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Fact Sheet
Quality Deer Management in Oklahoma

General recommendations and options for land managers to meet their specific deer management goals.

Carrying CapacityDeerGrazing ManagementHabitat ManagementHuntingRangeland ManagementWildlife
Fact Sheet
Using Google EarthTM for Mapping and Assessing Grazeable Land

The steps to use specific tools available in Google Earth Pro to estimate grazeable land of specific pastures without any field measurements.

ForageGrazing ManagementPastures & ForageRangeland Management
Fact Sheet
Management Strategies for Rangeland and Introduced Pastures

An explanation of the differences between rangelands and introduced-forage pastures and the necessary management strategies required for each.

Carrying CapacityGrazing ManagementRangeland Management
Fact Sheet
Stocking Rate Determination on Native Rangeland

An explanation on how stocking rates effect livestock production, how stocking rates correlate to harvest efficiency and calculations behind stocking rates.

Animal Unit Month (AUM)Beef CattleGrazing ManagementLivestockRangeland ManagementStocker CattleStocking Rate
Fact Sheet
The Use of Early Weaning in Practical Cattle Management

Learn about the use of early weaning practices as a solution for emergency forage and economic problems in beef cattle management.

Beef CattleCow-CalfDairy CattleDroughtGrazing ManagementLivestockRangeland ManagementWeather & Disaster Preparedness
Fact Sheet
Electric Fencing for Sheep

A summary for construction, measurements and maintenance of an electric fence for sheep.

Equipment & Structures for Farms & RanchesGrazing ManagementLivestockRangeland ManagementSheep
Fact Sheet
Stocking Rate: The Key to Successful Livestock Production

No other single management practice affects profitability of livestock more than stocking rate, learn how to determine the proper stocking rate for your land.

Animal Unit Month (AUM)Beef CattleCarrying CapacityGrazing ManagementLivestockRangeland ManagementStocker Cattle