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Fact Sheet
Gray Water Reuse

By Sergio M. Abit Jr. Learn about the reutilization of gray water and its positive impact on households.

Municipalities & Infrastructure WaterWaste Water ManagementWater
Fact Sheet
Inspection of Septic Systems

By Sergio M. Abit and Larry Boyanton. Learn about the basic functions of septic systems and how to improve the septic system evaluation process as a homeowner.

Home Care & SafetyHome SafetyMunicipalities & Infrastructure WaterSeptic Systems & SewageWaste ManagementWaste Water ManagementWater
Fact Sheet
Slaughterhouse Water Use and Wastewater Characteristics

Wastewater characteristics for cattle, sheep and poultry that guide important decisions on water supply, distribution, management and treatment involving slaughterhouses.

Municipalities & Infrastructure WaterPollution, Hazardous Materials, & ContaminationWaste Water ManagementWater
Fact Sheet
Minimizing Stormwater Runoff by Disconnecting Residential Downspouts

How to disconnect a downspout, the regulations with disconnecting a downspout in Oklahoma and the positive impact this can have on the environment.

Municipalities & Infrastructure WaterWaste Water ManagementWater
Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet
Aerobic Treatment System

An explanation of the uses and functions of an Aerobic Treatment System and a list of components requiring regular maintenance.

IrrigationMunicipalities & Infrastructure WaterSoilSoil TestingWaste Water ManagementWaterWater & Environmental IssuesWater Quality