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Fact Sheet
Thistle Identification

The purpose of this publication is to describe the introduced thistles, selected common native thistles and provide information about them.

Insects, Pests, and DiseasesInvasive WeedsRangeland ManagementWeed ControlWeeds & Invasive Plants
Fact Sheet
Johnsongrass in Pastures: Weed or Forage?

An aid for Johngrass identification and maintenance practices that also points out the benefits and drawbacks of weed in pastures.

ForageInvasive WeedsPastures & ForageRangeland Management
Fact Sheet
A Checklist of Prairie, Shrubland, and Forest Understory Plants of Oklahoma Characteristics and Value to Deer, Quail, Turkey, and Cattle

A reference for determining the attributes of common plants in Oklahoma and their value to wildlife and indirectly to the land manager’s interests or needs.

Brush Control (Invasive Woody Plants)ForestryInvasive WeedsRangeland Management
Fact Sheet
Reseeding Marginal Cropland to Perennial Grasses, Forbs, and Legumes

An aid to help managers understand different options related to establishing and managing permanent vegetative cover on marginal cropland.

Forage LegumesInvasive WeedsOld World BluestemPasturesPastures & ForageRangeland Management
Fact Sheet
Suggested Maintenance Practices for Roadside Weed and Brush Problems

A summary of herbicides, amounts of product per acre, water carrier rates, timing of application and other information regarding roadside brush management.

Insects, Pests, and DiseasesInvasive WeedsRangeland ManagementWeed ControlWeeds & Invasive Plants
Fact Sheet
Ecology and Management of Sericea Lespedeza

The history, competitive effects, control options and benefits of the patch burning system of Sericea Lespedeza.

Invasive WeedsRangeland ManagementSericea lespedeza
Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet
Ecology and Management of Western Ragweed on Rangeland

The common management and control practices of western ragweed in Oklahoma.

Invasive WeedsRangeland Management