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Fact Sheet
Regenerative Agriculture: An Introduction and Overview

By David Lalman, Amanda De Oliveira Silva, Brian Arnall, Dana Zook, Jason Warren, Julia Laughlin, Kevin Wagner, Laura Goodman, Paul Beck and Lyndall Stout. Learn the definitions for the regenerative agriculture concept, describe foundational practices specific to Oklahoma agriculture, and discuss published and ongoing research related to these practices.

Backyard PoultryBeef CattleCropsForest Ecology, Management & CareForestryGrazing ManagementLivestockPoultryRangeland ManagementRegenerationSoilSoil Health & Fertility
Fact Sheet
Rules for Small, On-Farm Poultry Slaughter Operations in Oklahoma

By Joel Jackson, Rodney B. Holcomb, Grace Potts, Courtney Bir, and JJ Jones. Learn the rules for small, on farm poultry slaughter operations and better understand Oklahoma's small processor exemption regulations

Fact Sheet
A Guide to Marketing Locally Produced Eggs in Oklahoma

Producers will gain understanding into the regulations for egg production and egg-product marketing in Oklahoma.

Food ProductsLivestockPackaging & LabelingPoultryRegulations, Customer Requirements & Compliance
Fact Sheet
Mobile Slaughter Units: Regulatory Overview for Oklahoma (Non-Poultry)

Oklahoma law permits the on-farm slaughter of cattle using mobile slaughter However, expenses frequently make running a mobile unit operation unprofitable.

Dairy CattleLivestockPoultry
Fact Sheet
Regulatory Landscape for the Direct Marketing of Meat and Poultry in Oklahoma

By Scott Yates, Nathan Dethloff, Courtney Bir, Rodney Holcomb, JJ Jones. Learn about the regulatory landscape for the direct marketing of meat and poultry in Oklahoma.

Beef CattleFood ProcessingFood ProductsLivestockPackaging & LabelingPigs, Hogs, SwinePoultryRegulations, Customer Requirements & Compliance
Fact Sheet
Simple Budgeting and Pricing Calculations for Backyard Hens

Learn how you can use an enterprise budget to calculate potential profits, a break-even price or to simply keep track of expenses.

Backyard PoultryBudgets & RecordkeepingBusiness Planning & ManagementFarm & Ranch FinancesLivestockPoultry
Fact Sheet
Protecting Small Poultry Flocks from Predators

How to protect small poultry with proper housing and determining predictors.

Backyard PoultryLivestockPoultry