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2017-2018 Small Grains Variety Performance Tests

At the time of writing this report, 2018 Oklahoma wheat production is estimated to be 52.0 million bushels, which is 47 percent less than the 2017 production (Table 1) and 62 percent less than the 2016 production. The lower total grain production is the result of less wheat acres harvested across the state, primarily from abandonment due to drought or baled for hay, and the below-average yield. The 4.3 million planted acres was only down 4 percent compared to the previous year, but that was still 18 percent lower than the previous 10-year average. Number of harvested acres is estimated at 2.0 million, which is 31 percent less than in 2017 (Table 1), and the lowest number in the state since 1913. The statewide average yield is projected at 26 bushels per acre. This is 8 bushels per acre (24 percent) less than the 2017 state average and 3.6 bushels per acre (12 percent) less than the previous ten-year average.


View the 2017-2018 Small Grains Variety Performance Tests

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