 4/22 -- 4/29 4/23 80 -- 84 68
  Mean 4/19 4/22 5/2 4/26 4/22 78 53 81 66

Note: Double-dashes "--"= data not available. 


Seed Size and Seeding Rate  2021-2022 Wheat Variety Trials

Licensee Variety                                                Grain Only
Standard Management
Grain Only
Intensive Management
AgriPro AP Roadrunner 9,080 544,800 1,200,000 1,089,600
OGI DoublestopCL+ 10,641 638,460 1,200,000 1,276,920
OGI Butler'sGold 10,855 651,300 1,200,000 1,302,600
OGI GreenHammer 11,553 693,180 1,200,000 1,386,360
PlainsGold CrescentAX 11,671 700,260 1,200,000 1,400,520
Westbred WB4422 11,856 711,360 1,200,000 1,422,720
AgriMAXX AMCartwright 11,979 718,740 1,200,000 1,437,480
KWA KSAhearn 12,204 732,240 1,200,000 1,464,480
PlainsGold Sunshine 12,337 740,220 1,200,000 1,480,440
OGI BigCountry 12,339 740,340 1,200,000 1,480,680
OGI SpiritRider 12,342 740,520 1,200,000 1,481,040
LCS LCSJulep 12,450 747,000 1,200,000 1,494,000
Westbred WB4523 12,492 749,520 1,200,000 1,499,040
KWA KSProvidence 12,576 754,560 1,200,000 1,509,120
AgriPro APProlific 12,611 756,660 1,200,000 1,513,320
PlainsGold Breck 12,825 769,500 1,200,000 1,539,000
OGI Bentley 12,866 771,960 1,200,000 1,543,920
Croplan CP7266AX 12,900 774,000 1,200,000 1,548,000
OGI StradCL+ 13,059 783,540 1,200,000 1,567,080
LCS LCSAtomic AX 13,100 786,000 1,200,000 1,572,000
PlainsGold Guardian 13,198 791,880 1,200,000 1,583,760
AGSECO AGRadical 13,432 805,920 1,200,000 1,611,840
Westbred WB4401 13,470 808,200 1,200,000 1,616,400
PlainsGold Canvas 13,633 817,980 1,200,000 1,635,960
Croplan CP7017AX 13,926 835,560 1,200,000 1,671,120
LCS LCSRunner 14,000 840,000 1,200,000 1,680,000
OGI Uncharted 14,016 840,960 1,200,000 1,681,920
AgriPro BobDole 14,099 845,940 1,200,000 1,691,880
AgriPro APEverRock 14,143 848,580 1,200,000 1,697,160
OGI Showdown 14,157 849,420 1,200,000 1,698,840
OGI Iba 14,231 853,860 1,200,000 1,707,720
AgriPro AP18AX 14,276 856,560 1,200,000 1,713,120
LCS LCSValiant 14,447 866,820 1,200,000 1,733,640
LCS LCSSteel AX 14,452 867,120 1,200,000 1,734,240
OGI Duster 14,458 867,480 1,200,000 1,734,960
AGSECO AGGolden 14,645 878,700 1,200,000 1,757,400
LCS LCSHelix AX 14,800 888,000 1,200,000 1,776,000
KWA KSHamilton 14,983 898,980 1,200,000 1,797,960
OGI Gallagher 15,273 916,380 1,200,000 1,832,760
AGSECO AGIcon 15,337 920,220 1,200,000 1,840,440
LCS LCSPhoton AX 15,650 939,000 1,200,000 1,878,000
OGI Baker'sAnn 15,695 941,700 1,200,000 1,883,400
AgriPro SYAchieve CL2 15,818 949,080 1,200,000 1,898,160
Westbred WB4792 15,871 952,260 1,200,000 1,904,520
OGI Skydance 16,275 976,500 1,200,000 1,953,000
Westbred WB4699 16,300 978,000 1,200,000 1,956,000
OGI OKCorral 16,529 991,740 1,200,000 1,983,480
LCS LCSChrome 16,600 996,000 1,200,000 1,992,000
KWA KSWestern Star 17,874 1,072,440 1,200,000 2,144,880
OGI Breakthrough 19,609 1,176,540 1,200,000 2,353,080
OGI Smith'sGold 19,691 1,181,460 1,200,000 2,362,920
OGI Lonerider 19,945 1,196,700 1,200,000 2,393,400
  OK16103083 13,799 827,940 1,200,000 1,655,880
  OK15MASBx7 ARS 8-29 15,709 942,540 1,200,000 1,885,080
  Mean 14,146 848,735 1,200,000 1,697,470

Note: The seeding rate column "Grain-only standard management" represents the number of seeds per acre for each variety when planted at 60 pounds per acre.  Thus, seeding rate was estimated by multiplying the amount of seeds per pound by 60 pounds per acre per variety. The reported seeds per pound reflect only the seed source used to plant the 2022 trials and may not approximate the long-term average for a given variety. All variety trial locations were sown at 60 pounds per acre, except for the dual-purpose trials at El Reno and Walters that were sown at 120 pounds per acre and the intensive wheat management trials at Apache, Chickasha,Lahoma, and Morris that were sown at 1.2 million seeds per acre. 

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