Ottawa County 4-H
What is 4-H?
Oklahoma 4-H is dedicated to helping Oklahoma youth, families and communities reach their full potential. By providing hands-on programming and events in a large variety of projects, 4-H is not only helping youth learn the life skills they need to be the leaders of tomorrow, but it is also teaching its members they can lead today and can make tangible, significant changes in their clubs, their communities, their state and their world.
Whether you enjoy working with animals, building robots, taking photographs, singing or even collecting bugs, Oklahoma 4-H has a place for you and – if you put forth the effort – will give you a firm foundation to succeed in life, no matter what career path you choose!
Please read the Ottawa County Handbook for more information about what Ottawa County 4-H has to offer. This book explains many of projects and events done through our program.
Enroll in Ottawa County 4-H at
4-H Clubs in Ottawa County
- Afton 4-H Club
We are happy to announce that the Afton 4-H club has new leaders! Sarah Bowen and Alisha Gaines.
Afton Elementary Science Room, 2nd Thursday of each month, After school - 4:30 PM.
- September 12th
- October 10th
- November 14th
- December 12th
- January 9th
- February 13th
- March 13th
- April 10th
- May 8th
These meetings are open to 4-Her's, Cloverbuds, and youth interested in 4-H.
For more information contact the OSU Extension Office - (918) 542-1688
- Commerce/Quapaw 4-H Club
We are happy to announce that the Quapaw 4-H club has new leaders! Dakota Riley and Brandi Harris.
Rescheduling 4-H meeting dates. Please contact Dakota, Brandi, or the Quapaw 4-H page with preferred dates!
Quapaw 1st Baptist Church Annex, 4:00 - 6:00 PM.
These meetings are open to 4-Her's, Cloverbuds, and youth interested in 4-H.
For more information contact the OSU Extension Office - (918) 542-1688
- Fairland 4-H Club
Our Fairland 4-H Leaders are Kathy Brock, Mindy Wise and Heather Knepp. Fairland First Christian Church, 2nd Tuesday of each month, After school - 5:00 PM.
- September 10th
- October 8th
- November 12th
- December 10th
- January 14th
- February 11th
- March 11th
- April 8th
- May 13th
These meetings are open to 4-Her's, Cloverbuds, and youth interested in 4-H.
For more information contact the OSU Extension Office - (918) 542-1688
- Miami 4-H Club
Our Miami 4-H Leader is Jamie Foster. OSU Extension Office, 3rd Tuesday of each month, 5:00 - 6:00 PM.
- September 17th
- October 15th
- November 19th
- December 17th
- January 21st
- February 18th
- March 18th
- April 15th
- May 20th
These meetings are open to 4-Her's, Cloverbuds, and youth interested in 4-H.
For more information contact the OSU Extension Office - (918) 542-1688
- Wyandotte 4-H Club
Our Wyandotte 4-H Leader is Kathy Brock. Wyandotte Schools Commons, 2nd Wednesday of each month, After school - 5:00 PM.
- September 11th
- October 9th
- November 13th
- December 11th
- January 8th
- February 12th
- March 12th
- April 9th
- May 14th
These meetings are open to 4-Her's, Cloverbuds, and youth interested in 4-H.
For more information contact the OSU Extension Office - (918) 542-1688
- Teen Leaders
Our Teen 4-H Leaders' supervisor is Jamie Foster. OSU Extension Office, 3rd Tuesday of each month, 6:00 - 7:00 PM.
- September 17th
- October 15th
- November 19th
- December 17th
- January 21st
- February 18th
- March 18th
- April 15th
- May 20th
These meetings are open to 4-Her's, Cloverbuds, and youth interested in 4-H.
For more information contact the OSU Extension Office - (918) 542-1688
- Ottawa County Shooting Sports Club
OCSS is for youth ages 9-19 that live or go to school in Ottawa County. The youth must be enrolled in 4-H to participate.
Ottawa County Shooting Sports
- OCSS is a shooting program for active Ottawa County 4-H members. Each discipline strives to teach participants safety and responsibility. Creating safe trust-worthy kids is our number one goal. Students go on to teach their peers the importance of safety and correct use.
- Archery, Air Rifle/Pistol, .22 Rifle/Pistol, Muzzleloader, Shotgun, Western Heritage, & Hunting & Wildlife.
- Contact Ottawa County OSU Extension (918) 542-1688 for more information
- Facebook: Ottawa County 4 H Shooting Sports Oklahoma
Certified Coaches
- TJ Brewster-Archery
- Mindy Wise-Archery
- Jake Wise-Archery
- Dale Smith-Shotgun
- Mike Williams-Shotgun
- Spirit Cox-Air & .22 Rifle/Pistol
Certified Shooting Sports Coaches are required to attend a 2-day training in the discipline they would like to be involved with. We need more adult volunteers! If interested, please contact the office!
