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Fact Sheet
Some Properties of Scrim Lumber Manufactured from Eastern Redcedar

Scrim lumber processes and properties for manufacturing long small diameter logs into disintegrated long fiber bundles.

Brush Control (Invasive Woody Plants)Eastern Red CedarFood ProductsForestryProcessing WoodRangeland Management
Fact Sheet
The Invasive Callery Pear

Learn about the problems associated with the growth of callery pear trees and the different control methods for the various stages.

Brush Control (Invasive Woody Plants)CropsInsects, Pests, and DiseasesOrnamentalsRangeland ManagementWeeds & Invasive Plants
Fact Sheet
Eastern Redcedar Encroachment and Water: Update of 2010 Research

The background of Eastern Redcedar in relation to water usage, effects of soil nutrient contents and the implication it has on the environment.

Brush Control (Invasive Woody Plants)Eastern Red CedarRangeland Management
Fact Sheet
Water Use by Eastern Redcedar

Water usage characteristics for Eastern Redcedar trees and the concern on limited water supply for humans and natural resources.

Brush Control (Invasive Woody Plants)Eastern Red CedarRangeland ManagementWater
Fact Sheet
A Checklist of Prairie, Shrubland, and Forest Understory Plants of Oklahoma Characteristics and Value to Deer, Quail, Turkey, and Cattle

A reference for determining the attributes of common plants in Oklahoma and their value to wildlife and indirectly to the land manager’s interests or needs.

Brush Control (Invasive Woody Plants)ForestryInvasive WeedsRangeland Management