Maturity Classification of Wheat Varieties
Maturity classification is an important consideration when choosing a wheat variety. Abiotic stress factors such as freeze, drought or heat do not generally affect maturity classes equally within a given year. Growers can reduce overall risk from abiotic stress by splitting acres among early, medium-, and late-maturing varieties. Planting an early maturing variety generally reduces risk associated with heat during grain fill, but increases risk associated with spring freeze injury. The opposite is true for late maturing wheat varieties, which increase risk associated with heat during grain fill, but reduce risk associated with spring freeze injury. Ultimately, a diversified portfolio of wheat varieties of different maturity classes will reduce the risk associated with a single adverse weather event.
See Table 1 (back) for maturity listings of wheat varieties based on their heading date. Maturity differences at heading may not be equated to differences in final maturity in all cases. For example, Gallagher is early to heading but does not necessarily reach its final maturity early.
Table 1.
Licensee | Entry | Maturity |
KWA | 1863 | M |
OSU | 2174 | L |
PlainsGold | Above | VE |
AGSECO | AG Icon | M |
AGSECO | AG Robust | VE |
Syngenta | AP502CL | VE |
Syngenta | AP503CL2 | L |
WestBred | Armour | E |
PlainsGold | Avery | M |
OGI | Bentley | E |
OGI | Billings | VE |
PlainsGold | Bill Brown | M |
Syngenta | Bob Dole | M |
PlainsGold | Brawl CL Plus | E |
PlainsGold | Byrd | M |
OGI | Centerfield | M |
OSU | Chisholm | E |
Syngenta | CJ | E |
OSU | Custer | E |
Syngenta | Cutter | L |
KWA | Danby | L |
OSU | Deliver | M |
Syngenta | Doans | E |
OGI | Doublestop CL Plus | L |
OGI | Duster | M |
OSU | Endurance | M |
KWA | Everest | VE |
Syngenta | Fannin | VE |
KWA | Fuller | E |
OGI | Gallagher | E |
OGI | Garrison | M |
Syngenta | Greer | M |
OGI | Guymon | VL |
PlainsGold | Hatcher | M |
AGSECO | Hot Rod | E |
OGI | Iba | M |
OGI | Intrada | E |
Syngenta | Jackpot | E |
Syngenta | Jagalene | M |
KWA | Jagger | VE |
KWA | Joe | L |
KWA | KanMark | M |
KWA | Karl 92 | E |
KWA | Larry | M |
PlainsGold | Langin | E |
LCS | LCS Chrome | L |
LCS | LCS Mint* | L |
LCS | LCS Pistol | E |
LCS | LCS Wizard | M |
TAMU | Lockett | VL |
OGI | Lonerider | VE |
Dyna-Gro | Long Branch | VL |
UN-L | Mace | VL |
OGI | NF 101 | VE |
KWA | Oakley CL | L |
OGI | OK Bullet | M |
OGI | OK Rising | E |
KWA | Overley | VE |
OGI | Pete | VE |
Syngenta | Postrock | M |
PlainsGold | Ripper | E |
OGI | Ruby Lee | E |
WestBred | Santa Fe | E |
OGI | Smith’s Gold | E |
OGI | Spirit Rider | L |
OGI | Stardust | E |
Syngenta | SY Achieve CL2 | VE |
Syngenta | SY Benefit | E |
Syngenta | SY Drifter | L |
Syngenta | SY Flint | VE |
Syngenta | SY Grit | E |
Syngenta | SY Llano | VE |
Syngenta | SY Monument | L |
Syngenta | SY Razor | E |
Syngenta | SY Rugged | E |
Syngenta | SY Southwind | M |
Syngenta | SY Wolf | M |
LCS | T153 | VE |
LCS | T154 | VE |
LCS | T158 | E |
LCS | T163 | M |
TAMU | TAM 110 | VE |
TAMU | TAM 111 | M |
Watley | TAM 112 | E |
AGSECO | TAM 113 | M |
AGSECO | TAM 114 | M |
Watley | TAM 204 | M |
Watley | TAM 304 | E |
TAMU | TAM 401 | E |
KWA | Tatanka | M |
OSU | Triumph 64 | M |
WestBred | WB4269 | VE |
WestBred | WB4303 | VE |
WestBred | WB4458 | E |
WestBred | WB4515 | M |
WestBred | WB4721 | L |
WestBred | WB-Cedar | VE |
WestBred | WB-Grainfield | L |
WestBred | WB-Redhawk | E |
WestBred | Winterhawk | M |
KWA | Zenda | E |
VE = Very Early, E = Early, M = Medium, L = Late, VL = Latest
* Photoperiod sensitive
Beatrix Haggard
Plant Science Youth Development
Brett Carver
Wheat Breeder
David Marburger
Small Grains Extension Specialist