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Fact Sheet
Wheat Kernel Damage

Identification for different types of wheat kernel damage.

CropsGrains & OilseedsWheat
Fact Sheet
Starter Fertilizer for Winter Canola in Oklahoma

Starter fertilizer is a small amount of fertilizer nutrients applied in close proximity to the seed and the technique requires its own management procedures.

CanolaCropsFertilizationGrains & OilseedsSoil
Fact Sheet
Cotton Yield Goal – Nitrogen Rate Recommendation

The comparison between historic trends, new data in nitrogen requirements and the effects of nitrogen in cotton yields.

CottonCropsFertilizationSoilSoil Health & Fertility
Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet
Duster Hard Red Winter Wheat

Traits and characteristics for growing duster hard red winter wheat.

CropsGrains & OilseedsWheat
Fact Sheet
Importance of Herbicide Application Timing on Winter Canola

Management practices must be developed to overcome the issue of how to control weeds associated with growing canola.

CanolaCropsGrains & OilseedsHerbicidesInsects, Pests, and DiseasesPesticides
Fact Sheet
On-Farm Biodiesel Production Regulatory Guide

General information and management practices regarding legal issues related to on-farm biodiesel production.

Bioenergy, Biodiesel, & EthanolCrops
Fact Sheet
Choosing Which Cotton Varieties to Grow

How to correctly decide what cotton variety is best for your operation based on fiber quality, storm resistance and cost among other factors.

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