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Who We Are

Oklahoma Home and Community Education, Inc. (OHCE) is a statewide, county-based organization that has a unique partnership with Oklahoma State University and OSU Extension. Local members seek to develop leadership skills and strengthen families in their respective communities. Working together, OHCE members and county Extension Educators identify issues facing their local communities and use research-based information from specialists at OSU to help solve those problems. 

Since its formation in 1935, when local groups were called Home Demonstration clubs, OHCE has worked to make families more resilient, with a greater ability to adapt to change. Early lessons dealt with food preservation, safe and healthy meal preparation, family relations, family finances, and children’s education—all of which remain incredibly relevant for 2021 and beyond.  


OHCE is 3,200 members strong, and groups are active in all of Oklahoma’s 77 counties. While local groups seek to address local issues, the statewide organization has demonstrated the remarkable ability to mobilize in response to widespread need. When the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 created a massive demand for facemasks, OHCE members from across the state united in a grassroots response to the shortage by sewing and donating over 75,000 facemasks.  


OHCE groups promote good nutrition, exercise, emotional well-being, anti-bullying, military support, financial well-being, literacy, and leadership development. If these are ways you would like to impact your own community, you are invited to join a local OHCE group. Contact your County Extension Office to find out how.


The Cooperative Extension Service is based at Oklahoma State University with offices and Extension Educators serving each county. OHCE is a statewide and county based organization. County Extension Educators, Family and Consumer Sciences serve as advisors to county OHCE organizations. District and State Cooperative Extension Specialists and supervisors work with County Extension Educators and the OHCE program. Working in a cooperative effort, OHCE members and Extension Educators identify local issues facing families. these issues become the basis for OHCE educational programming and efforts are made to help families solve these problems.


Member Organizations

OHCE is a member of both Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) and Country Women of the World (CWC). Since OHCE is a member of these organizations, each individual member is a member as well. View the links below to learn more about the organizations.


Local Events