* There is a training coming up in March 2025
*You MUST be a CERTIFIED 4-H volunteer to become a coach.
Practice Schedule
- Shotgun- must be at least 10 years old
- Archery- must be at least 9 years old
- Air Rifle- must be at least 9 years old
All participants must have a 4-H Enrollment form, Medical Forms, and a parent/guardian present. Members MUST also have hunter safety cards before a competitive event.
- Ottawa County Horse Club
Want to join the OCHC? Enroll in 4-H online! Follow the next links.
- 4-H Enrollment
- Facebook: OCHC Ottawa County 4H Horse Club
- 2024 Fall Series has ended. Banquet info will be available soon.
- For any OCHC questions, contact Spirit Cox.
- OCHC Flyer
Rachel Wright Memorial Horse Show
- Scheduling 2025 show for March, watch Facebook for more information.
- We had around 80 participants in our 2024 show!
- 2024 Scholarship Winner: Montana Elmer
- Ottawa County Dog Club
Classes start the first Tuesday after Miami school is out in May. They will be held every Tuesday evening at 6:30 at the Miami Fairgrounds up until the fair. To be eligible to compete at the dog show during the fair, you and your dog must participate in 3 classes, and all dogs must have current shots.
Dog Club leader is Deanna Steinbach.
For more information contact the OSU Extension Office at (918) 542-1688
- Ottawa County Animal Science Club
Want to compete in livestock judging, quizbowl, or skill-a-thons? Or just learn more about different livestock species?
Join the Animal Science Club to test your knowledge of and learn about cattle, swine, sheep, goats, horses, poultry, and fish. Everything from breeds to diseases and their causes. This is a great gateway into FFA CDE contests, college, and post-school livestock careers!
Practices are usually Fridays from 4-5 pm. Call the office or watch the Facebook page for the specific dates.
For more information about the club contact Reba Palmer.
What is FRTEP?
Federally Recognized Tribal Extension Program: The purpose of this program is to establish an Extension presence and support Extension outreach on Federally Recognized Indian Reservations and Tribal jurisdictions of Federally-Recognized Tribes. This program seeks to continue the Land Grants mission of inclusion - providing education and research-based knowledge to those who might not otherwise receive it.
What can FRTEP do for you?
School Enrichment:
4-H Newsletters
- January 2024
- February 2024
- March 2024
- April 2024
- May 2024
- June 2024
- July 2024
- August 2024
- September 2024
- November 2024
- December 2024
Sign up to receive Ottawa County 4-H Newsletters
4-H Links & Forms
Access to forms, registrations, scholarship information, Record books.
- Ottawa County 4-H Record Book link- All forms needed for an Ottawa County Record Book can be found here. Ottawa County record books will be due in July 2025.
- Ottawa County Fair Special 4-H Participation Award - Keep track of all Fair exhibits. Due by NOON Thursday during the Fair! Keep this sheet to turn in with your record book.
- 4-H Judging Certification Form - To be filled out before any judging contest
4-H Volunteers
If you are interested in volunteering with any Ottawa County 4-H club or activity please reach out to us! Volunteers sign-up through ZSuite, like 4-H'ers. Volunteers are asked to complete a background check as well as three trainings. Two of the trainings are available on the ZSuites website under the "Clover Academy" tab. The "New Volunteer Training" is a one time training that is done in person whenever is convenient for you!
Types of 4-H Volunteers
- Teen Volunteers - Teens who have the potential of working with youth unsupervised as a project leader, teen leader, camp counselor, district/state officers, etc.
- 4-H/Cloverbud Club Leader - Club leaders coordinate their local club meetings and meet with the Extension 4-H Educators to plan county 4-H events. Club leaders are asked to attend and help with county events like the awards banquet and contests.
- Project Leader - Project leaders coordinate their project club, like horse club or shooting sports, and help with project related events. Project leaders are also encouraged to help with county events.
- General Volunteer/Activity Leader - General leaders help with activities at contests, meetings, and workshops. They help the leaders and extension staff make sure everything goes smoothly and all kids are accounted for.
- Chaperone Day/Overnight - Chaperone duties fall in line with general volunteer duties. Chaperones must fill out a non-certified volunteer form before being left alone with youth.
All Parents and Volunteers are welcome to attend the 4-H Leader's Meetings. They are held at the OSU Extension office on the second Monday of each month at 5:15 PM.
ON-Trac - For 4-H Leaders to plan local club meetings.